Using SQL Performance Monitor to Monitor Replication

SQL Performance Monitoržthe integration of Microsoft SQL Server 6.0 with the Windows NT Performance Monitoržmakes it possible for you to get up-to-the-minute activity and performance statistics on SQL Server replication.

SQL Performance Monitor obtains statistics from performance counters, several of which are grouped within a performance object. When you install SQL Server, two replication-related objects are automatically provided to SQL Performance Monitor:

The SQLServer Replication-Published DB object provides three publication database counters.

Publication counter Description
Replicated Transactions The number of transactions in the transaction log of the publication database that are marked for replication but have not yet been delivered to the distribution database.
Replicated Transactions/sec The number of transactions per second that have been read out of the transaction log of the publication database and delivered to the distribution database.
Replication Latency (msec) The number of milliseconds between the time a transaction marked for replication is entered into the transaction log of the publication database and the time it is read out of the log and delivered to the distribution database.

The SQLServer Replication-Subscriber object provides four subscription server counters.

Subscription counter Description
Delivered Transactions The number of delivered transactions in the distribution database. A delivered transaction is one that has already been executed against the destination database but still resides in the distribution database.
Delivered Transactions/sec The number of transactions delivered per secondžthat is, the number of jobs per second that were executed in the last batch sent to the subscription server from the distribution server.
Delivered Latency (sec) The number of seconds a transaction remains in the distribution database before delivery to the subscription serveržthat is, the time between a job being inserted in the distribution database and being executed against the destination database.
Undelivered Transactions The number of undelivered transactions in the distribution database. An undelivered transaction is one that has not been executed against the destination database.

SQL Performance Monitor can be started by choosing its icon from the Microsoft SQL Server 6.0 program group. For information on how to use SQL Performance Monitor to view information from the publication and subscription counters, see Part 7, Other Operations.