Client-Requested Trusted Connections

Regardless of the server's login security mode, ODBC and DB-Library client applications can be configured to always request a trusted (integrated security) connection from the server. This feature allows SQL Executive to connect to remote servers as long as SQL Executive is running under a properly configured Windows NT user account, one that has been granted SA access to the SQL Server.

This feature forces a trusted connection, but the appropriate user privilege levels must exist if the login is to succeed. If desired, logging on over client-requested trusted connections can be prevented by performing these steps:

  1. Use the Windows NT User Manager utility to create a local Windows NT user group (for example, SQLAdmins) that contains no users.
  2. Use SQL Security Manager to grant System Administrator privilege to this empty group.
  3. Use SQL Security Manager to revoke System Administrator privilege from the local Administrators group.

For more information about integrated security, see Chapter 9, Managing Security.

For more information, see Microsoft SQL Server Programming DB-Library for C, Microsoft SQL Server Programming DB-Library for Visual Basic, and SQL Server ODBC Driver online Help.