Shutting Down SQL Server

There are several ways to stop SQL Server and SQL Executive. One easy method is to use SQL Service Manager.

Before you shut down SQL Server, it's a good idea to first pause the SQL Server service and then broadcast a message that SQL Server will be stopped. Pausing prevents additional user connections from being established. Give users enough time to exit their current tasks, and then shut down SQL Server. For information about broadcasting a shutdown message, see Microsoft SQL Server Setup.

You should shut down SQL Executive before shutting down SQL Server.

    To shut down SQL Server or SQL Executive using SQL Service Manager
  1. From the Microsoft SQL Server 6.0 program group, start SQL Service Manager.
  2. To stop services on a remote SQL Server, in the Server box, select or enter the name of the remote server and then choose the Connect button.
  3. From the Service box, select MSSQLServer or SQLExecutive.
  4. If you are stopping SQL Server, double-click the yellow Pause light to pause the service, and then send a message informing connected users that the server will soon be shutting down. After an appropriate interval, proceed to step 5.

    If you are stopping SQL Executive, skip this step and proceed to step 5.

  5. Double-click the red Stop light.

    The service stops.

For information about other ways to start, pause, continue, and stop SQL Server and SQL Executive, see Microsoft SQL Server Setup.