Updated or inserted row is bigger than maximum size (%d bytes) allowed for this table.
This error occurs when you attempt to insert a row that is larger than the maximum defined for that table, or when the definition for a temporary table referenced by a stored procedure is not as expected. This error occurs in the following situations:
In SQL Server, the maximum allowable size of a row in a table is 1962. A row cannot be split across data pages. A data page is 2K in size and consists of the data row and some internal data structures.
A stored procedure that uses temporary tables may be invalidated when a new object is added to the model database and SQL Server is shut down and restarted. When the tempdb database is rebuilt, the new object in the model database becomes an object in tempdb as well. This new object takes the object ID used by the stored procedure to reference the temporary table. If one new object in model is added, the stored procedure using temporary table(s) may be invalidated. If two objects are added, two references to temporary tables in stored procedures can be invalidated, and so on.
If the definition for a temporary table referenced by a stored procedure is not as expected, drop and re-create the affected stored procedure. If the stored procedure involved is a system stored procedure, re-execute the installation scripts that will drop and re-create the affected system stored procedure.