Setting Up Alerts for Replication

SQL Enterprise Manager and the SQL Executive service provide an easy way to set alerts on SQL Server events. SQL Executive monitors the Windows NT application log, watching for an event that qualifies as one of the defined alerts. If such an event occurs, SQL Executive will respond automatically, either by executing a task that you have defined or by sending an e-mail and/or a pager message to an operator you have specified. You can use this capability to set up alerts on replication events.

    To create an alert
  1. From the Server Manager window, select a server, and then from the toolbar, choose the Manage Alerts button.

    The Manage Alerts window appears, with the Alerts tab selected.

  2. Choose the New Alert button.

    The New Alert dialog box appears.

  3. In the Name box, type a name to assign to this alert.
  4. Optionally, to create an disabled alert, clear the Enabled box.

    The Enabled box is selected by default. In most cases, this is the appropriate setting. It is useful to clear this option if you want to create the alert now but do not want it to take effect until later.

  5. To define the conditions that will cause an alert, specify either an error number or a severity level.

    Note that an alert will occur only if the specified event is entered in the Windows NT application log.

    For information about which events are logged, and to learn how to filter the list of messages displayed in the SQL Server Messages dialog box, see Chapter 17, Managing Alerts.

    For a list of error numbers and a discussion of severity levels, see Part 8, Troubleshooting.

  6. Optionally, to narrow the alert notification criteria further, select a database name and/or provide an error message string.
  7. To specify the action the system will take when the defined alert occurs, complete the Response Definition options.
  8. To specify the operators who will be notified when the defined alert occurs, select an operator from the list under Operators to Notify, and then select the option box for e-mail and/or for Pager. Repeat for each operator to be notified.

    A solid envelope or solid telephone icon indicates that the operator already has address information of that type defined. An outline envelope or outline telephone icon indicates that the operator does not have address information of that type defined.

    If the necessary operators have not yet been created, the list will be empty. For instructions on creating operators, see Chapter 17, Managing Alerts. You can continue with alert creation, since you will be given the opportunity later, during operator creation, to assign this alert to each operator. You can also later edit this alert to add operators, after operators have been created.

  9. Choose OK.

    The alert is created.

The following messages can be raised by the replication subsystems, and can be used to set up replication alerts.

Message: 14150, Severity: 10, State: 0,
  Replication-subsystem: Task 'task_name' succeeded. message

Message: 14151, Severity: 20, State: 0,
  Replication-subsystem: Task 'task_name' failed. message

Message: 14152, Severity: 18, State: 0,
  Replication-subsystem: Task 'task_name' 
    scheduled for retry after number attempt(s). 'message'

Message: 14153, Severity: 10, State: 0,
  Replication-subsystem: Task 'task_name' 
    detected the potential for missing jobs on 'message'


Is the replication subsystem (Distribution, LogReader, or Sync).
Is the task name.
Is the number of attempts.
Is additional information returned by the subsystem. For example, "Unable to Connect to MALAMUTE."

For more information on alerts, including information on how SQL Server alerts are generated, how to create and manage operators, and how to edit, view, and cancel alerts, see Chapter 17, Managing Alerts.