Managing Object Permissions

Object permissions regulate the use of certain statements on certain database objects. They are granted and revoked by the owner of the object. Object permissions apply to the following statements and objects.

Statement Object
SELECT Table, view, columns
UPDATE Table, view, columns
INSERT Table, view
DELETE Table, view
EXECUTE Stored procedure

With SQL Server 6.0, REFERENCE permission provides for ANSI compatibility of referential constraints. It allows references to a given table without having SELECT permissions on that table. This permission is checked at the time the reference is created, as well as at run time. When the reference is checked, the user creating the table must have either SELECT or REFERENCE permission on any referenced tables. (Creating a reference to a table implies that the referenced table has permissions to verify any references back to the table in the CREATE statement.) In the SQL Enterprise Manager interface, REFERENCE permission is labeled "DRI."

SQL Enterprise Manager allows you to administer object permissions by user (the object permissions granted to a user or group) or by object (the users or groups who have permissions for that object). Only a system administrator (SA) or a database owner (DBO) can administer object permissions.

For more information, see Granting and Revoking Object Permissions