Stopping Replication from a Publisher

There are a several ways you can stop replication while administering a publication server. While managing a server's publications, you can remove a publication, which cancels replication of that collection of tables, or remove an article from a publication, which cancels replication of that table. Or, while managing publications on the publication server, you can "un-subscribe" one or more subscription servers from a particular article.

You cannot remove a publication or article that has an existing subscription. Before removing a publication or an article, you must drop all subscriptions.

    To remove a publication or an article
  1. From the Server Manager window, select a publication server, and then from the toolbar, choose the Manage Publications button.

    The Manage Publications dialog box appears.

  2. Open the publication tree for a database (choose the "" box).

    A list of that database's publications appears.

  3. Select a publication (click the publication name, not its "" box), and then choose Remove.

    Or click the publication's "" box, select an article from the list that appears, and then choose Remove.

    A confirmation dialog box appears.

  4. Choose Yes.

    The selected publication or article is removed. To republish this data, you would need to re-create the publication or article and resubscribe its subscribers.

While managing publications on the publication server, you can "un-subscribe" one or more subscription servers from a particular article.

    To un-subscribe subscribers while administering a publication server
  1. From the Server Manager window, select a publication server, and then from the toolbar, choose the Manage Publications button.

    The Manage Publications dialog box appears.

  2. Open the publication tree for a database, select a publication, and then choose the Change button.

    The Edit Publications dialog box appears.

  3. Select an article from the Articles in Publication list, and then choose Edit.

    The Manage Article dialog box appears.

  4. Choose Subscribers.

    The Publication Subscribers dialog box appears.

  5. From the list of subscription servers, select a server, and then choose Un-Subscribe.

    A confirmation dialog box appears.

  6. Choose Yes to confirm the action.

    The server is unsubscribed.

By changing the replication options for a publication server, you can remove the authorization that allows a database to be published, remove the authorization that allows a subscription server to subscribe to publications from this publication server, or set the distribution schedule for a subscription server to a value that will not soon occur.

    To stop replication by resetting a server's publication options
  1. From the Server Manager window, select a publication server.
  2. From the Server menu, choose Replication Configuration, and then from the drop-down menu that appears, choose Publishing.

    The Replication-Publishing dialog box appears.

  3. To cancel the authorization for a subscription server to subscribe to the publications of this server, clear the option box for that server under Enable Publishing to These Servers.
  4. To stop a database from publishing data, under Publishing Databases, clear the option box for that database.

    When you choose OK to accept this change, the database will no longer be authorized to publish, and its publications and articles will be dropped. If you wanted to re-create its publications, you would need to reauthorize the database for publication, re-create the publications, and resubscribe its subscribers.

  5. Choose OK.