Header Files

The following header files are provided as part of the OLE DB version 1.5 and ADO version 1.5 SDK components. These files may be downloaded from http://www.microsoft.com/data/oledb/download.htm. Some of these header files needed to build the OLE DB sample application are included with the Microsoft® OLE DB Provider for AS/400 and VSAM in the SDK\SAMPLES\OLEDB\INCLUDE subdirectory on the SNA Server 4.0 CD-ROM.

The following files are necessary for developing OLE DB applications using ADO and OLE DB using the OLE DB Provider for AS/400 and VSAM.

File name Description
ADOID.H Internal ADO header
ADOINT.H Internal header for calling OLE from C++
ADOJAVAS.INC Include file for use with JavaScript
ADOVBS.INC Include file for use with VBScript
MSDADC.H OLE DB Data Conversion header file
MSDAGUID.H OLE DB Enumerator and Error object GUIDs
MSDASQL.H ODBC Provider header file
OLEDB.H Primary OLE DB header file
OLEDBERR.H OLE DB error header file
OLEDBJVS.INC Enables JavaScript processing of OLE DB error codes
OLEDBVBS.INC Enables VBScript processing of OLE DB error codes
TRANSACT.H Transactions header file