Accessing the Device Management Windows

In most cases, database devices are administered by using the Manage Database Devices, New Database Device, and Edit Database Devices windows of SQL Enterprise Manager. These windows can be accessed in several ways.

    To access the Manage Database Devices window
  1. From the Microsoft SQL Server 6.0 program group, double-click the SQL Enterprise Manager icon.
  2. From the Server Manager window, select a server.
  3. Open the Manage Database Devices window by using one of these techniques:

    After you perform one of those techniques, the Manage Database Devices window appears.

    To access the New Database Device window
  1. From the Server Manager window, select a server.
  2. Open the New Database Device window using one of these techniques:

    After you perform one of those techniques, the New Database Device window appears.

Note You can also open the New Database Device window while creating or modifying a database. This allows you to create a new device at the time you create the database or transaction log the new device will support. For more information, see Chapter 6, Managing Databases.

    To access the Edit Database Devices window
  1. From the Server Manager window, select a server.
  2. Open the Edit Database Devices window by using one of these techniques:

    After you perform one of those techniques, the Edit Database Devices window appears.

For simplicity, each procedure in this chapter will reference only one of these techniques. However, you can substitute the other techniques for opening each window.