Supports Method

The Supports method on a Recordset object determines whether a specified Recordset object supports a particular type of feature.

boolean = recordset.Supports ( CursorOptions )


This parameter specifies a Long expression that consists of one or more of the CursorOptionEnum values indicating which feature is being queried The CursorOptionEnum value can be one of the following constants:
Enumeration Value Description
adHoldRecords 0x100 This value indicates whether you can retrieve more records or change the next retrieve position without committing all pending changes.
adMovePrevious 0x200 This value indicates the MoveFirst and MovePrevious methods, and Move or GetRows methods can be used to move the current record position backward without requiring bookmarks.
adBookMark 0x2000 This value indicates whether the Bookmark property can be used to access specific records.
adApproxPosition 0x4000 This value indicates whether the AbsolutePosition and AbsolutePage properties can read and set.
adUpdateBatch 0x10000 This value indicates whether batch updating can be used on the recordset (the UpdateBatch and CancelBatch methods) to transmit changes to the provider in groups.
adResync 0x20000 This value indicates whether the recordset cursor can be updated with the data visible in the underlying database using the Resync method.
adAddNew 0x1000400 This value indicates whether the AddNew method can be used to add new records.
adDelete 0x1000800 This value indicates whether the Delete method can be used to delete records.
adUpdate 0x1008000 This value indicates whether the Update method can be used to modify existing data.

Return Values

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether all of the features identified by the CursorOptions argument are supported by the provider.


The Supports method is used to determine what types of features (methods and properties) a Recordset object supports. If the Recordset object supports the features whose corresponding constants are in CursorOptions, the Supports method returns True. Otherwise, it returns False.

Although the Supports method may return True for a given feature, it does not guarantee that the OLE DB Provider can make the feature available under all circumstances. The Supports method simply returns whether or not the provider can support the specified function assuming certain conditions are met. For example, the Supports method may indicate that a Recordset object supports updates even though the cursor is based on a multitable join, some columns of which are not updatable.