Removing a User from a Database

Dropping a user removes that user from the database. You cannot drop a user who owns objects. Since there is no command to transfer ownership of objects, you must drop the objects before you can drop the username. To deny access to a user who owns objects, you can change his or her SQL Server password.

    To remove a user from a database
  1. From the Server Manager window, select a server, and then open the Databases folder for that server.

    The databases of that server are listed.

  2. Select a database, and open the Groups/Users folder for that database.

    The groups and users of that database are listed.

  3. Select a username, and then press the Delete key.

    Or use the right mouse button to click on the username, and then from the drop-down menu that appears, choose Delete.

    The username is removed from list, and the user can no longer access the database.