kernel: operating system error %d (%s) encountered
SQL Server failed to read from or write to the specified location on disk. This failure is usually a result of a physical disk problem.
Identify the device with the problem by selecting the row from sysdevices that has the same virtual disk number indicated in the error message:
select name, phyname from master..sysdevices where low/power(2,24) = virtual_disk_number
The output from this query should provide the physical name of the damaged disk. Examine the disk as soon as possible and correct any problems. You can also identify the device by using the sp_diskblock procedure described below.
To quickly assess the potential severity of the problem and decide on an appropriate action:
sp_diskblock virtual_disk, block_number
For example, if the read/write error message displays a virtual disk number 4 and a block number 871, use the following:
sp_diskblock 4, 871 Virtual disk 4, block 871 corresponds to: Logical page 1895 in the "production" database (dbid=4) on device "main".