NetWare Clients

The Microsoft IPX/SPX Net-Libraries for SQL Server normally query the NetWare Bindery to translate a server name into the network address of a SQL Server. However, it is possible to make direct connections to SQL Server over IPX/SPX without accessing the NetWare Bindery. For Windows NT- and Windows-based clients, you make direct connections by using the SQL Client Configuration Utility to set the network address of the SQL Server. For MS-DOS - based clients, you make direct connections by using the network address instead of the server name when starting the client.

Note The instructions that follow require you to know the network number (the segment/net that the server is on) and the NIC number of the server you want to connect to. To determine the network number, see your network administrator. The default network number is 0 (which indicates the local network). You can determine the NIC number under Windows NT by typing net config server from an operating-system prompt. (The NIC number appears after Streams\NwlnkNb.) The default port is 33854 unless a specific value is specified in the ListenOn entry of the Windows NT Registry.

For additional information about configuring NetWare clients, choose one of the following topics.

Windows- and Windows NT-based Clients

Windows for Workgroups-based Clients on NetWare Networks

MS-DOS - based Clients