About Dumps

A backup is also referred to as a dump. Backing up a database creates a copy of its tables, data, and user-defined objects. In case of media failure, you can recover your databases if you have been making regular backups of your databases and their transaction logs.

The basic operations used to back up a database were presented in Basic Backup and Restore Operations, earlier in this chapter. The following topics provided additional information about backing up.

For more information choose one of the following topics:

DUMP Statement Summary

About Database Dumps

About Transaction Log Dumps

When to Back Up

Interactions Between Database and Transaction Log Dumps

Causes of the Transaction Log Filling Up

Backing Up the master Database

Backing Up the msdb Database

Backing Up the distribution Database

About Disk Dump Devices

About Tape Dump Devices

About Diskette Dump Devices

Backing Up to a Novell File Server