Granting or Revoking Statement Permissions

You administer statement permissions by clearing or selecting check boxes.

This checkbox indicator
Empty No change from the inherited permission.
Blue check The permission is granted.
Red check The permission is revoked (cancels an inherited grant).
Green check A pending grant. (The permission is granted when the OK button is chosen.)
Red circle and slash A pending revoke. (The permission is revoked when the OK button is chosen.)

    To grant or revoke statement permissions for a user or a group
  1. Open the Edit Database dialog box for the database that will have its statement permissions administered.

    One way to do this is to select the server name from the Server Manager window, open its Databases folder, and double-click on the database.

    The Edit Database dialog box appears.

  2. Choose the Permissions tab.

    The Permissions window appears. Existing permissions are indicated by blue checks.

  3. To assign a permission, select that box.

    When a permission is newly selected, a green check appears in the check box.

    Note If you grant a permission to a group, you do not need to also grant it to a user who is a member of the group.

  4. To remove a permission, click on that check box.

    When a permission is selected for revocation, a red circle and slash appear on top of its check box.

  5. Choose OK.

    The permissions are not actually granted or revoked until you choose the OK button.

For a description of each statement permission, see Summary of Statement Permissions.