Could not find virtual page for logical page %Id in database '%.*s'
This error occurs when SQL Server does not have a virtual page that maps to logical page %Id in database '%s.' SQL Server maps virtual pages to logical pages within a database. The logical pages of the database will range from 0 to the size of the database, in pages.
This error can be caused by hardware or other system-level problems that deal specifically with read/write operations.
Although some newer controllers safely support write caching, there may be a problem with the HAL layer software or with controller firmware. Verify with your hardware vendor that the disk subsystem being used by SQL Server is at currently supported and recommended levels. Check the SQL Server error log for system errors, such as an operating-system I/O error to a SQL Server data file. Also check the Windows NT event log.
Run DBCC CHECKDB and DBCC CHECKALLOC on the database. Review the output; if structural problems are reported, resolve the problem(s) and monitor the system. If the structural problems persist, contact your hardware vendor and your primary support provider.