SQL Enterprise Manager provides several ways to view information about database devices. You can view a list of the database devices on a server, view a graphical representation of the database devices on a server, and view information about an individual database device.
The database devices for the server are listed.
The Manage Database Devices window appears.
The Manage Database Devices window lists the logical names of all of the database devices for that server. A graph shows the size of each device, and the space used on each device. Dump devices and mirror devices are not shown.
The Edit Database Devices window for that device appears.
The Edit Database Devices window displays the logical name (the Name), the physical name (the Location), the size in MB, and whether or not this is a default device. It also provides a graphical representation of space used.
You can also query the sysdevices system table or run the sp_helpdevice system procedure to view more information about database devices. For more information, see the Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL Reference.