Editing Replication Registry Entries

The Windows NT Registry key


has two replication values:

These values are automatically set up by SQL Enterprise Manageržit should not be necessary to modify them manually. Editing of the Registry is normally not recommended. However, if necessary, these key values can be viewed and modified by using regedt32.


Value 0
    Name: DistributionDB
    Type: REG_SZ
    Data: distribution

Value 1
    Name: WorkingDirectory
    Type: REG_SZ
    Data: \\servername\C$\SQL60\REPLDATA

In the Working Directory data entry, servername is the name of the distribution server. It may be a remote distribution server or the local publisher/distributor.

Note The working directory entry can easily be modified using SQL Enterprise Manager. For information see Chapter 14, Setting Up Replication.