SQLServer-Users Object

The following counters are part of the SQLServer-Users object, which includes statistics for SQL Server user connections. Each of these counters displays statistics for a specific server process ID (spid). Note that the spid is prefaced by the username. (It may be logged on the username.)

CPU Time
The cumulative CPU time for a user connection (and checkpoint process). You can use this statistic to determine how much time a user connection has consumed and compare that amount with the CPU consumption for other users.
Locks Held
The number of locks held by a user connection.
Memory (2K pages)
The amount of memory (in 2K pages) allocated to a user connection. You can use this statistic to determine if queries executed by a particular user are consuming significant memory.
Physical I/O
The number of disk reads and writes for the current statement. You can use this statistic to determine how expensive a query or statement is in terms of physical I/O. You can tune this statistic by changing indexes or rewriting the query.