Viewing Volume and Header Information

Using SQL Enterprise Manager or the LOAD HEADERONLY statement, you can retrieve all the volume-specific and dump header - specific information for all dumps on a specific disk or tape dump device.

For each dump on a given disk or tape dump device, the header information is sent by the server as a row in a table with the following columns:

Option Datatype Possible information
Dump Type smallint Database(1) or Transaction(2)
Database varchar(30) Database name
Striped smallint Striped dump(1), non-striped dump(0)
Compressed smallint Compressed(1), uncompressed(0)
Sequence varchar(6) Position of the dump in the volume
Volume varchar(6) Volume ID
Device Type smallint Disk(2), Floppy(3), Tape(5) or Pipe(6)
Table varchar(30) Reserved for future use
Dump Size varchar(15) Size of dump, in pages
Stripe Set varchar(2) Number of devices in the stripeset
Stripe Set Name varchar(30) Stripeset ID, for future use
Current Sequence char(13) Current/old sequence number
New Sequence char(13) New sequence number
Creation Date char(15) Creation date (Shortmonth DD, YY)
Creation Time char(15) Creation time (HH:MM)
Expire Date char(15) Expiration date for the volume (Shortmonth DD, YY)

Note For any dump, only the appropriate columns will contain a value. All other columns will be NULL.

In SQL Enterprise Manager, volume and header information can be displayed by using the Info button in the Database Backup/Restore dialog box. For information on accessing volume and header information, see Backing Up a Database or Transaction Log, earlier in this chapter.