System Messages

The master..sysmessages table contains one row for each system error or warning that can be returned by SQL Server. These are the columns in the sysmessages table:

Column Datatype Description
error int Unique error number.
severity smallint Severity level of the error.
dlevel smallint Reserved for the number of the descriptive level of this message: terse, short, or long.
description varchar(255) Explanation of the error with placeholders for parameters.
langid smallint NULL Language.

This chapter lists all messages in master..sysmessages. The messages were obtained by executing the following statement:

select error, severity, description
from sysmessages
order by error
error severity description
1 10 Version Date of last upgrade: 10/11/90.
21 10 WARNING - Fatal Error %d occurred at %S_DATE. Please note the error and time, and contact your System Administrator.
101 15 Line %d: SQL syntax error.
102 15 Incorrect syntax near '%.*s'.
103 15 The %S_MSG that starts with '%.*s' is too long. Maximum length is %d.
104 15 Order-by items must appear in the select-list if the statement contains set operators.
105 15 Unclosed quote before the character string '%.*s'.
106 16 Too many table names in the query. The maximum allowable is %d.
107 15 The column prefix '%.*s' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.
108 15 The order-by position number '%ld' is out of range of the number of items in the select-list.
109 15 There are more columns in the INSERT statement than values specified in the VALUES clause. The number of values in the VALUES clause must match the number of columns specified in the INSERT statement.
110 15 There are fewer columns in the INSERT statement than values specified in the VALUES clause. The number of values in the VALUES clause must match the number of columns specified in the INSERT statement.
111 15 %s must be the first command in a query batch.
112 15 Variables are not allowed in %s statement.
113 15 Missing end comment mark '*/'.
114 15 Browse mode is invalid for a statement that assigns values to a variable.
115 15 The offset '%d' given in a CONTROLROW command does not correspond to the beginning of a statement.
116 15 The symbol '*' can only be used for a subquery select list when the subquery is introduced with EXISTS or NOT EXISTS.
117 15 The %S_MSG name '%.*s' contains more than the maximum number of prefixes. The maximum is %d.
118 15 Only System Administrator can specify %s option for %s command.
119 15 Must pass parameter number %d and subsequent parameters as '@name = value'. Once the form '@name = value' has been used, all subsequent parameters must be passed in the form '@name = value'.
120 15 The SELECT list for the INSERT statement contains fewer items than the INSERT list. The number of SELECT values must match the number of INSERT columns.
121 15 The SELECT list for the INSERT statement contains more items than the INSERT list. The number of SELECT values must match the number of INSERT columns.
122 15 The debug option '%d' is larger than the maximum allowed. The highest option available is %d.
123 15 Must attach a value to the binary prefix '0x'; zero-length binary value is not allowed.
124 15 CREATE PROCEDURE contains no statements.
125 15 Case expressions may only be nested to level %d.
126 15 Cannot nest CREATE PROCEDURE statements.
127 15 This CREATE may only contain 1 statement.
128 15 The name '%.*s' is illegal in this context. Only constants, constant expressions, or variables allowed here. Column names are illegal.
129 15 Fillfactor '%d' is not a valid percentage; fillfactor must be between 1 and 100.
130 16 Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate or a subquery.
131 15 The size (%d) given to the %S_MSG '%.*s' exceeds the maximum. The largest size allowed is %d.
132 15 The label '%.*s': has already been declared. Label names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure
133 15 A GOTO statement references the label '%.*s' but the label has not been declared.
134 15 The variable name '%.*s' has already been declared. Variable names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure.
135 15 Cannot use a BREAK statement outside the scope of a WHILE statement.
136 15 Cannot use a CONTINUE statement outside the scope of a WHILE statement.
137 15 Must declare variable '%.*s'.
138 15 Illegal correlation clause in a subquery.
139 15 Cannot assign a default value to a local variable.
140 15 Can only use IF UPDATE within a CREATE TRIGGER.
141 15 A SELECT statement that assigns a value to a variable must not be combined with data-retrieval operations.
142 15 Incorrect syntax for definition of %s constraint.
143 15 A compute-by item was not found in the order-by list. All expressions in the compute-by list must also be present in the order-by list
144 15 Cannot use an aggregate or a subquery in an expression used for the by-list of a GROUP BY clause.
145 15 Order-by items must appear in the select-list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified.
146 16 Too many subqueries in the query. The maximum allowable is %d.
147 15 An aggregate may not appear in the WHERE clause unless it is in a subquery contained in a HAVING clause or a select list, and the column being aggregated is an outer reference.
148 15 Incorrect time syntax in time string '%.*s' used with WAITFOR.
149 15 Time value '%.*s' used with WAITFOR is not a legal value. Check date/time syntax.
150 15 Both terms of an outer join must contain columns.
151 15 '%.*s' is an invalid money value.
152 15 Subqueries that use DISTINCT with a GROUP BY clause are not currently supported.
153 15 Invalid usage of the option '%.*s' in '%s' statement.
154 15 %S_MSG is not allowed in %S_MSG.
155 15 '%.*s' is not a recognized %s option.
156 15 Incorrect syntax near the keyword '%.*s'.
157 15 An aggregate may not appear in the set list of an update statement.
158 15 Too many ORDER BY expressions. The maximum is %d.
159 15 For DROP INDEX, must give both the table and the index name, in the form tablename.indexname
160 15 Rule does not contain a variable.
161 15 Rule contains more than one variable.
162 15 The select list item identified by the order by number '%ld' is a '*', rather than a column name. When ordering by column number, a column name must appear in the select list position that corresponds to the order by number
163 15 The COMPUTE BY list does not match the ORDER BY list.
164 15 GROUP BY expressions must refer to column names that appear in the SELECT list.
165 16 Privilege %s may not be GRANTed or REVOKEd.
166 15 %s does not allow specifying the database name as a prefix to the object name.
167 16 May not create a trigger on a temporary object.
168 15 The %S_MSG '%.*s' is out of the range of machine representation (%d bytes).
169 15 Column '%.*s' is specified more than once in the ORDER BY list. Columns in the ORDER BY list must be unique.
170 15 Line %d: Incorrect syntax near '%.*s'.
171 15 Can't use SELECT INTO in Browse Mode.
172 15 Can't use HOLDLOCK in Browse Mode
173 15 The definition for column '%.*s' must include a datatype.
174 15 The function '%.*s' requires %d arguments.
175 15 Functions may only be nested to level %d.
176 15 Function '%.*s' is not yet implemented.
177 15 The IDENTITY function can only be used when the SELECT statement has an INTO clause.
178 15 A RETURN statement with a return status may only be used in a stored procedure.
179 15 Can't use the OUTPUT option when passing a constant to a stored procedure.
180 15 There are too many parameters in this CREATE PROCEDURE statement. The maximum number is %d.
181 15 Can't use the OUTPUT option in a DECLARE statement.
182 15 Table and column names must be supplied for the READTEXT or WRITETEXT utility.
183 15 The scale (%d) for column '%.*s' must be within the range %d to %d.
184 15 Invalid money datatype specification for column '%.*s'. Only money(19, 4) is allowed for non-external tables.
185 15 Data stream is invalid for WRITETEXT command in bulk form.
186 15 Data stream missing from WRITETEXT command.
187 15 Odd number of bytes in IMAGE data.
188 15 Can't specify a log-device in a CREATE DATABASE statement without also specifying at least one non-log-device.
189 15 Function '%.*s' requires %d to %d arguments.
190 15 Can not update the global variable '%.*s'.
191 15 Some part of your SQL statement is nested too deeply. Please re-write the query or break it up into smaller queries.
192 15 Constant expressions are not allowed in ORDER BY lists.
193 15 The object or column name starting with '%.*s' is too long. The maximum length is %d characters.
194 15 A SELECT INTO statement may not contain a SELECT statement that assigns values to a variable.
195 15 '%.*s' is not a recognized %S_MSG.
196 15 SELECT INTO must be the first query in a SQL statement containing set operators.
197 15 Set operators may not appear within the definition of a view.
198 15 Browse mode is invalid for statements containing set operators.
199 15 An INSERT statement may not contain a SELECT statement that assigns values to a variable.
201 16 Procedure %.*s expects parameter %.*s, which was not supplied.
202 11 Internal error -- Unable to open table at query execution time.
203 16 The name '%.*s' is not a valid identifier.
204 20 Normalization error; node %s
205 16 All queries in a SQL statement containing set operators must have an equal number of expressions in their target lists.
206 16 Operand type clash: %s is incompatible with %s
207 16 Invalid column name '%.*s'.
208 16 Invalid object name '%.*s'.
209 16 Ambiguous column name %.*s
210 16 Syntax error converting DATETIME from BINARY/VARBINARY string.
211 16 Syntax error converting SMALLDATETIME from BINARY/VARBINARY string.
212 16 Expression result length exceeds maximum: max - %d found - %d
213 16 Insert error: column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
214 16 Cannot convert parameter %.*s to type %.*s expected by procedure.
216 16 Attempt to drop temporary object(s) failed during cleanup processing.
217 16 Maximum stored procedure nesting level exceeded (limit %d).
218 16 Given parameter %.*s is too large; maximum size for this parameter is %d bytes.
219 16 Print format failed to match with a result column.
220 16 Arithmetic overflow error for type %s, value = %ld.
222 20 Unintelligible query plan step encountered.
223 11 Object %ld specified as a default for tabid %ld, colid %d is missing or not of type default.
224 11 Object %ld specified as a rule for tabid %ld, colid %d is missing or not of type default.
225 11 Cannot run query--referenced object (name %.*s) dropped during query optimization.
226 16 %s command not allowed within multi-statement transaction.
227 16 Maximum number of vector aggregates exceeded (%d max, %d found).
228 14 Query is based on a view that no longer exists (id = %ld)--cannot run.
229 14 %s permission denied on object %.*s, database %.*s, owner %.*s
230 14 %s permission denied on column %.*s of object %.*s, database %.*s, owner %.*s
231 11 Getdefault: no such default. id=%ld dbid=%d
232 16 Arithmetic overflow error for type %s, value = %f.
233 16 The column %.*s in table %.*s may not be null.
234 16 There is insufficient result space to convert MONEY value to CHAR.
235 16 Cannot convert CHAR value to MONEY. The CHAR value has incorrect syntax.
236 16 The conversion from CHAR to MONEY resulted in a MONEY overflow error.
237 16 There is insufficient result space to convert MONEY value to %s.
238 16 There is insufficient result space to convert %s value (= %d) to MONEY.
239 16 Table '%.*s' does not exist. Please refer to Sysobjects for correct name.
240 16 There is insufficient result space to convert DATETIME value to CHAR.
241 16 Syntax error converting DATETIME from character string.
242 16 The conversion of CHAR to DATETIME resulted in a DATETIME value out of range.
243 16 Type '%.*s' is not a defined system type.
244 16 The conversion of CHAR value '%.*s' overflowed an INT1 field, use a larger integer field.
245 16 Syntax error converting CHAR value '%.*s' to an INT1 field.
246 16 The conversion of CHAR value '%.*s' overflowed an INT2 field, use a larger integer field.
247 16 Syntax error converting CHAR value '%.*s' to an INT2 field.
248 16 The conversion of CHAR value '%.*s' overflowed an INT4 field. Maximum integer value exceeded.
249 16 Syntax error converting CHAR value '%.*s' to an INT4 field
251 16 Unable to allocate ancillary table for query optimization. Maximum number of tables in a query (%d) exceeded.
252 16 Can't group by a bit field.
253 16 Maximum number of group-by expressions exceeded (16 max, %d found).
254 16 Maximum number of columns in a work table (%d) exceeded.
255 16 Maximum row size (%d) for a work table exceeded.
256 16 The data type '%s' is invalid for the %s function. Allowed types are: CHAR/VARCHAR and BINARY/VARBINARY.
257 16 Implicit conversion from datatype '%s' to '%s' is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
258 20 Database '%.*s' missing during query recompile.
259 16 Ad-hoc updates to system catalogs not enabled. System Administrator must reconfigure system to allow this.
260 16 Disallowed implicit conversion from datatype '%s' to datatype '%s'%s Table: '%s', Column: '%s'%s Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
261 16 '%.*s' is not a recognized global variable.
262 16 %s permission denied, database %.*s, owner %.*s
263 16 Must specify table to SELECT * FROM.
264 16 Column name %.*s appears more than once in the result column list.
265 16 Syntax error converting CHAR value '%.*s' to a BIT field. Field contains non-numeric value(s).
266 16 Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates that a COMMIT or ROLLBACK TRAN is missing. Previous count = %ld, Current count = %ld.
267 16 Object '%.*s' cannot be found.
268 16 You can't run SELECT INTO in this database. Please check with the Database Owner.
269 16 SETUSER with no name should be invoked from the database where the corresponding SETUSER with name was issued. Use database '%.*s'.
270 16 Table '%.*s' can't be modified.
272 16 Can't update a TIMESTAMP column.
273 16 The user can't INSERT a non-null value into a TIMESTAMP column. Use INSERT with a column list or with a default of NULL for the TIMESTAMP column.
274 20 A SYSTEM exception was raised with an unrecognized minor number %d.
275 16 TEXT and IMAGE datatypes may not be used in an aggregate expression.
276 16 The parameter '%.*s' in the procedure '%.*s' was not declared as an OUTPUT parameter.
277 23 A transaction begun in this stored procedure that did updates in tempdb is still active. This will cause a corruption of tempdb that will exist until the server is rebooted. All BEGIN TRANs must have matching COMMITs or ROLLBACKs.
278 16 TEXT and IMAGE datatypes may not be used in a GROUP BY clause.
279 16 TEXT and IMAGE datatypes are invalid in this subquery or aggregate expression.
280 16 Only TEXT and IMAGE datatypes are valid with the TEXTPTR function.
281 16 %d is not a valid style number when converting from DATETIME to a character string.
282 10 Procedure '%.*s' attempted to return a status of NULL, which is not allowed. A status of 0 will be returned instead.
283 16 You can't use browse mode with DBLIB 2.0 -- you must upgrade to DBLIB 4.0 in order to run this query.
284 16 Rules may not be bound to TEXT or IMAGE datatypes.
285 16 READTEXT and WRITETEXT commands may not be used with views.
286 16 The logical tables INSERTED and DELETED may not be updated.
287 16 %s command not allowed within a trigger.
288 16 The PATINDEX function operates on CHAR, VARCHAR, and TEXT datatypes only.
290 16 Trace 3604 is illegal within a stored procedure
292 16 There is insufficient result space to convert SMALLMONEY value to CHAR.
293 16 Cannot convert CHAR value to SMALLMONEY. The CHAR value has incorrect syntax.
294 16 The conversion from CHAR to SMALLMONEY resulted in a SMALLMONEY overflow error.
295 16 Syntax error converting SMALLDATETIME from character string.
296 16 The conversion of CHAR to SMALLDATETIME resulted in a SMALLDATETIME value out of range.
297 16 There is insufficient result space to convert SMALLDATETIME value to CHAR.
298 16 The conversion from DATETIME to SMALLDATETIME resulted in a SMALLDATETIME overflow error.
299 16 The function DATEADD was called with bad type '%s'.
301 16 Query contains an illegal outer-join request.
303 16 The table '%.*s' is an inner member of an outer-join clause. This is not allowed if the table also participates in a regular join clause.
304 16 The table '%.*s' is outer-joined with itself.
305 16 The column '%.*s' (user type:%.*s) is joined with '%.*s' (user type:%.*s). The user types are not compatible: user types must be identical in order to join.
306 16 TEXT and IMAGE datatypes may not be used in the WHERE or HAVING clause, except with the LIKE predicate and the IS NULL predicate.
307 16 Index id %d on table '%.*s' (specified in the FROM clause) does not exist.
308 16 Index '%.*s' on table '%.*s' (specified in the FROM clause) does not exist.
309 16 Unable to allocate ancillary table for reformatting. Maximum number of tables in a query (%d) exceeded.
401 16 Unimplemented command or expression %s
403 16 Invalid operator for datatype op: %s type: %s
404 19 Too many ANDs or ORs in expression (limit %d per expression level). Try splitting query or limiting ANDs and ORs.
405 20 Cannot route query results - query internal representation corrupted.
406 23 Ord_needed: Can't find index for varno=%d, objid=%ld.
407 19 Unable to allocate ancillary table for query optimization. Maximum number of tables in a query (%d) exceeded.
408 20 Is_var: Unknown data type %d
409 16 The %s operation cannot take a %s datatype as an argument.
410 20 Compute clause #%d, 'by' expression #%d is not in the order-by list.
411 20 Compute clause #%d, aggregate expression #%d is not in the select list.
412 16 Cannot update more than 1 Sysindexes row at a time.
414 16 The current query would generate a key size of %d for a work table. This exceeds the maximum allowable limit of %d.
415 16 The current query would require an index on a work table to be built with %d keys. The maximum allowable number of keys is %d.
416 16 Create of work table failed because the row size would be %d. This exceeds the maximum allowable size of a row in a table, %ld.
418 20 Can't find the real column name corresponding to the column heading '%.*s'.
420 16 TEXT and IMAGE datatypes may not be used in an ORDER BY clause.
421 16 TEXT and IMAGE datatypes may not be selected as DISTINCT.
422 19 Too many nested expressions or logical operators to compile. Try splitting query or limiting ANDs and ORs.
423 16 Too many substitution nodes in worktable. (MAX: %d, ACTUAL: %d). Try splitting query or limiting SELECT list.
424 10 %s
425 16 Datatype '%s' of receiving variable not equal to datatype '%s' of column '%.*s'.
426 16 Length '%d' of receiving variable less than length '%d' of column '%.*s'.
427 20 Unable to load SYSPROCEDURES entries for constraint id '%d' in dbid '%d'.
428 20 Unable find row in SYSCONSTRAINTS for constraint id '%d' in dbid '%d'.
429 20 Unable to find new constraint id '%d' in SYSCONSTRAINTS, dbid '%d' at compile time.
430 20 Unable to resolve table name for object id '%d', dbid '%d' when compiling foreign key.
431 19 Unable to bind foreign key constraint. Too many tables involved in query.
432 19 Unable to bind work table for foreign key constraint. Too many tables involved in query.
433 20 Unable to find CHECK constraint for '%.*s' though table is flagged as having one.
434 20 Insert into worktable for variable '%d' for deferred constraint check failed.
435 20 Unable to open referencing table id '%d' in dbid '%d'.
436 20 Unable to open referenced table id '%d' in dbid '%d'.
437 20 Unable to resolve the referenced column name in table id '%d'.
438 20 Unable to resolve the referencing column name in table id '%d'.
439 20 Unable to find foreign key constraints for table '%.*s' in dbid '%d' though table is flagged as having them.
440 20 Unable to resolve column name for dbid '%d', object id, '%d', column id '%d' in constraint '%.*s'.
501 20 There is no result-list for a SELECT statement.
502 18 Internal error encountered in merging rows; resubmit query batch.
503 16 Stored procedure '%.*s' is a replication filter and cannot be executed.
504 11 Stored procedure '%.*s' not found.
505 16 Current user account was invoked with SETUSER. Changing databases is not allowed.
508 20 No begin-row pointer found in plan.
509 11 User name '%.*s' not found.
510 20 Bad eop type 0x%x .
511 16 Updated or inserted row is bigger than maximum size (%d bytes) allowed for this table.
512 16 Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is illegal when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >=, or when the subquery is used as an expression.
513 16 A column insert or update conflicts with a rule imposed by a previous CREATE RULE command. The command was aborted. The conflict occurred in database '%.*s', table '%.*s', column '%.*s'
514 16 Expression stack overflow. Usually this is because built-in functions have been nested too deeply. Try to rephrase the query using less deeply nested functions.
515 16 Attempt to insert the value NULL into column '%.*s', table '%.*s'; column does not allow nulls. %s fails.
516 18 Attempt to get system date/time failed.
517 16 Adding a value to a %s field caused overflow.
518 16 Cannot convert type '%s' to type '%s'.
519 16 Overflow resulted from MONEY multiplication.
520 16 Overflow resulted from MONEY division.
521 16 Overflow resulted from MONEY addition.
522 16 Overflow resulted from MONEY subtraction.
523 16 Overflow resulted from %s minus operation
524 16 Overflow resulted from MONEY remainder (modulo) operation.
526 18 SQL Server has run out of alarms. Re-run your command when there are fewer users running WAITFOR.
527 20 Cannot remove alarm.
528 20 System error detected during attempt to use upsleep system call.
529 16 Explicit conversion from datatype '%s' to '%s' is currently unimplemented.
530 16 Attempt to insert NULL value into column %d in work table (table id %ld); column does not allow NULLS. %s fails.
532 16 The timestamp (changed to %.*s) shows that the row has been updated by another user.
533 20 Can't find a range table entry for range %d.
534 16 TEXT and IMAGE datatypes require DBLIB version 4.0 or greater.
535 16 Difference of two datetime fields caused overflow at runtime.
536 16 Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function.
537 16 Overflow resulted from a SMALLMONEY remainder operation.
538 16 '%.*s' cannot be found. This language might have been dropped. Please see your System Administrator.
540 1 Schema for table '%.*s' has changed since compilation of this query. Please re-execute query.
542 16 An invalid datetime value was encountered. Value exceeds year 9999.
544 16 Attempting to insert explicit value for identity column in table '%.*s' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF
545 16 Explicit value must be specified for identity column in table '%.*s' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to ON
546 16 Identity value overflow for column '%.*s' while inserting into table '%.*s'
547 16 %s statement conflicted with %s %s constraint '%.*s'. The conflict occurred in database '%.*s', table '%.*s'%s%.*s%s
548 16 attempt to perform direct %s to range that is maintained by replication. The conflict occurred in database '%.*s', table '%.*s'%s%.*s%s
549 16 data exists in table '%.*s', database '%.*s', that violates %s constraint '%.*s' being added. ALTER command has been aborted.
550 16 The attempted insert or update failed because the target view either specifies WITH CHECK OPTION or spans a view which specifies WITH CHECK OPTION and one or more rows resulting from the operation did not qualify under the CHECK OPTION constraint.
601 21 Descriptor for system table '%ld' in database '%d' not found in the descriptor hash table.
602 21 Could not find row in Sysindexes for dbid '%d', object '%ld',index '%d'. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE on Sysindexes.
603 19 There are not enough system session descriptors available to run this query. The maximum number available to a process is %d. Split query and rerun.
604 21 Could not find row in Sysobjects for object '%ld' in database '%.*s'. Run DBCC checktable on Sysobjects.
605 21 Attempt to fetch logical page %ld in database '%.*s' belongs to object '%.*s', not to object '%.*s'.
606 16 Error %d encountered while reading without locking, command is terminated.
607 21 Insufficient room was allocated in the session descriptor for object '%.*s' for search arguments. Only %d search arguments were anticipated.
608 21 Buffer holding logical page %ld of object '%.*s' in database '%.*s' was not kept in the first or second slot of the session descriptor for that object during a scan.
610 19 Maximum number of databases that may be accessed by a transaction is 8. This number has been exceeded by this query.
611 21 Attempt made to end a transaction that is idle or in the middle of an update.
612 21 Attempt made to log a row of unknown type %d.
613 21 Request made to retrieve more rows from an already completed scan of object '%.*s' in database '%.*s'.
614 21 A row on page %ld was accessed that has an illegal length of %d in database '%.*s'.
615 21 Unable to find database table id = %d, name = '%.*s'.
616 20 Attempt to hash a previously hashed descriptor for object '%.*s' in database '%.*s'.
617 20 Descriptor for object '%ld' in database '%d' not found in the hash table during attempt to unhash it.
618 21 A varno of %d was passed to opentable - the largest valid value is %d.
619 20 A deferred update was requested but the query is not one of INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE.
620 21 Log record encountered at deferred update time with either a row length of less than 2 or an invalid log type. The log type was %d and the row length was %d.
621 21 A log record was encountered of type %d that is not one of the valid deallocation types.
622 20 Opentable was passed a varno of %d. Object '%.*s' already has that session descriptor in use.
623 21 Attempt to retrieve row from page via RID failed because logical page %ld is not a data page. %S_RID. %S_PAGE.
624 21 Attempt to retrieve row from page via RID failed because the requested RID has a higher number than the last RID on the page. %S_RID.%S_PAGE.
625 21 Could not retrieve row from logical page %ld via RID because the entry in the offset table (= %d) for that RID (= %d) is less than or equal to 0.
626 21 Tried to read a data page instead of an index page. %S_PAGE.
627 20 A transaction tried to call beginupdate while in state 'prepare'.
628 13 Attempt to issue 'SAVE TRANsaction' when there is no active transaction
629 21 Fatal attempt to delete clustered index entry for page %ld - index row contains page %ld
630 21 The end of page limit has been exceeded while building an offset table for object %ld on page %ld.
631 21 The length of %d passed to delete row routine for the row at offset %d is incorrect on the following page: %S_PAGE
632 20 Memmove() was called with a length of %d - maximum allowed length is 2048.
633 21 The PG_DEALLOC bit set by recovery is on at runtime on the following page. %S_PAGE.
634 20 Memmove() was called with an address of 0x%lx and a length of %d - which would cross a 2k boundary.
635 20 Process %d tried to remove DES resource lock that it doesn't hold - %S_DES .
637 20 Index shrink program returned invalid status of 0.
638 20 Memmove() was called with an address of 0x%lx - which is not allocated memory.
639 21 Attempt to fetch logical page %ld dbid %d failed - page is not currently allocated.
640 21 Attempt to insert/delete row on wrong type of page. %S_PAGE.
641 21 Attempt to add BEGINUPDATE record in transaction %S_RID that already has an active CMD.
642 20 Attempt to begin update in transaction %S_RID which already has an active transaction.
643 20 Attempt to read page %d in database '%.*s' which is not allocated.
644 21 The non_clustered leaf row entry for page %ld row %d was not found in index page %ld indexid %d database '%.*s'
649 21 Could not find the clustered index entry for Page %ld Objid %ld status 0x%x. Index page %ld was searched for this entry in database '%.*s'
701 19 There is insufficient system memory to run this query.
702 20 Memory request for %d bytes exceeds the size of single page of %d bytes.
704 20 Tried to free procedure header 0x%lx, but it's still in use by procedure '%.*s' at procedure buffer 0x%lx.
705 19 There is no room for process %d to store PROC_HDR 0x%lx in Pss.
706 20 Process %d tried to remove PROC_HDR 0x%lx that it does not hold in Pss.
707 20 System error detected during attempt to free memory at address 0x%lx. Please consult the SQL Server error log for more details.
801 20 Process %d tried to remove resource lock it doesn't hold on buffer 0x%lx - %S_PAGE.
803 20 Unable to place buffer 0x%lx holding logical page %ld in sdes for object '%.*s' - either there is no room in sdes or buffer already in requested slot.
804 20 Unable to find buffer 0x%lx holding logical page %ld in sdes 0x%lx kept buffer pool for object '%.*s'.
805 21 Unable to find descriptor for object '%.*s' in database '%.*s' in hash table when marking buffer dirty or flushing Syslogs.
806 21 Could not find virtual page for logical page %ld in database '%.*s'
807 10 Logical page %ld in buffer 0x%lx already kept in SDES for object '%.*s' in database '%.*s'.
808 20 Alloc page buffer pool in Pss is full - logical pages %ld, %ld, and %ld in respective databases '%.*s', '%.*s' and '%.*s' are already held there. Cannot add logical page %ld in database '%.*s'
809 20 Buffer 0x%lx, alloc pg %ld, in database '%.*s' not in alloc buf pool in Pss.
810 20 Attempt to pin log page buffer
811 21 Attempt to grab buffer which is on descriptor chain
812 21 Attempt to grab a pinned buffer
813 20 Logical page 0x%lx in database %d is already hashed.
814 20 Keep count of buffer 0x%lx holding logical page %ld in database %.*s has become negative.
815 21 Unable to find buffer holding Sysindexes page in the cache - pageno = %ld dbid = %d
816 20 Process %d tried to remove a buffer resource lock %S_BUF that it does not hold in SDES %S_SDES
817 20 Process %d tried to remove a buffer resource lock %S_BUF that it does not hold in Pss 0x%lx.
818 19 There is no room to hold the buffer resource lock %S_BUF in SDES %S_SDES
819 19 There is no room for process %d to hold buffer resource lock %S_BUF in Pss
820 21 Attempt to dirty non-log buffer %S_BUF which is in I/O.
821 20 Attempt to unhash buffer at 0x%lx with a buffer pageno of %ld and database id %d with HASHED status set failed - buffer was not found. %S_PAGE.
822 21 Could not start I/O for request %S_BLKIOPTR.
823 24 I/O error detected during %S_MSG for %S_BUF.
824 21 Attempt made to write page in buffer in database that has no entry in Sysdatabases. %S_BUF.
825 21 Attempt made to write page in buffer in database with no DBTABLE structure - Sysdatabases row marked as in use by process %d. %S_BUF.
826 20 Attempt made to hold allocation page %ld that is already in Pss pool. Database '%.*s'.
827 20 Attempt to dirty page %ld which is not kept in database '%.*s.
840 17 Device '%.*s' (with physical name '%.*s', and virtual device number %d) is not available. Please contact System Administrator for assistance.
901 21 Unable to find descriptor for database '%d' object '%ld' in hash table after hashing it.
902 24 Hardware error detected reading logical page %ld, virtual page %ld in database '%.*s'.
903 22 Unable to find row in Sysindexes for clustered index on system catalog %ld in database %d. This index should exist in all databases. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE on Sysindexes in the database.
904 22 Unable to find master database row in Sysdatabases. Cannot open master database.
905 17 Unable to allocate a DBTABLE descriptor to open database '%.*s'. Another database must be closed or dropped before opening this one.
906 22 Could not locate row in Sysobjects for system catalog '%.*s' in database '%.*s'. This system catalog should exist in all databases. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE on Sysobjects in this database.
908 22 Unable to find any entries in Sysusages for dbid '%d', database '%.*s'. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE on Sysusages in the master database.
909 21 More than %d entries required to build the logical-virtual translation table for database '%.*s'. The database is too fragmented.
910 17 Could not allocate a new object descriptor for required system catalog in database '%d'. Another database must be closed or objects in another database dropped in order to open this database.
911 16 Attempt to locate entry in Sysdatabases for database '%.*s' by name failed - no entry found under that name. Make sure that name is entered properly.
912 21 DBTABLE descriptor cannot be found for database '%.*s' which is supposed to be already open.
913 22 Could not find row in Sysdatabases with database id %d. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE on Sysdatabases.
915 21 Descriptor for system catalog '%.*s' not found in DBTABLE chain for database '%.*s' - all system catalogs should reside permanently in this chain.
916 14 Server user id %d is not a valid user in database '%.*s'
917 20 Illegal attempt to close the master database for the last time - this database must always be open.
918 14 Database '%.*s' has not yet been recovered - please wait before accessing this database.
919 21 Database '%.*s' has been marked 'suspect' by recovery. Please run DBCC to drop this database.
920 22 Could not find Syslogs row in Sysindexes for database '%.*s'. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE on this system catalog.
921 14 Database '%.*s' has not been recovered yet - please wait and try again.
922 14 Database '%.*s' is being recovered - will wait until recovery is finished.
923 14 User %d not allowed in database '%.*s' - only the owner of this database can access it.
924 14 Database '%.*s' is already open and can only have one user at a time.
925 19 Maximum number of used databases for each query has been exceeded. The maximum allowed is %d.
926 14 Database '%.*s' cannot be opened - it has been marked SUSPECT by recovery. The SA can drop the database with DBCC.
927 14 Database '%.*s' cannot be opened - it is in the middle of a load.
928 14 Database '%.*s' cannot be opened - it is currently being created. Wait and try query again.
929 20 Attempting to close a database which is not open. Please report to Technical Support.
930 14 Database '%.*s' cannot be opened because an earlier system termination left LOAD DATABASE incomplete. Reload the database or notify the System Administrator.
931 21 Database '%.*s' cannot be opened because of a failure to initialize the global timestamp. This indicates that a problem exists in the log for the current database. Please contact Technical Support for assistance.
932 22 Database '%.*s' cannot be opened because the log for the current database is corrupt. Page %ld of the log is linked to a page that belongs to a database object with id %ld. Please contact Technical Support for assistance.
933 22 Logical page %ld of the log encountered while retrieving highest timestamp in database '%.*s' is not the last page of the log and we are not currently recovering that database.
935 10 WARNING - the timestamp in database '%.*s' is approaching the maximum allowed.
1001 16 Line %d: Length or precision specification %d is invalid.
1002 16 Line %d: Specified scale %d is invalid.
1003 15 Line %d: %s clause allowed only for %s.
1004 15 Line %d: Use of %s not allowed; use %s.
1005 15 Line %d: Invalid procedure number (%d). Minimum procedure number is 1.
1006 15 CREATE TRIGGER contains no statements.
1007 15 The %S_MSG '%.*s' is out of the range for numeric representation (%d bytes).
1008 15 The select list item identified by the order by number '%d' contains a variable as part of the expression that identifies a column position. Variables are only allowed when ordering by an expression referencing a column name.
1101 17 Unable to allocate new page for database '%.*s'. There are no more pages available on valid allocation pages. Space can be created by dropping objects, extending the database, or dumping the log with no_log.
1102 22 Unable to locate allocation page %ld for database '%.*s'. This allocation page contains the extent that the target allocation page is in, but the allocation page is not in the translation table in the DBTABLE. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE on Sysusages.
1103 21 Allocation page %d in database '%.*s' has different segment id than that of the object to which we are allocating. Run DBCC CHECKALLOC.
1104 20 Conflict between number of extents marked in log record in the allocation bitmap and the allocation count. Allocation count is %d. Bitmap is 0x%lx %lx %lx %lx.
1105 17 Can't allocate space for object '%.*s' in database '%.*s' because the '%.*s' segment is full. If you ran out of space in Syslogs, dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE or sp_extendsegment to increase the size of the segment.
1106 20 First pass through allocation page %d found %d free extents. After logging, only found %d free extents.
1108 21 Cannot deallocate extent %ld, database %d. Object id %ld, index id %d, status %d in extent does not match object id %ld, index id %d, status %d in object being deallocated. Run DBCC CHECKALLOC.
1109 21 Attempt to read allocation page %ld failed either because object ID is not correct (%ld) or the page ID is not correct (%ld).
1110 20 Attempt to resource lock allocation page %d in database '%.*s' by process %d while allocating to non-Syslogs object '%.*s'.
1111 20 Extent bitmap on allocation page %d in database '%.*s' does not have extents marked that are being removed.
1113 20 Extent %d already locked while allocating it in database '%.*s'.
1114 20 Attempt to resource lock page %d in database '%.*s' by process %d failed because lock is already held by process %d.
1115 20 Attempt to transfer a resource lock to process ID 0 on allocation page %d in database '%.*s'.
1116 20 Attempt to backout the allocation of LOG page %ld, in database '%.*s'.
1117 21 Extent chain for object %ld is not correctly linked.
1118 17 Database %.*s is full. Cannot allocate space for object %.*s. All available pages are held by other transactions. Try your command again.
1201 20 Page_lock was called with illegal mode %d.
1202 20 Table_lock was called with illegal mode %d.
1203 20 Caller of lock manager is incorrectly trying to unlock an unlocked object. spid=%d locktype=%d dbid=%d lockid=%ld.
1204 19 SQL Server has run out of LOCKS. Re-run your command when there are fewer active users, or ask your System Administrator to reconfigure SQL Server with more LOCKS.
1205 13 Your server command (process id #%d) was deadlocked with another process and has been chosen as deadlock victim. Re-run your command.
1206 20 Locksleep was called with incorrect process id. Process %d is trying to sleep on itself
1207 20 Locksleep called with bad process id %d
1208 20 Extent_lock was called with illegal mode %d.
1209 20 Internal lock routine called with illegal mode %d
1210 20 No matching xdes found for dbid %d. Lock was requested for objid %ld, by process %d. Lock requested was %s.
1211 13 Process %d was chosen as deadlock victim with P_BACKOUT bit set.
1501 20 Sort failure
1503 20 Sort failure: too many sort keeps (%d)
1505 14 Create unique index aborted on duplicate key. Primary key is '%S_KEY'
1507 10 Warning: deleted duplicate row. Primary key is '%S_KEY'
1508 14 Create index aborted on duplicate rows. Primary key is '%S_KEY'
1509 20 Row compare failure
1510 17 Sort failed: Out of space or locks in database '%.*s'
1511 20 Sort cannot be reconciled with transaction log
1513 20 Reuse of extent failed in sort
1514 21 Page allocated to sort found to be busy. Page number %ld. %S_BUF.
1515 20 Bad session descriptor for sort
1519 20 An attempt was made to keep a sort buffer in a slot where a buffer was already kept. Buffer pointer: 0x%lx Slot: %d.
1520 18 Sort failed because dpages in the Sysindexes row for table '%.*s' in database '%.*s' had an incorrect value. Please run DBCC CHECKTABLE on this table to correct the value, then re-run your commmand.
1521 18 Sort failed because a table in tempdb used for the processing of the query had a bad data page count. Tempdb should not have been damaged.
1522 20 Sort failure. Prevented overwriting of allocation page in database '%.*s' by aborting sort.
1523 20 Sort failure. Prevented incorrect extent deallocation by aborting sort.
1525 21 Sort Failure. Rollforward of sort encountered sort descriptor timestamps out of sequence. Old timestamp in log: %04x %08lx. New timestamp in log: %04x %08lx. Timestamp in sort descriptor: %04x %08lx.
1528 21 Character data comparison failure. An unrecognized Sort-Map-Element type (%d) was found in the server-wide default sort table at SMEL entry [%d].
1529 21 Character data comparison failure. A list of Sort-Map-Elements from the server-wide default sort table does not end properly. This list begins at SMEL entry [%d].
1530 16 Create index with sorted_data was aborted because of row out of order. Primary key of first out of order row is '%S_KEY'
1531 16 The sorted_data option cannot be used for a nonclustered index if the keys are not unique within the table. Create index was aborted because of duplicate keys. Primary key is '%S_KEY'.
1601 21 No resources available to start '%s' process. Use sp_configure to increase the number of user connections.
1602 21 Unable to initialize network %d
1603 21 Process priority %d invalid or no process slots available
1604 21 Process not runnable or kpid %d not within range
1605 21 Failed to open virtual socket for new connections
1606 21 Failed to initialize network receive buffer
1607 21 Failed to initialize network send buffer
1608 21 A network error was encountered while sending results to the front end. Check the SQL Server errorlog for more information.
1609 21 Kpid %d out of range
1610 21 Could not kill process %d
1611 21 Could not install quit function
1612 21 Could not install attention function
1613 21 Could not close network %d connection for server process %d.
1614 21 Could not yield process
1615 21 Process unable to sleep
1616 21 Failed to flush receive stream buffer
1617 21 Could not infect process %d
1619 21 Could not open TEMPDB, unable to continue.
1620 21 Failure to open master db for the first time
1621 18 Type '%c' not allowed before login.
1622 18 Type '%c' not implemented.
1701 16 Creating table '%.*s' failed because row size would be %d. This exceeds the maximum allowable size of a row in a table, %d.
1702 16 Create table failed because column '%.*s' in table '%.*s' exceeds the maximum of 250 columns.
1703 17 Failed to allocate disk space for a work table in database '%.*s'. You may be able to free up space by using the DUMP TRANsaction command, or you may want to extend the size of the database by using the ALTER DATABASE command.
1704 16 Only the SA can create the system table '%.*s'.
1705 16 Must create system table '%.*s' in the Master Database.
1706 16 System table '%.*s' was not created, because ad-hoc updates to system catalogs are not enabled.
1707 18 Could not create system table '%.*s'.
1708 15 The total row size, %d, for table '%.*s' exceeds the maximum number of bytes per row, %d.
1750 10 Unable to create constraint. See previous errors.
1752 16 Unable to create DEFAULT for column '%.*s' as it is not a valid column in table '%.*s'.
1753 16 Column '%.*s.%.*s' is not of same length as referencing column '%.*s.%.*s' in foreign key '%.*s'.
1754 16 DEFAULTS cannot be created on columns with an IDENTITY attribute. Table '%.*s', column '%.*s'.
1755 16 DEFAULTS cannot be created on columns of type TIMESTAMP. Table '%.*s', column '%.*s'.
1756 10 Skipping foreign key constraint '%.*s' definition for temporary table.
1757 10 Unable to create DEFAULT constraint. See previous errors.
1758 20 Unable to update category field for ADD constraint.
1759 16 Invalid column '%.*s' specified in constraint definition.
1760 16 Constraints of type %s cannot be created on columns of type %s.
1761 16 Foreign key '%.*s' references invalid database '%.*s'.
1762 16 '%.*s' is not a valid constraint.
1763 16 Cross database foreign key references are not supported. Foreign key '%.*s'.
1764 20 Unable to update category field for %s table.
1765 20 %s
1766 16 Foreign key references to temporary tables are not supported. Foreign key '%.*s'.
1767 16 Foreign key '%.*s' references invalid table '%.*s'.
1768 16 Foreign key '%.*s' references object '%.*s' which is not a user table.
1769 16 Foreign key '%.*s' references invalid column '%.*s' in referencing table '%.*s'.
1770 16 Foreign key '%.*s' references invalid column '%.*s' in referenced table '%.*s'.
1771 16 Foreign key '%.*s' references object '%.*s' which is not a table.
1772 16 Foreign key '%.*s' defines invalid relationship between a user table and system table.
1773 16 Foreign key '%.*s' has implicit reference to object '%.*s' which does not have a PRIMARY KEY defined on it.
1774 16 Number of columns in referencing column list for foreign key '%.*s' does not match those of the PRIMARY KEY in the referenced table '%.*s'.
1775 16 Number of columns in referencing column list for foreign key '%.*s' does not match those of the referenced key in the referenced table '%.*s'.
1776 16 There are no primary or candidate keys in the referenced table '%.*s' that match the referencing column list in the foreign key '%.*s'.
1777 14 User does not have correct permissions on referenced table '%.*s' to create foreign key '%.*s'.
1778 16 Column '%.*s.%.*s' is not of same type as referencing column '%.*s.%.*s' in foreign key '%.*s'.
1779 16 Table '%.*s' already has a PRIMARY KEY defined on it.
1780 20 Could not find column '%d' in SYSCOLUMNS for object id '%d' in dbid '%d'.
1781 16 Column already has a DEFAULT bound to it.
1782 20 Unable to update syscolumns to bind constraint based DEFAULT.
1783 20 Unable to open table '%s' in dbid '%d' for constraint processing.
1784 20 Unable to open system table '%s' in dbid '%d' for constraint processing. Ensure that this database has been correctly upgraded.
1801 16 Database '%.*s' already exists
1802 11 CREATE DATABASE failed. Some disk names listed in command were not found. Check that names exist and are spelled correctly before re-running
1803 17 CREATE DATABASE failed. Could not allocate enough disk space for a new database on the disks named in the command. Total space allocated must be at least %d Mbytes (%ld 2048-byte pages) to accommodate copy of Model Database.
1804 10 There is no disk named '%.*s'. Checking other disk names.
1805 10 CREATE DATABASE: allocating %ld pages on disk '%.*s'
1807 17 MODEL database in use, cannot create new database. Check with your system administrator before re-running CREATE DATABASE
1808 21 Crdb_disk : default disk not found. Cannot complete create/alter database command
1809 14 CREATE DATABASE must be preceded by a 'USE master' command. Check with your DBO (or System Administrator) if you do not have permission to USE master.
1810 16 CREATE DATABASE failed because of incorrect size parameter(s). Total number of megabytes specified must be at least %d megabytes so that the Model Database can be copied to the new database.
1811 16 '%.*s' is the wrong type of device for CREATE or ALTER database. Please check Sysdevices. The CREATE or ALTER is aborted.
1813 16 Cannot open new database '%.*s'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted.
1814 10 Problem creating Temporary Database - if out of space, please extend and reboot. If some other problem, please contact Technical Support.
1816 16 CREATE DATABASE failed because the log device '%.*s' has no space available.
1819 16 Could not create database '%.*s'.
1901 16 Column '%.*s' -- Can't create index on a column of BIT data type.
1902 16 Cannot create more than one clustered index on table '%.*s'. Drop the existing clustered index '%.*s' before creating another
1903 16 %d is the maximum allowable size of an index. Composite index specified is %d bytes.
1904 16 Cannot specify more than %d column names for index key list. %d specified.
1905 21 Could not find 'zero' row for index '%.*s' the table in Sysindexes.
1906 11 Cannot create an index on table '%.*s', because this table does not exist in database '%.*s'.
1907 16 Create index on non-empty table not supported yet
1908 16 Too many parameters -- symbol table overflow.
1909 16 Can't use duplicate column names in index key list. Column name '%.*s' listed more than once.
1910 16 Cannot create more than %d indexes on one table.
1911 16 Column name '%.*s' does not exist in target table.
1913 16 There is already an index on table '%.*s' named '%.*s'
1914 16 Cannot create index on object '%.*s' because it is not a user table.
1915 16 Only the owner of table '%.*s' or the System Administrator may create an index on it.
1916 16 CREATE INDEX options %s and %s are mutually exclusive.
1918 10 Non-clustered index (index id = %d) is being rebuilt.
1919 16 Column '%.*s' -- Can't create index on a column of TEXT or IMAGE data type.
2001 10 Cannot use duplicate parameter names. Parameter name '%.*s' listed more than once.
2002 10 Cannot use variable '%.*s' without first declaring it.
2004 16 Procedure '%.*s' has already been created with group number %d - create procedure with an unused group number
2007 11 Cannot add rows to Sysdepends for the current stored procedure because it depends on the missing object '%.*s'. The stored procedure will still be created.
2008 16 The object '%.*s' is not a procedure so you cannot create another procedure under that group name.
2103 16 Cannot create a trigger on a view, name: %.*s
2106 11 Cannot create a trigger on table '%.*s', because this table does not exist in database '%.*s'.
2108 16 Cannot CREATE TRIGGER on table '%.*s',because you can only create a trigger on a table in the current database.
2109 16 Cannot CREATE TRIGGER on table '%.*s', that accesses 'inserted' or 'deleted' because the table was created with the no_log option
2201 16 Could not open file/device %s OS/2 errno=%d. Check mode of db file.
2202 21 Could not translate virtual read address to device and seek vaddr=0x%x.
2203 24 Could not seek to vaddr 0x%x for read. Fd=%d errno =%d.
2204 24 Could not read complete record. Count=%d fd=%d errno =%d.,
2205 21 Could not translate virtual write address to device and seek vaddr=0x%x.
2206 24 Could not seek to vaddr 0x%x for write. Fd=%d errno =%d.
2207 24 Could not write complete record. Count=%d fd=%d errno =%d.
2208 21 Tried to read unopened device vaddr=0x%x.
2209 21 Tried to write unopened device vaddr=0x%x.
2210 16 Tried to write database without using -w or -W flag.
2301 19 Operating System allocation call failed.
2501 16 Table named %.*s not found; check Sysobjects
2502 16 Table Corrupt: A page is linked in more than one chain; check this page:page number=%ld allocation status=%d
2503 16 Table Corrupt: Page linkage is not consistent; check the following pages: (current page#=%ld; page# pointing to this page=%ld; previous page# indicated in this page=%ld)
2504 16 Table Corrupt: The index id in alloc page does not match the index id in Sysindexes (alloc page#=%ld; extent id=%ld; index id in alloc=%d; index id in Sysindexes=%d)
2505 16 Table Corrupt: Free offset in page header is not reasonable; free offset should be >= 32 and <= 2048; check this page and offset (page#=%ld freeoffset on the page header=%d)
2506 16 Table Corrupt: The values in adjust table should be in ascending order starting from the end of the table (page#=%ld row#=%d); check adjust table in this row
2507 16 Table Corrupt: Offset table is incorrect (page#=%ld row#=%d offset in offset table is=%d correct offset is=%d)
2508 16 Table Corrupt: Row length is incorrect (page#=%ld row#=%d minimum row length=%d row length=%d)
2509 16 Table Corrupt: The row number and offset of each row in the page should have a matching entry in row number table; check this page (page#=%ld row#=%d offset in row number table=%d)
2510 16 Table Corrupt: Keys do not match between leaf page %ld and data page %ld; check row # %d on the data page
2511 16 Table Corrupt: Keys in %S_MSG should be in ascending order; check page number %ld
2512 16 Table Corrupt: The specified row number %d in index page %ld cannot be found on data page %ld
2513 16 Table Corrupt: Object id %ld (object name = %.*s) does not match between %.*s and %.*s
2514 16 Table Corrupt: Type id %ld (type name = %.*s) does not match between %.*s and %.*s
2516 16 Table Corrupt: Segment number %d does not match between %.*s and %.*s
2517 16 Table Corrupt: Procedure id %d (procedure name = %.*s) does not match between %.*s and %.*s
2518 16 Database Corrupt: Incorrect last checkpoint in Syslogs
2519 16 Database Corrupt: The last checkpoint in Sysdatabases is incorrect. Syslogs recorded a different checkpoint
2520 16 Database named %.*s not found; check Sysdatabases
2521 16 Table Corrupt: Page is linked but not allocated; check the following pages and table: alloc page#=%ld extent id=%ld logical page#=%ld object id in extent=%ld (object name = %.*s) index id in extent=%d
2522 16 Table Corrupt: The object id %ld (object name = %.*s) in page# %ld is different from the object id %ld (object name = %.*s) in Sysindexes
2523 16 Table Corrupt: Page number %ld is out of range for this database %.*s. The maximum page number in this database is %ld
2524 16 Table Corrupt: Row length is inconsistent between the computed row length and the recorded row length on page; check the following page and row: pageno=%ld row#=%d computed row length=%d row length on page=%d
2525 16 Table Corrupt: Object id wrong; tables: alloc page %ld extent id=%ld l page#=%ld objid in ext=%ld (name = %.*s) objid in page=%ld (name = %.*s)objid in sysindexes=%ld (name = %.*s)
2526 16 Incorrect DBCC command. Please check the Commands Reference Manual for the correct DBCC syntax and options.
2527 10 DBCC detected internal database inconsistancy; see your System Administrator.
2528 10 DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, see your System Administrator.
2529 16 Table Corrupt: Page %ld not found
2531 16 Table Corrupt: Index id on extent should be 0; check the following page and ids: alloc page=%ld extent=%ld index id on extent=%d
2532 16 Table Corrupt: No Syslogs entry in Sysindexes.
2533 16 Table Corrupt: Incorrect index key length %d in internal (sarg) structure.
2534 16 Table Corrupt: No keys found on index page %ld. Offset for the free space: (freeoff=%ld)
2535 16 Table Corrupt: Page# %ld belongs to object id %ld (object name = %.*s) not object id %ld (object name = %.*s)
2536 10 Checking %.*s
2537 10 Checking %ld
2538 10 Alloc page %ld (# of extent=%ld used pages=%ld ref pages=%ld)
2539 10 Total (# of extent=%ld used pages=%ld ref pages=%ld) in this database
2540 16 Table Corrupt: Page is allocated but not linked; check the following pages and ids: allocation pg#=%ld extent id=%ld logical pg#=%ld object id on extent=%ld (object name = %.*s) indid on extent=%ld
2541 16 Table Corrupt: object id does not match between extent in allocation page and Sysindexes; check the following extent: alloc pg#=%ld extent#=%ld object id on extent=%ld (object name = %.*s) object id in Sysindexes=%ld (object name = %.*s)
2542 16 Table Corrupt: Extent is linked in more than one chain. Check the following allocation page and extent: alloc pg#=%ld extent#=%ld status=%d
2543 16 Table Corrupt: Extent structures are linked incorrectly; check the following extent: alloc pg#=%ld extent#=%ld previous extent# on this extent=%ld previous extent should be=%ld
2544 16 Table Corrupt: Extent id %ld on allocation pg# %ld had object id %ld (object name = %.*s) on but used bit off
2545 16 Table Corrupt: Extent#=%ld on allocation pg#=%ld was used but object id was 0,
2546 16 Table Corrupt: Extent id %ld on allocation pg# %ld has objid %ld and used bit on, but reference bit off.
2547 16 Table Corrupt: Segment number %d specified for use in the segment map in Sysusages has no entry in Syssegments. The entry in Sysusages is for dbid %d (db name = %.*s), with a virtual starting address of %ld.
2548 16 There is no default segment specified in Syssegments.
2549 16 There is more than one default segment specified in Syssegments.
2550 16 Missing segment in Sysusages segmap.
2551 10 The following segments have been defined for database %d (database name %.*s).
2552 10 virtual start addr size segments
2553 10 -------------------- ------ --------------------------
2554 10 %20ld %ld
2555 10 %d
2556 20 Page #%lx of Sysindexes in database %d not found in cache after read.
2557 16 Must be owner of object '%.*s' to run DBCC %s on it.
2558 16 Extent not within segment: Object %ld, indid %d includes extents on allocation page %ld which is not in segment %d.
2559 16 Data page number %ld is empty but is not the first page. Status = 0x%x.
2560 16 Incorrect parameter passed to DBCC command.
2561 16 Unable to open log for database %d.
2562 16 %s cannot access object '%.*s' because it is not a table.
2563 14 Only the DBO of database %.*s may run the DBCC CHECKCATALOG command.
2564 14 Only the DBO of database %.*s may run the DBCC CHECKDB command.
2565 14 Only the DBO of database %.*s may run the DBCC CHECKALLOC command.
2567 14 Only the DBO of database %.*s may run the DBCC DBREPAIR command.
2568 16 Page %ld is out of range for this database
2570 10 Warning - Page %ld has DEALLOC bit on - indid %d, status 0x%x
2571 10 Only the System Administrator may use the DBCC command '%.*s'.
2572 10 Database '%.*s' is not in single user mode - may find spurious allocation problems due to transactions in progress.
2573 16 Database '%.*s' is not marked suspect. You cannot drop it with DBCC.
2574 16 Index page number %ld is empty. Status = 0x%x.
2575 16 The last page %ld in Sysindexes for table '%.*s' has next page # %ld in its page header. The next page # should be NULL. Please check Sysindexes.
2576 16 The %S_MSG page %ld specified in Sysindexes for table '%.*s' can not be found. Please check Sysindexes.
2577 16 The root page %ld in Sysindexes for table '%.*s' has next page # %ld and previous page # %ld in its page header. Both the next page # and the previous page # should be NULL. Please check Sysindexes.
2578 16 The first page %ld in Sysindexes for table '%.*s' has previous page # %ld in its page header. The previous page # should be NULL. Please check Sysindexes.
2579 10 The total number of data pages in this table is %ld.
2580 16 The clustered index page (%S_PAGE) has an unexpected key pointer to an overflow data page (%S_PAGE). Please check page status.
2581 16 Data page (%S_PAGE) indicates that an overflow page is linked to it; however, the next page (%S_PAGE) has not been marked as an overflow page. Please check page status.
2582 16 Data page (%S_PAGE) has been marked as an overflow page; however, the previous page (%S_PAGE) does not indicate that there is an overflow page linked to it.
2584 16 The last key in the previous page (%S_PAGE) is equal to the first key in the current page (%S_PAGE); however, the status of current page does not indicate that it is an overflow page.
2585 16 The last key in the previouse page (%S_PAGE) is equal to the first key in the current page (%S_PAGE); however, the status of previous page indicates that there is a disconnected overflow page.
2586 16 The last key in the previouse page (%S_PAGE) is equal to the first key in the current page (%S_PAGE); however, the status of previous page indicates that there is no overflow page.
2587 16 The last key in the previouse page (%S_PAGE) is not equal to the first key in the current page (%S_PAGE); the current page is an overflow page; however, the status of previous page indicates that there is no disconnected overflow page.
2588 16 Page %d was expected to be the first page of a TEXT/IMAGE value.
2589 16 Object '%.*s' must have its status updated in Sysobjects, to reflect the intent of repairing the index on it.
2590 16 DBCC option available for system tables only.
2591 16 Could not find index row which has id %d for table '%.*s'.
2592 10 %s index successfully restored for object '%.*s' in the '%.*s' database.
2593 10 There are %ld rows in %ld pages for object '%.*s'.
2594 16 Invalid index id specified (index id = %d).
2595 16 Database '%.*s' must be set to single user mode before executing this command.
2596 16 %S_PAGE has an incorrect pgfreeoff value of %d. The offset should be %d.
2597 16 The database is not open. Please issue a 'use %.*s' and re-run the DBCC command.
2598 16 Indexes on Sysobjects and Sysindexes cannot be recreated.
2601 14 Attempt to insert duplicate key row in object '%.*s' with unique index '%.*s'
2603 21 No space left on logical page %ld of index %d for object '%.*s' when inserting row on index page - this situation should have been taken care of while traversing the index
2610 22 Could not find leaf row in nonclustered index '%.*s' that corresponds to data row from logical data page %ld, row offset %d during update index attempt after data page split.
2613 20 Attempt to remove resource lock on buffer holding logical page %d failed - the buffer was not resource locked.
2615 14 Attempt to insert duplicate row in table '%.*s' with index '%.*s' in database '%.*s'. Could drop and recreate index with ignore duprow or allow duprow.
2616 20 Buffer holding logical page %d cannot move to slot 1 since buffer holding logical page %d is already there.
2617 20 Buffer holding logical page %d not found in keep pool in SDES for object '%.*s'
2618 20 Couldn't find dupkey group starting at offset %d on page 0x%x.
2619 20 Keys did not match overflow page when inserting row at end of page that has overflow page that is not disconnected.
2620 21 The offset of the row number at offset %d does not match the entry in the offset table of the following page: %S_PAGE.
2621 20 Process %d already has the buffer we are using for an allocation resource locked: %S_PAGE.
2622 21 Insufficient room on this page to insert a row of length %d. %S_PAGE.
2623 21 The PG_DEALLOC bit is on in this page at runtime - should have been turned off by deallocating page in recovery. %S_PAGE.
2624 21 Insert into table %S_DES fails because rowlength %d is less than minlen %d.
2625 20 Deadlock encountered in log allocation for database '%.*s'. This state should not be reached.
2626 21 Illegal attempt to insert duplicate key row in the clustered index for object '%.*s' in database '%.*s'.
2627 14 Violation of %s constraint '%.*s': Attempt to insert duplicate key in object '%.*s'.
2701 10 Database name '%.*s' ignored, referencing object in Tempdb.
2702 16 Database '%.*s' does not exist.
2703 16 Segment '%.*s' does not exist.
2705 16 Column names in each table must be unique. Column name '%.*s' in table '%.*s' is specified more than once.
2706 11 Table '%.*s' does not exist.
2710 16 You are not the owner specified for the object named '%.*s' in this command (CREATE, ALTER, TRUNCATE, UPDATE STATISTICS, or BULK INSERT). The database owner can use the SETUSER command to assume the identity of another user.
2714 16 There is already an object named '%.*s' in the database.
2715 16 Column or parameter #%d: Can't find type '%.*s'.
2716 16 Column or parameter #%d: -- can't specify a column width on type '%.*s'.
2717 16 Column or parameter #%d: -- specified column width too large for type '%.*s'.
2718 16 Column or parameter #%d: -- can't specify Null values on a column of type BIT.
2721 11 Could not find a default segment to create the table on. Ask your System administrator to specify a default segment in Syssegments.
2724 10 Parameter '%.*s' has an invalid data type.
2727 11 Cannot find index '%.*s'.
2728 21 Could not find Sysobjects row for table '%.*s'.
2729 16 Object '%.*s' group number 1 already exists in the database. Choose another procedure name
2730 11 Cannot create procedure '%.*s' with a group number of %d because a procedure with the same name and a group number of 1 does not currently exist in the database. Must CREATE PROCEDURE '%.*s';1 first.
2731 16 Column or parameter #%d: -- can't specify column width of zero for '%.*s'.
2732 16 User error number %ld is invalid. Number must be between %ld and %ld.
2734 16 User name %.*s does not exist in Sysusers.
2735 16 Object text is too long - can only support 255 rows in Syscomments. Shorten the object text or split into multiple objects. Text which caused overflow starts at: '%.*s'.
2736 16 Owner name that was specified is a group name. Objects cannot be owned by groups.
2737 16 Message passed to %s must be of type CHAR or VARCHAR.
2738 16 A table can only have one timestamp column. Since table '%.*s' already has one, you can't add the column '%.*s'.
2739 16 TEXT and IMAGE datatypes are invalid for local variables.
2740 16 SET LANGUAGE failed because '%.*s' is not an official language name or a language alias on this SQL Server.
2741 16 SET DATEFORMAT date order '%.*s' is invalid.
2742 16 SET DATEFIRST %d is out of range.
2743 16 %s command requires %S_MSG parameter.
2744 16 Multiple identity columns specified for table '%.*s', only one identity column per table
2745 10 Process %d has raised user error %d, severity %d. SQL Server is terminating this process.
2746 16 Cannot specify user error format string with length exceeding %d bytes.
2747 16 Too many substitution parameters for raiserror. Cannot exceed %d substitution parameters.
2748 16 Cannot specify %s datatype(raiserror parameter %d) as substitution parameter for raiserror.
2749 16 Identity column '%.*s' must be of type int, smallint, tinyint, decimal or numeric with scale of 0 and constrained to be non-nullable.
2750 16 Column or parameter #%d: -- specified column precision %d is greater than the maximum precision of %d.
2751 16 Column or parameter #%d: -- specified column scale %d is greater than the specified precision of %d.
2752 16 Identity column '%.*s' contains invalid SEED.
2753 16 Identity column '%.*s' contains invalid INCREMENT.
2754 16 Error severity greater than %d can be specified only by System Administrator by using the WITH LOG option.
2755 16 SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY option '%.*s' is invalid.
2756 16 Invalid value %d for State; Valid range is from %d to %d.
2757 16 Raiserror failed due to invalid parameter substitution(s) for error %d, severity %d, state %d.
2758 16 %s could not locate entry for error %d in Sysmessages.
2802 20 Both the tree and plan pointer are set; Ambiguous procedure.
2804 20 Stored procedure '%.*s' is out of sync with its own procedure header.
2805 20 Bad pointer 0x%lx encountered while remapping stored procedure '%.*s'. Must re-create procedure.
2806 20 Stored procedure '%.*s' is corrupted. Must re-create procedure.
2807 18 Process %d could not unlock stored procedure '%.*s' because the procedure is not currently locked by that process.
2808 18 Incorrect object structure returned from getobject.
2809 18 The request for %S_MSG '%.*s' failed because '%.*s' is a %S_MSG object.
2810 18 Cache reports negative usage count for procedure '%.*s'.
2811 18 Cannot create procedure dbid %d, objid %d, with a group number of %d.
2812 16 Stored procedure '%.*s' not found.
2813 20 Procedure %.*s in procedure buffer 0x%lx not properly linked with procedure header 0x%lx.
2814 20 Procedure %.*s in procedure buffer 0x%lx does not contain the same object id as procedure header 0x%lx.
2815 20 Procedure %.*s in procedure buffer 0x%lx contains page address 0x%lx which is not aligned on a 2K boundary.
2816 20 Procedure %.*s in procedure buffer 0x%lx contains page address 0x%lx which is not within any memory map.
2817 20 Procedure %.*s in procedure buffer 0x%lx contains page address 0x%lx which should be allocated.
2818 20 You must provide both name and object id in order to install a procedure.
2819 20 You must provide both name and object id in order to remove a procedure.
2821 16 You must drop and recreate procedure %.*s.
2822 20 Bad version number encountered for procedure %.*s.
2823 20 Process %d tried to remove a PROC_BUF 0x%lx named '%.*s' that it does not hold in the hold procedure linked list.
2824 19 Process %d cannot hold PROC_BUF 0x%lx named '%.*s' because it holds another PROC_BUF 0x%lx named '%.*s'. A process can only hold one view, rule, or default at a time.
2825 20 Process %d tried to remove a PROC_BUF 0x%lx named '%.*s' that it does not hold.
2826 20 Process %d has held the PROC_BUF 0x%lx named '%.*s' in the hold procedure linked list already; Check your procedure cache.
2827 20 Procedure '%.*s' in procedure buffer 0x%lx is not properly hashed.
3001 21 Internal error. Could not find index for system catalog '%.*s', unable to dump database.
3002 23 Attempt to dump database %.*s found logical page %ld when logical page %ld expected.
3004 10 %ld uninitialized pages encountered while dumping database %.*s. Run DBCC CHECKALLOC on this database for more information, then call technical support if there are any errors.
3005 16 DUMP DATABASE has been interrupted by a USER ATTENTION signal.
3101 16 Database in use. System Administrator must have exclusive use of database to run load.
3102 16 Specified file '%.*s' is not in valid dump database format.
3103 10 Unexpected end-of-dump while loading database, attempting to continue. Please verify database integrity.
3104 16 LOAD DATABASE encountered page with invalid logical page number 0x%lx.
3105 16 Data on dump will not fit into current database. Need %ld Mbyte database.
3106 16 Specified file '%.*s' is in an obsolete dump database format: version %d, expected version %d.
3107 20 Page #0x%lx of Sysindexes in database %d not found in cache after read.
3108 16 LOAD DATABASE must be used in single user mode if trying to restore the Master database.
3109 16 This dump was created from the Master database. A dump from Master can only be loaded as part of the Restore Master procedure.
3110 14 You must be the DBO of database %.*s or the SA to run LOAD DATABASE.
3111 16 This dump was not created from the Master database. Master can only be loaded from a dump of the Master database.
3112 16 Cannot load any database other than Master when server in single-user mode.
3113 21 Database %.*s does not have an entry in Sysusers for the DBO.
3114 21 Database %.*s does not have an entry in Sysdatabases.
3115 10 User %.*s in database %.*s has suid %d, which is the same as the suid of the DBO (as defined in Sysdatabases). User %.*s will be given suid %d.
3116 10 When all load transactions have been completed for database %.*s, user %.*s should be given a unique suid.
3117 10 Database %.*s already has a user with suid %d. Please call Technical Support.
3118 16 LOAD DATABASE has been interrupted by a USER ATTENTION signal. A LOAD DATABASE must be completed in this database before it will be accessible.
3120 16 The database you are attempting to LOAD was DUMPed under a different sort order ID (%d) than the one currently running on this server (%d), and at least one of them is a non-binary sort order.
3121 16 The %sCLUSTERED index %s.%s (objid = %ld, indid = %d) may be invalid since it uses CHAR or VARCHAR columns in its key, and was created under a different sort order ID (%d) than the one currently running on this server (%d).
3122 16 This master database dump was created from a 4.2x server and cannot be loaded.
3123 16 Multipart database names ('%.*s') are illegal for LOAD DATABASE.
3124 16 Must be an System Administrator to perform LOAD HEADERONLY.
3125 16 No devices specified for LOAD HEADERONLY.
3201 16 Can't open dump device '%.*s', device error or device off line. Please consult the SQL Server error log for more details.
3202 16 Write on dump device '%.*s' failed, vsn=%ld return=%d status=%ld. Please consult the SQL Server error log for more details.
3203 16 Read on dump device '%.*s' failed, vsn=%ld return=%d status=%ld. Please consult the SQL Server error log for more details.
3204 16 Operator aborted Dump or Load.
3205 16 Too many dump devices specified for dump/load; only %d allowed.
3206 16 No entry in Sysdevices for dump device name '%.*s'. Update Sysdevices and re-run command.
3207 16 DUMP or LOAD via the network is not currently supported. Re-run your command specifying a dump device.
3208 16 Unexpected end of file while reading beginning of dump. Please confirm that dump media contains a valid SQL Server dump. The SQL Server error log may contain more information on the problem.
3209 16 '%.*s' is not a DUMP or LOAD device. Please check Sysdevices.
3210 16 Read via host failed, vsn=%ld return=%d status=%ld. Please consult the SQL Server error log for more detail.
3211 10 %d percent %s
3212 16 The load requires %d dump devices and %d have been specified.
3213 10 %d volume(s) of the current stripe set have been read; Mount the next %d volume(s).
3214 16 The volume on %.*s does not belong to the current stripe set.
3215 16 Number of stripe dump devices(%d) can be atmost one more than the system config parameter 'backup threads' (%d); reconfigure 'backup threads' to be at least %d, and restart the server to try again.
3216 16 %s expects '%s' type; '%s' type has been specified and is invalid.
3217 16 Invalid value '%s' specified for %s.
3218 16 Dump was done from a server with Processor type %d and cannot be loaded in a server with Processor type %d.
3219 16 The stripeset tape in device '%.*s' has already been loaded.
3301 21 Invalid log record found in Syslogs (logop %d)
3303 21 Failed to find SAVEPT in log for xact %S_RID, current number is %d, looking for %d
3305 21 Page %ld in database '%.*s' read in during runtime or load xact was uninitialized.
3306 21 Process %d was expected to hold logical lock on page %ld instead of process %d.
3307 21 Process %d was expected to hold logical lock on page %ld.
3308 21 Page %ld was expected to have %s lock on it.
3309 21 While in backout, process %d was chosen as deadlock victim while waiting for process %d to release lock on page %ld.
3310 21 Cannot find log record with RID: (%ld, %d).
3311 22 No space left on page %ld to move data of %d length.
3312 22 Free offset %d is invalid on page %ld.
3313 10 Error while redoing log row in database '%.*s'. %S_RID.
3314 10 Error while undoing log row in database '%.*s'. %S_RID.
3401 21 Rec_init: getnext SCAN_RID of last checkpoint failed on Rid from Sysdatabases. %S_RID.
3403 22 Rec_init: Found that page %d had non-log object id %d while checking Syslogs allocation.
3404 21 Rec_complete: Could not open controlling database (id %d) of controlling database in multi-db transaction.
3405 10 Recovering database '%.*s'
3406 10 %d transactions rolled forward in dbid %d.
3407 10 %d transactions rolled back in dbid %d.
3408 10 Recovery complete.
3409 10 Roll forward transaction '%s' in dbid %d.
3410 10 Roll back transaction '%s' -- was aborted in dbid %d.
3411 10 Roll back transaction '%s' -- no 'end transaction' in dbid %d.
3412 21 Database %d, table %ld. Attempt to mark table as suspect. Getnext SCAN_CLUST on Sysobjects.objid failed.
3413 21 Database %d. Attempt to mark database as suspect failed. Getnext NC scan on Sysdatabases.dbid failed.
3414 10 Database '%.*s' (dbid %d): Recovery failed. Please contact Technical Support for further instructions.
3417 21 Cannot recover the master database, exiting.
3418 21 Not enough descriptors to open model.
3419 16 Unable to proceed with the recovery of dbid <%d> because of previous errors. Continuing with the next database.
3421 21 Unable to recover database '%.*s' because of a failure to initialize the global timestamp. This indicates that a problem exists in the log for the current database. Please contact Technical Support for assistance.
3423 21 Error recovering database '%.*s' - could not find expected BEGIN TRANSACTION record at location: %S_RID.
3424 21 No more room in transaction table for transaction (%ld, %d).
3425 21 Transaction (%ld, %d) not found in transaction table.
3426 10 Could not make log consistent during special recovery of database %d. Please run dbcc save_rebuild_log utility if you wish to attempt to create a new log for this database.
3429 21 Error recovering database '%.*s' - could not connect to commit service to check completion status of xact: %S_RID.
3430 16 Could not add a checkpoint record during special recovery of database %d. If you intend to do updates in this database, first free up space by running DUMP TRANasction WITH NO_LOG, and then checkpoint the database.
3432 16 Warning: Syslanguages is missing.
3433 16 Name is truncated to '%.*s'. The maximum name length is %d.
3434 20 Cannot change sortorder. Server shutting down. Restart to continue with sortorder unchanged.
3435 20 Sortorder cannot be changed because user objects or user databases exist.
3436 20 Cannot rebuild index %d for the '%.*s' table in the '%.*s' database.
3501 21 Could not get Sysdatabases row for database '%d' at checkpoint time %S_RID.
3502 21 No checkpoint records found in Syslogs for database '%.*s'
3504 21 Sysindexes page # 0x%lx in database '%.*s' is not in buffer cache at checkpoint after getindex call.
3505 14 Only the DBO of database %.*s may run the checkpoint command.
3508 25 Attempt to set '%.*s' database to single user mode failed because the usage count is %ld. Make sure that no other users are currently using this database and rerun CHECKPOINT.
3509 14 Attempt to set database '%.*s' to read only user mode failed because transaction %d:%d is active. Make sure that no other users are currently using this database and rerun CHECKPOINT.
3604 10 Duplicate key was ignored.
3605 10 Duplicate row was ignored.
3606 10 Arithmetic overflow occurred.
3607 10 Divide by zero occurred.
3608 10 Null value used in an expression
3609 10 Attempt to update a column in the fabricated row of an inner table in an outer join.
3612 10 %sSQL Server Execution Times:%s cpu time = %lu ms. elapsed time = %lu ms.
3613 10 SQL Server Parse and Compile Time:%s cpu time = %lu ms.
3615 10 Table: %.*s scan count %d, logical reads: %d, physical reads: %d
3616 22 Non-leaf page %d in table %d, index %d is empty - please rebuild the index.
3618 10 Transaction has been aborted.
3619 10 Unable to write CHECKPOINT record in database %d because the log is out of space.
3620 10 Automatic checkpointing is disabled in database '%.*s' because the log is out of space. It will continue when the DBO successfully checkpoints the database. Please free up some space or extend the database and then run CHECKPOINT.
3621 10 Command has been aborted.
3622 10 Domain error occurred.
3623 10 A transaction on a no_log table was undone. Check the errorlog file in the SQL Server directory for details.
3701 11 Cannot drop the %S_MSG '%.*s', because it doesn't exist in the system catalogs.
3702 16 Cannot drop the %S_MSG '%.*s' because it is currently in use.
3703 11 Cannot drop the %S_MSG with object-id %ld in database %d, because it doesn't exist in the system catalogs.
3704 16 Cannot drop the %S_MSG '%.*s' because you are not the owner or System Administrator.
3705 16 Cannot use DROP %s with '%.*s' because '%.*s' is a %S_MSG. Use DROP %s.
3706 11 DES not found while dropping %s '%.*s'.
3708 16 Cannot drop the %S_MSG '%.*s' because it is a system %S_MSG.
3709 16 Cannot drop '%.*s' because you are not currently in the master database.
3716 16 The %S_MSG '%.*s' cannot be dropped because it is bound to one or more %S_MSG.
3718 11 Could not drop index '%.*s' because the table/clustered index entry cannot be found in the Sysindexes system catalog.
3723 16 Explicit DROP INDEX not allowed on index '%.*s'. It is being used for %s constraint enforcement.
3724 16 Cannot drop the %S_MSG '%.*s' because it is published for replication.
3725 16 Constraint '%.*s' is being referenced by table '%.*s', foreign key constraint '%.*s'.
3726 16 Could not drop object '%.*s'. It is being referenced by a foreign key constraint.
3727 10 Unable to drop constraint. See previous errors.
3728 16 '%.*s' is not a constraint.
3729 20 Unable to open table '%.*s' in dbid '%d'.
3730 20 Unable to locate entry in %s for constraint '%.*s'.
3731 16 '%.*s' is not a valid object.
3732 10 %s
3733 16 Constraint '%.*s' does not belong to table '%.*s'.
3734 20 Unable to update category field for DROP constraint.
3735 20 Primary key or unique constraint '%.*s' returned invalid indid:%d from sysconstraints.
3901 17 This transaction has referenced too many databases. The maximum allowed is %d. The transaction must be split into smaller sections.
3902 13 The commit transaction request has no corresponding BEGIN TRANSACTION.
3903 13 The rollback transaction request has no corresponding BEGIN TRANSACTION.
3904 21 Can't unsplit logical page %ld in object '%.*s' in database '%.*s' - both pages together contain more data than will fit on one page.
3905 21 Can't unsplit logical page %ld in object '%.*s' in database '%.*s' - row number %d is used on both pages.
3906 16 Attempt to BEGIN TRANsaction in database '%.*s' failed because database is READ ONLY.
3907 21 Failed to receive results from PROBE. The distributed transaction named %.*s has not been committed and data may be inconsistent across databases.
3908 16 Attempt to BEGIN TRANsaction in database '%.*s' failed because database is in BYPASS RECOVERY mode.
4001 11 Cannot open default database '%.*s'
4002 14 Login failed
4013 14 Login failed - not a secure SQL Server.
4016 16 Language name in login record '%.*s' is not an official name on this SQL Server. Using default '%.*s' from Syslogins instead.
4017 16 Neither language name in login record '%.*s' nor language name in Syslogins '%.*s' is an official language name on this SQL Server. Using server-wide default '%.*s' instead.
4018 16 Your default language name from Syslogins '%.*s' is not an official language name on this SQL Server. Using server-wide default '%.*s' instead.
4019 16 Default date order '%.*s' for language '%.*s' is invalid. Using 'mdy' instead.
4027 16 Mount tape for %s of database '%s'.
4028 10 End of tape has been reached, remove tape '%s' and mount next tape for %s of database '%s'.
4029 10 Database '%s'%s(%d pages) dumped to file <%d> on tape '%s'.
4030 16 Tape '%s' expires on day '%s' year '%s' and cannot be overwritten.
4031 16 Creation date on tape '%s'(%s) does not match that of first volume(%s).
4032 16 Cannot find file %d on tape '%s'.
4033 16 File <%d> on tape '%s' is not a SQL Server %s dump.
4034 16 Warning, file <%d> on tape '%s' was dumped from database '%s'.
4035 10 Database '%s'%s(%d pages) dumped to file <%d> on device '%s'.
4036 16 Diskdump '%s'expires on day '%s' year '%s' and cannot be overwritten.
4037 16 User specified volume id '%s' does not match the volume id '%s' of the device '%.*s'.
4038 16 Cannot find file %d on device '%s'.
4039 10 Warning, file <%d> on device '%s' was dumped from database '%s'.
4040 16 File <%d> on device '%s' is not a SQL Server %s dump.
4041 16 Device '%s' has a stripe volume version; use INIT option for non-stripe dumps.
4042 16 Device '%s' has a non stripe volume version; use INIT option for stripe dumps.
4043 16 Device '%.*s' has file number mismatch <%d> with stripe file number <%d>.
4044 10 Warning: EXPIREDATE or RETAINDAYS is enforced only for the first dump in the volume.
4202 21 Could not find BEGINXACT record in log while finding truncation page during dump transaction in database '%.*s'.
4203 21 Could not find checkpoint record after truncate page in dump transaction in database '%.*s'
4204 10 Unable to continue logged version of DUMP TRANsaction. Please free up some space in database %d or use the NO_LOG option.
4205 16 Syslogs does not exist in its own segment in database '%d' with segmap '%ld' with logical start page number of '%ld'. You may not use DUMP TRAN in this case, use DUMP DATABASE instead.
4206 16 You cannot run DUMP TRANsaction WITH NO_LOG inside a user transaction.
4207 16 DUMP TRANsaction is not allowed while the select into/bulk copy option is enabled or if a non-logged operation has occurred: use DUMP DATABASE, or disable the option with sp_dboption.
4208 16 DUMP TRANsaction is not allowed while the trunc. log on chkpt. option is enabled: use DUMP DATABASE, or disable the option with sp_dboption.
4209 16 DUMP TRANsaction is not allowed because log was truncated or DUMP DATABASE was never run. Must run DUMP DATABASE.
4210 16 While attempting DUMP TRANsaction WITH NO_TRUNCATE, couldn't find database %.*s.
4211 23 Couldn't complete DUMP TRANsaction WITH NO_TRUNCATE on database '%.*s', because the log pointer in Sysdatabases (page number %ld) is not accurate.
4301 16 Database in use. System Administrator must have exclusive use of DB to load transaction
4302 16 Specified file '%.*s' is not in valid dump transaction format.
4305 16 Specified file '%.*s' is out of sequence. Current time stamp is %S_DATE while dump was from %S_DATE.
4306 16 There was activity on database since last load, unable to load. Must restart load sequence with the load database to continue.
4307 16 Specified file '%.*s' is not properly terminated.
4308 16 Premature end of file, unable to load.
4309 16 Loaded log page #%ld not free or allocated to log. File may be corrupted or internal error detected.
4310 16 Specified file '%.*s' is not in valid DUMP TRANsaction format.
4311 16 Specified file '%.*s' is in an obsolete DUMP TRANsaction format.
4312 16 You must be the DBO of database %.*s or the SA to run LOAD TRANsaction.
4313 16 Recreate index failed for table %ld, index %d. The table has been left in an inconsistent state, and the index is missing, so LOAD TRANSACTION errors may result. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE on the table if LOAD TRANSACTION succeeds.
4314 20 Cannot find table %ld to recreate index %d.
4315 20 Log scan for recreate index failed.
4316 16 Can only LOAD TRANsaction in master if SQL Server is in single-user mode.
4317 16 Multipart database names ('%.*s') are illegal for LOAD TRANSACTION.
4401 16 View '%.*s' no longer exists.
4402 16 Infinite loop in view definition. Cannot resolve the view definitions in the query to the underlying tables.
4403 16 View '%.*s' is not updatable because it contains aggregates.
4404 16 View '%.*s' is not updatable because the definition contains DISTINCT.
4405 16 View '%.*s' is not updatable because the FROM clause names multiple tables.
4406 16 View '%.*s' is not updatable because a field of the view is derived or constant.
4408 19 The query and the views in it exceed the limit of %d tables.
4409 20 The columns in the query definition and the view definition do not match.
4412 16 View '%.*s's definition contains '%.*s', which is a temporary object. Views can only be based on permanent objects.
4413 16 View resolution could not succeed because the previously mentioned objects, upon which the view directly or indirectly relies, do not currently exist. These objects need to be recreated for the view to be usable.
4414 16 Unable to allocate ancillary table for view resolution. Maximum number of tables in a query (%d) exceeded.
4415 16 View '%.*s' is not updatable because either it was created WITH CHECK OPTION or it spans a view created WITH CHECK OPTION and the target table is referenced multiple times in the resultant query.
4501 16 View '%.*s' has more columns defined than column names given.
4502 16 View '%.*s' has more column names specified than columns defined.
4503 20 The create view tree has a resdom with no right hand side. View '%.*s', resdom '%.*s'.
4504 16 CREATE TABLE failed because there was not enough space to allocate memory for the table.
4505 16 CREATE VIEW failed because column '%.*s' in view '%.*s' exceeds the maximum of 250 columns.
4506 10 Column names in each view must be unique. Column name '%.*s' in view '%.*s' is specified more than once.
4507 16 Column '%.*s' specifies storage type %d, which does not currently exist.
4508 16 Views are not allowed on temporary tables. Table names that begin with '#' denote temporary tables.
4509 10 Column names in each view must be unique. An unnamed column is specified more than once in view '%.*s'.
4510 16 Create view failed because WITH CHECK OPTION was specified and the view is not updatable.
4601 14 Only owner <%.*s> of object <%.*s>,in database %.*s can GRANT/REVOKE this permission.
4602 14 Only the System Administrator may GRANT or REVOKE the CREATE DATABASE permission.
4603 14 Only owner of current database may GRANT/REVOKE this permission.
4604 16 There is no such user %.*s.
4606 16 GRANTed/REVOKEd privilege %s not compatible with object.
4607 16 Privilege %s may not be GRANTed or REVOKEd.
4608 16 Only the System Administrator may GRANT/REVOKE ALTER DATABASE permission, and only to/from users with CREATE DATABASE permission.
4609 16 You cannot specify a column list with INSERT or DELETE.
4610 16 You may only GRANT or REVOKE permission on objects in the current database.
4701 11 Cannot truncate table '%.*s', because this table does not exist in database '%.*s'.
4706 17 Could not truncate table '%.*s' because there is not enough room in the log to record the deallocation of all of the index and data pages.
4708 16 Could not truncate object '%.*s' because it is not a table.
4709 16 You are not allowed to truncate the system table '%.*s'.
4710 16 Cannot truncate table '%.*s' because you are not the owner or System Administrator.
4711 16 Cannot truncate table '%.*s'because it is published for replication.
4712 16 Cannot truncate table '%.*s' because it is being referenced by a foreign key constraint.
4801 20 Bulk_main: opentable on BULK INSERT table failed. Dbid=%d name='%.*s'.
4802 21 Bulk_main: getindex of primary index row failed on BULK INSERT table
4804 21 Premature end-of-message while reading current row from host. Host program may have died.
4805 17 The front end tool you are using does not support the feature of bulk insert from host, please use the proper tools for this command.
4806 10 Warning, reverting to slow bulk copy on table '%.*s' because BULKCOPY option not set in database '%.*s'.
4808 10 The bulk copy of this table has been aborted because the CHECKPOINT record could not be written in the log. Please free up space in the database.
4810 16 Expected TEXT token in data stream for bulk copy of text data.
4811 16 Expected column offset in data stream for bulk copy of text data.
4812 16 Expected row offset in data stream for bulk copy of text data.
4813 16 Expected text length in data stream for bulk copy of text data.
4814 16 Cannot perform an unlogged bulk copy into table '%.*s' because it is published for replication.
4901 16 ALTER TABLE only allows columns to be added which can contain nulls. Column '%.*s' cannot be added to table '%.*s' because it does not allow nulls.
4902 11 Cannot alter table '%.*s', because this table does not exist in database '%.*s'.
4905 21 ALTER TABLE failed because page %d of the system catalog Sysindexes in database '%.*s' is not in the cache.
4906 16 ALTER TABLE failed because adding all of the new columns to table '%.*s' would make the size of a row %d. %d is the maximum allowable size of a row in a table.
4909 16 Can't alter %.*s because it is not a table.
4910 16 Can't alter table '%.*s' because you are not the owner or System Administrator.
4912 16 The alter table statement contains multiple identity columns, alter table '%.*s' failed
4913 16 Table '%.*s' already contains an identity column, cannot add new identity column via alter table
4914 16 The number of existing rows (%ld) exceeds the maximum value for the specified datatype, cannot add new identity column to '%.*s'
4915 16 Maximum row width exceeded when adding identity column '%.*s' to table '%.*s'
5001 16 User must be in Master Database.
5002 16 Database %.*s does not exist; check Sysdatabases
5004 16 ALTER DATABASE failed. The size request must be positive.
5005 10 Extending database by %ld pages on disk %.*s
5006 16 Could not find enough space on disks to extend database %.*s
5008 16 System does not support Deextend Database currently
5009 16 ALTER DATABASE failed. Some disk names listed in command were not found. Check that names exist and are spelled correctly before re-running command.
5011 14 Only the owner of database %.*s or the System Administrator may ALTER it.
5013 16 Cannot extend the MASTER database onto any device other than 'master'. The ALTER DATABASE was aborted.
5015 16 ALTER DATABASE failed. The total size specified must be 1 megabyte or greater.
5016 16 Incorrect database name or device name(s).
5017 16 ALTER DATABASE failed. Database %.*s not created with 'for load' option.
5018 16 The size of tempdb in RAM has exceeded the limit. The sum of 'memory size' and 'tempdb in ram' (configurable options) cannot exceed 2046 Megs.
5101 15 Must give parameters for 'DISK %s' command. Usage: %s
5102 15 No such command: 'DISK %.*s'
5103 16 Illegal disk address range. The sum of VSTART and SIZE must be less than 16777216 (0x1000000)
5104 16 Device number %ld already used.
5105 16 Device activation error. The physical filename '%.*s' may be incorrect
5106 15 Parameter '%s' requires value of type '%s'
5107 15 Value is wrong type for parameter '%s' (requires type '%s')
5108 15 Parameter '%s' does not take a value
5109 16 No such parameter: '%.*s'
5114 20 Could not yield
5115 16 I/O error during disk initialization. PHYSNAME '%.*s' may be incorrect or %ld (VSTART SIZE) may exceed the size of the device or permissions may be wrong for the device.
5116 14 Permission denied. Only the System Administrator may run DISK commands.
5117 16 Unable to run DISK command. Must be in master database to run this command.
5118 16 Unable to run DISK REFIT. SQL Server must be booted with the -m option. Please see your System Administration guide about the Restore Master procedure.
5119 18 Unable to reserve a buffer, aborting DISK REFIT command. Please retry Restore Master procedure.
5120 10 Bad segment map (%d) in Sysusages for row with Dbid = %d, Logical Start = 0x%lx, Virtual Start = 0x%lx, and Size = 0x%lx. Recommend you patch this value with correct information after Disk Refit completes.
5121 10 Warning: Disk Refit may not have the correct segment map information in Sysusages. Please review these after the command completes to verify their accuracy.
5122 10 The disk size must be >= 512
5123 16 DISK INIT encountered an error while attempting to open/create the physical file. Please consult the SQL Server error log (in the SQL Server boot directory) for more details.
5124 10 Activating disk '%.*s'
5125 10 Failed to complete unmirror of logical device '%.*s' after recovery of the master database.
5126 16 The logical device '%.*s' does not exist in SYSDEVICES
5127 16 The device '%.*s' is already mirrored and mirroring is enabled.
5128 16 The device '%.*s' is already mirrored but mirroring is disabled. Use the DISK REMIRROR command to enable mirroring or unmirror the device
5129 16 Syntax error detected in the value for parameter 'mirror'. You must provide a valid physical device/file name for this parameter.
5130 16 The value for parameter 'mirror' translates to the same name as that for the primary device. Use another physical device for the mirror.
5131 16 The device '%.*s' is not currently mirrored.
5132 10 DISK MIRROR encountered an error while attempting to create the physical file '%.*s'. Please consult the SQL Server error log for more details.
5133 10 Unable to start i/o to '%.*s'. Please consult the SQL Server error log for details.
5134 10 Dynamic mirroring failed for logical device '%.*s'. Check the SQL Server error log for more information.
5135 10 Starting Dynamic Mirroring of %ld pages for logical device '%.*s'.
5136 10 %ld pages mirrored...
5137 10 Failed to mirror device '%.*s'.
5138 10 Failed to unmirror device '%.*s'.
5139 10 Failed to remirror device '%.*s'.
5140 10 Creating the physical file for the mirror...
5141 17 Unable to start Dynamic Mirroring because an i/o buffer is not currently available. Try the command again later.
5142 16 Mirroring for device '%.*s' is not currently enabled.
5143 10 The remaining %ld pages are currently unallocated and will be mirrored as they are allocated.
5144 16 You can't remove the secondary physical device for virtual device '%.*s' since it is currently the only operational device. Use the SIDE=PRIMARY qualifier for the DISK UNMIRROR COMMAND.
5145 16 Error re-initializing device '%.*s'. Check SQL Server errorlog for more information.
5146 16 The %s of %d is out of range. It must be between %d and %d.
5147 10 Device size set to %ld blocks.
5148 16 Disk Resize can be used only to expand non-RAM devices.
5149 16 Disk Resize encountered an error while attempting to expand the physical file. Please consult the SQL Server error log for more details
5150 16 Cannot find device '%.*s' in sysdevices.
5151 16 Cannot explicitly open or close the master device.
5152 16 Failed to close device '%.*s', see errorlog for details.
5153 16 Failed to open device '%.*s', see errorlog for details.
5154 16 Device '%.*s' is not open.
5155 16 Device '%.*s' is already open.
5157 16 IO error in writelog during backout.
5158 10 Warning, media in device '%.*s' may have been changed.
5159 16 OS Error %.*s on device '%.*s' during %s
5160 16 Cannot take '%.*s' offline because usecount=%d.
5161 16 Database '%.*s' is marked offline.
5162 16 Cannot find '%.*s' in sysdatabases.
5163 16 Cannot open '%.*s' to take offline.
5165 16 Cannot explicitly open or close master database.
5166 16 Database '%.*s' is not offline.
5167 16 Database '%.*s' is already offline.
5701 10 Changed database context to '%.*s'.
5702 10 The SQL Server is terminating this process.
5703 10 Changed language setting to '%.*s'.
5803 10 Unknown config number in Sysconfigures, config = %d.
5804 16 Too few databases specified, minimum = %d
5805 16 Too few locks specified, minimum = %d
5806 16 Too few descriptors specified, minimum = %d
5807 16 Do not recommend recovery intervals above %d minutes - use override option to force this configuration
5808 16 Do not recommend ad hoc updates to system catalogues, use override option to force this configuration
5809 16 Do not recommend average time slices above %d milliseconds, use override option to force this configuration
5810 16 Legal values for fill factor is 0 to 100.
5811 16 Legal values for percent allocated to procedure cache is 1 to 99.
5812 14 Permission denied. Only the System Administrator may run reconfigure.
5813 16 Unable to run with specified memory size of %ld. Please see the System Administration Guide for more information on how to calculate this number.
5816 16 Legal values for the number of remote logins are 0 or positive numbers.
5817 16 Legal values for the number of remote sites are 0 or positive numbers.
5818 16 Legal values for the number of remote connections are 0 or positive numbers.
5819 16 Legal values for the number of pre-read packets per remote connection are 0 or positive numbers.
5820 16 Number of remote logins should be greater than the number of remote sites.
5821 16 Number of remote connections should be greater than the number of remote sites.
5822 16 Version number should be between 0 and 10000.
5823 16 Cannot reconfigure server to use sort order ID %d, because the row for that sort order does not exist in Syscharsets.
5824 16 Cannot reconfigure server to use sort order ID %d, because the row for its underlying character set (ID %d) does not exist in Syscharsets.
5825 16 Cannot reconfigure the server's sort order since the Syscharsets table does not exist. You must upgrade your server prior to attempting this.
5826 10 You have just reconfigured SQL Server's default sort order. System table indexes will be rebuilt when you reboot the SQL server.
5827 10 In changing the default sort order, you have also reconfigured SQL Server's default character set.
5828 16 User connections are limited to %d.
5901 20 Was unable to get an alarm, the background checkpoint process is unable to run
5902 20 Serious kernel error reported on upsleep call, unwilling to continue. Aborting the background checkpoint process.
5903 16 Unable to open database with id = %d, suspect inconsistency in sysdatabases table.
5904 17 Background checkpoint process suspended until locks are available.
6001 10 SHUTDOWN is waiting for %d process(es) to complete.
6002 10 A SHUTDOWN command is in progress. Please log off.
6003 10 This process terminated by SHUTDOWN command.
6004 10 The SHUTDOWN command may only be used by the system administrator.
6005 10 A SHUTDOWN is in progress.
6006 10 Server SHUTDOWN by request.
6101 16 Process '%d' is not a valid process number. Choose a number between 1 and '%d'.
6102 14 Only the System Administrator may use the KILL command.
6103 17 Unable to do cleanup for the killed process; received Msg %d.
6104 16 You cannot use KILL to kill your own process.
6106 16 Process '%d' is not an active process number.
6107 14 Only User processes can be KILLed.
6201 10 STEP %d
6202 10 The type of query is SELECT (into a worktable)
6203 10 The type of query is %s
6204 10 The update mode is direct
6205 10 The update mode is deferred
6206 10 %*sGROUP BY
6207 10 %*sVector Aggregate
6208 10 Scalar Aggregate
6209 10 This step involves sorting
6210 10 Worktable created for ORDER BY
6211 10 Worktable created for DISTINCT
6212 10 Worktable created for REFORMATTING
6213 10 Worktable created for SELECT INTO
6214 10 %*sTO TABLE
6215 10 %*sFROM TABLE
6216 10 %*sWorktable %d
6217 10 %*s%.*s %.*s
6219 10 %*sNested iteration
6220 10 %*sEXISTS TABLE : nested iteration
6221 10 Using GETSORTED Table Scan
6222 10 %*sUsing Dynamic Index
6223 10 %*sTable Scan
6224 10 %*sUsing Clustered Index
6225 10 %*sIndex : %.*s
6226 10 %*sIndex name not found
6227 10 %*sSUBQUERY : nested iteration
6228 10 %*sAND EXISTS : nested iteration
6229 10 %*sAND NOT EXISTS : nested iteration
6230 10 %*sOR EXISTS : nested iteration
6231 10 %*sOR NOT EXISTS : nested iteration
6232 10 %*sRow estimate: %s
6233 10 %*sCost estimate: %s
6234 10 %*sJOINS WITH
6401 16 Cannot rollback %.*s - no transaction or savepoint of that name found.
6402 20 Inconsistency in rollback logic. ROLLBACK finds no matching SAVE TRANsaction or BEGIN TRANsaction. ROLLBACK aborted.
6403 20 No matching savexact record found when rolling back the subordinate transaction %.*s.
6501 21 Logical page 0x%x in database '%.*s' missing from buffer cache after fetching the index row.
6701 16 Could not open dbid %d, object %ld.
6901 21 Overflow on High component of timestamp occurred in database %d. Database table possibly corrupt.
6902 21 Page timestamp value falls between the old and new timestamps from log. Page #=%ld, object id = %ld, page timestamp=%04x %08lx. Log: old timestamp=%04x %08lx, new timestamp=%04x %08lx.
6903 21 High order of timestamp indicates that timestamp structure may be incorrect.
6904 21 Mismatch between database table passed and the one found in the system structure when requesting new database timestamp. Database id passed in : %d. System database id : %d
7101 17 Unable to allocate new text value, dbid %d.
7102 19 Unexpected end-of-message found while reading from network.
7103 22 Read of text value failed for text pointer %lx%lx.
7104 22 Can't open the object containing text pointer %lx%lx.
7105 22 Page %ld for text value does not exist.
7106 22 Row %d for text value does not exist.
7107 22 Text pointer %lx%lx invalid. On page %d, row %d doesn't contain text value.
7108 20 Process %d already has the buffer we are using for an allocation resource locked: %S_PAGE.
7109 22 Unexpected log record of type %d found while processing TEXT/IMAGE data.
7111 17 Can't log text value because log is out of space.
7112 17 Deadlock occurred while trying to lock page %ld, which is held by SQL Server process %d.
7113 22 Data size mismatch detected when transferring TEXT/IMAGE value. First fragment page number: %ld.
7114 22 Page %ld is not a valid text page.
7115 25 Page %ld expected to be first fragment value
7116 25 Offset %d is not in range of available text data.
7117 16 Length %d is not in range of available text data.
7118 16 Object id %ld on page %ld is not the one expected which is %ld.
7120 22 Log record %ld:%d was not found in the LOG.
7121 22 Free offset %d is invalid on page %ld.
7122 20 Invalid source identified during TEXT/IMAGE transfer. Source id is: %d.
7123 16 Invalid text pointer value %s.
7124 16 The offset and length specified in the READTEXT command is greater than the actual data length of %ld.
7125 16 Text pointer value conflicts with the column name specified.
7126 16 Text pointer value references a data page with an invalid text status.
7127 16 Text pointer value references a data page with an invalid time stamp.
7128 16 Text pointer value references a data page which is no longer allocated.
7129 16 Synchronization time stamp does not agree with text data page value.
7130 16 %s with no log is not valid at this time. Use sp_dboption to set the 'select into/bulk copy' option on for database %s.
7131 16 Invalid table and column name specified in textvalid function.
7132 16 Selection of TEXT and IMAGE datatypes require DBLIB 4.0 or greater.
7133 16 NULL textptr passed to %s function.
7134 16 The text table and the table referenced by the text pointer disagree.
7135 16 Deletion length %ld is not in the range of available text data
7201 17 Can't open a connection to site '%.*s' because there are no remote sites available. Rerun when there are fewer active remote sites, or ask your System Administrator to reconfigure SQL Server with more 'remote sites'.
7202 17 Can't open a connection to site '%.*s' because there are no available PSS structures.
7203 17 Can't open a connection to site '%.*s' because SQL Server is not configured for enough user connections. See the error log file in the SQL Server boot directory.
7204 18 Can't open a connection to site '%.*s' because the site is already active.
7205 18 Can't open a connection to site '%.*s'. See the error log file in the SQL Server boot directory.
7206 17 Can't open a connection to site '%.*s' because all channel numbers are in use.
7207 17 Can't open a connection to site '%.*s' because there are no remote connections available. Rerun when there are fewer remote users and/or fewer local users making remote accesses, or ask your SA to reconfigure SQL Server with more 'remote connections'.
7208 17 Can't open a connection to site '%.*s' because there are no remote logins available. Rerun when there are fewer local users making remote accesses, or ask your System Administrator to reconfigure SQL Server with more 'remote logins'.
7209 17 Cannot open a connection to site '%.*s' because %S_MSG buffer could not be initialized.
7210 18 Can't open a connection to site '%.*s' because 'set up channel' message could not be sent.
7211 18 Can't open a connection to site '%.*s' because 'set up channel' message was not acknowledged.
7212 11 Can't close connection %d on site '%.*s' because it is not active.
7213 18 Can't remove site '%.*s' from list of active sites because it is missing.
7214 11 No site name received in server login packet. Server login rejected.
7215 18 Can't send to site '%.*s'.
7216 18 Can't read from site '%.*s'.
7217 18 Echo failed from site '%.*s'.
7218 11 Site '%.*s' not found in Sysservers.
7219 11 Site %d not found in Sysservers.
7220 11 Site '%s' not found in interfaces file.
7221 14 Login to site '%.*s' failed.
7222 18 Received bad token 0x%x from site '%.*s'.
7223 16 Cannot %S_MSG site '%.*s'.
7224 16 Unexpected end-of-message encountered in RPC response from site '%.*s'.
7225 16 Unknown datatype token %d '%s' encountered.
7226 16 Alternate row received for id %d with no corresponding format information.
7227 17 Can't open a connection to site '%.*s' because SQL Server is not configured for remote access. Ask your System Administrator to reconfigure SQL Server to allow remote access.
7901 16 Page %ld was expected to be the first page of a TEXT/IMAGE value.
7902 16 Data size mismatch occurred while checking TEXT/IMAGE values. The first page for this value is: %ld. There were %ld bytes found, which is different from the expected data length of %ld bytes.
7903 16 Page %ld was expected to be a TEXT/IMAGE page. This occurred when link number %ld was examined.
7904 10 The total number of TEXT/IMAGE pages in this table is %ld.
7905 10 The number of rows in Sysindexes for this table was %ld. It has been corrected to %ld.
7906 10 The number of data pages in Sysindexes for this table was %ld. It has been corrected to %ld.
7907 16 The status in the first page (%ld) of the no_log table %.*s and the status in the sysobjects row, do not match.
7908 10 The table %.*s was created with the no_log option.
7909 10 A transaction involving the no_log table %.*s was undone. This may have left the table in an inconsistent state. Rebuild the table.
7910 16 Page %ld allocated (Alloc page: %ld Extent ID: %ld Alloc mask: 0x%x)
7911 16 Page %ld deallocated (Alloc page: %ld Extent ID: %ld Alloc mask: 0x%x)
7912 16 EXTID:%ld (Alloc page: %ld) is initialized. Extent follows:
7913 16 NEXT=%ld PREV=%ld OBJID=%ld ALLOC=0x%x DEALL=0x%x INDID=%d STATUS=0x%x
7914 16 Allocation page %ld Extid %ld is not referenced, but there are referenced pages within this extent. Contact Tech Support for object %ld.
7915 16 Allocation page %ld extid %ld is referenced, but there are no referenced pages within this extent. Contact Tech Support for object %ld.
7916 16 Total (# alloc pages= %ld, # of alloc pages modified=%ld)
7917 16 Total (# pages allocated=%ld pages deallocated=%ld extents deleted=%ld)
7918 16 Alloc page %ld (pgs allocated=%ld pgs deallocated=%ld extents deleted=%ld)
7919 16 Fix_al not processed. Database needs to be in SINGLE USER mode.
7920 16 Processed %ld entries in the Sysindexes for dbid %d.
7921 16 Found %ld bad entries in the Sysindexes.
7922 16 *****************************************************
7923 16 TABLE: %.*sOBJID = %ld
7924 16 INDID=%ld FIRST=%ld ROOT=%ld DPAGES=%ld SORT=%d
7925 16 Indid: %d. %ld Index Pages in %ld extents.
7926 16 Data level: %d. %ld Data Pages in %ld extents.
7927 16 TOTAL # of extents = %ld
7928 16 Index %.*s is not consistent; found %ld leaf rows. Drop and recreate the index.
7929 16 Table has %ld data rows.
7930 16 Table Corrupt: keys in left child is not less than the parent key; check left child page %ld.
7931 16 Table Corrupt: keys in right child is less than parent key; check right child page %ld.
7932 16 The indexes for '%.*s' are already correct. They will not be rebuilt.
7933 16 One or more indexes are corrupt. They will be rebuilt.
7934 16 The table '%.*s' has no indexes.
7935 16 REINDEX recieved an exception - command aborted.
7937 16 The data in table '%.*s' is possibly corrupt - REINDEX aborted. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE and report errors to your System Administrator.
7944 10 *** NOTICE: Space used on the log segment is %4.2f Mbytes, %4.2f%%.
7945 10 *** NOTICE: Space free on the log segment is %4.2f Mbytes, %4.2f%%.
7946 10 *** NOTICE: Notification of log space used/free cannot be reported because the log segment is not on its own device.
7947 16 The sortorder and character set ID's for index %d on this table were %d:%d in Sysindexes. They have been corrected to %d:%d.
7962 16 Upgrade requires the SQL Server to be booted in single user mode. Reboot the SQL Server with the -m flag
7963 16 Upgrade encountered a fatal error. Please check the SQL Server errorlog
7964 16 Allocation page SDES not open.
7965 16 Page is not an allocation page.
7966 10 WARNING: NOINDEX option of '%.*s' being used, checks on non-system indexes will be skipped
7967 16 DBCC %.*s command does not support the %.*s option.
7968 1 Transaction Information for database: %.*s
7969 1 No active open transactions.
7970 1 %sOldest active transaction:
7971 1 SPID : %d
7972 1 UID : %d
7973 1 SUID : %d
7974 1 Name : %.*s
7975 1 RID : (%d , %d)
7976 1 Time Stamp : %04X %08X
7977 1 Start Time : %.*s
7979 1 %sReplicated Transaction Information:
7980 1 Oldest Distributed RID : (%d , %d)
7981 1 Time Stamp : %04X %08X
7982 1 Oldest Non-Distributed RID : (%d , %d)
7983 14 Only the DBO of database %.*s may run the DBCC %s command
7984 16 Invalid object name '%.*s'.
7985 16 The object name '%.*s' contains more than the maximum number of prefixes. The maximum is %d.
7986 16 WARNING: Pinning tables should be carefully considered. If a pinned table is larger or grows larger than the available data cache, the server may need to be restarted and the table unpinned.
7987 16 Switch to database '%.*s' before running this command.
7988 16 This command cannot be run on the MASTER database when a size parameter is specified. Use the '%s' option.
7989 16 The size option cannot be specified for TEMPDB when it is on a RAM device.
7990 16 Database '%.*s' has status: 0x%x which is not a normal database state. (Mask: 0x%x).
7991 16 Unable to shrink database '%.*s' as it contains %d pages. Minimum pages %d.
7992 10 DBCC SHRINKDB running on database '%.*s'...
7993 16 Unable to shrink database '%.*s' to %d pages as it only contains %d pages.
7994 16 Unable to shrink database '%.*s' to %d pages. Minimum new size %d pages.
7995 16 See prior errors. DBCC operation has been aborted.
7996 16 Extended stored procedures can only be created in the master database.
8002 15 Parameter number %d and subsequent parameters must be passed as '@name = value'. Once the form '@name = value' has been used, all subsequent parameters must be passed in the form '@name = value'
8003 15 There are too many parameters in this CREATE PROCEDURE statement. The maximum number is %d.
8004 16 Received an unrecognized datatype %d from TDS datastream.
8005 15 Received a procedure name length of %d. The TDS datastream is incorrect.
8006 16 Maxlen %d invalid for datatype '%s'.
8101 16 An explicit value for the identity column in table '%.*s' can only be specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON
8102 16 Illegal attempt to update identity column '%.*s'
8103 16 Table '%.*s' does not exist or cannot be opened for SET operation
8104 16 Current user is not the DBO or object owner for table '%.*s', unable to perform SET operation
8105 16 '%.*s' is not a user table, unable to perform SET operation
8106 16 Table '%.*s' does not have the identity property, unable to perform SET operation
8107 16 IDENTITY_INSERT is already ON for table '%.*s.%.*s.%.*s'.%sUnable to perform SET operation for table '%.*s'.
8108 16 Attempting to add identity column to table '%.*s', via select into, which already has column '%.*s' that inherits the identity property.
8109 16 Attempting to add multiple identity columns to table '%.*s', via select into.
8110 16 Attempting to add multiple primary key constraints to table '%.*s'.
8111 16 Attempting to define PRIMARY KEY constraint on nullable column in table '%.*s'.
8112 16 Attempting to add more than one clustered index for constraints on table '%.*s'.
8113 16 Unable to recompile '%.*s', '%s %.*s' is illegal in an open transaction.
8114 16 Error converting type %s to type %s.
8115 16 Arithmetic overflow error converting %s to type %s.
8116 16 Argument type %s is invalid for argument %d of %s function.
8117 16 Operand data type %s is invalid for %s operator.
8118 16 Column '%.*s.%.*s' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in an aggregate function and there is no GROUP BY clause.
8119 16 Column '%.*s.%.*s' is invalid in the HAVING clause because it is not contained in an aggregate function and there is no GROUP BY clause.
8120 16 Column '%.*s.%.*s' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
8121 16 Column '%.*s.%.*s' is invalid in the HAVING clause because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
8122 16 Only the first query in the UNION statement is allowed to have a select with assignment.
8123 16 A correlated expression is invalid because it is not in a GROUP BY clause.
8124 16 Multiple columns specified in an aggregated expression containing an outer reference. If an expression being aggregated contains an outer reference then that outer reference must be the only column reference in the expression.
8125 16 An aggregated expression containing an outer reference must be contained in either the select list or a subquery of the HAVING clause of the query whose FROM clause contains the table containing the column being aggregated.
8126 16 Column name '%.*s.%.*s' is invalid in the ORDER BY clause because it is not contained in an aggregate function and there is no GROUP BY clause.
8127 16 Column name '%.*s.%.*s' is invalid in the ORDER BY clause because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
8129 16 Shrinking of database devices is not allowed in the current version. The new disk size must be greater than %d.
8130 16 Device is not a database device. Only database devices can be expanded.
8131 16 Error occurred allocating resource during expansion of device TEMP_DB. Please consult the event log for details.
8132 16 The number of expansions of the device TEMP_DB has exceeded the system limit. In order to expand the device shutdown and restart the server.
8133 16 All the result expressions in a CASE specification must not be NULL.
8134 16 Divide by zero error encountered
8135 16 Table level constraint does not specify column list, table '%.*s'.
8136 16 Duplicate columns specified in %s constraint key list, table '%.*s'.
8137 16 Foreign key reference is missing target table name, table '%.*s'.
8138 16 More than 16 columns specified in foreign key column list, table '%.*s'.
8139 16 Number of referencing columns in foreign key differs from number of referenced columns, table '%.*s'.
8140 16 More than one key specified in column level %s constraint, table '%.*s'.
8141 16 Column %s constraint for column '%.*s' references another column, table '%.*s'.
8142 16 Subqueries are not supported in %s constraints, table '%.*s'.
8143 16 Parameter %.*s was supplied multiple times.
8144 16 Too many arguments supplied for procedure %.*s.
8145 16 %.*s is not a parameter for procedure %.*s.
8146 16 Procedure %.*s has no parameters and arguments were supplied.
8147 16 Attempt to create IDENTITY attribute on nullable column '%.*s', table '%.*s'.
8148 16 More than one column %s constraint specified for column '%.*s', table '%.*s'.
8149 16 Invalid column '%.*s' specified in %s definition, table '%.*s'.
8150 16 Multiple NULL constraints specified for column '%.*s', table '%.*s'.
8151 16 Both a primary key and unique constraint have been defined for column '%.*s', table '%.*s'. Only one is allowed.
13001 10 data page
13002 10 index page
13003 10 leaf page
13004 10 last
13005 10 root
13006 10 read from
13007 10 send to
13008 10 receive
13009 10 send
13010 10 read
13011 10 wait
13012 10 A USE DATABASE statement
13013 10 a procedure or trigger
13014 10 A DISTINCT clause
13015 10 a view
13016 10 An INTO clause
13017 10 An ORDER BY clause
13018 10 A COMPUTE clause
13019 10 a SELECT INTO statement
13020 10 option
13021 10 offset option
13022 10 statistics option
13023 10 parameter option
13024 10 built-in function name
13025 10 field
13026 10 parameter
13027 10 convert specification
13028 10 index
13029 10 table
13030 10 database
13031 10 procedure
13032 10 trigger
13033 10 view
13034 10 default
13035 10 rule
13036 10 system
13037 10 unknown type
13038 10 SET command
13039 10 column
13040 10 type
13041 10 character string
13042 10 integer
13043 10 identifier
13044 10 number
13045 10 integer value
13046 10 floating point value
13047 10 object
13048 10 column heading
13076 10 an assignment
13077 10 a cursor declaration
13078 10 replication filter
14001 16 The destination table must not be qualified.
14002 16 The 'Sync' subsystem with the Task id '%ld' was not found.
14003 16 You must supply a publication name.
14004 16 %s must be in the current database.
14005 16 Unable to drop publication. A subscription exists on it.
14006 16 Unable to drop the publication.
14007 16 You cannot change the destination database of a subscription unless it is inactive.
14008 11 There are no publications.
14009 11 There are no articles for publication '%s'.
14010 16 The remote server is not defined as a subscription server.
14011 16 The publication you have selected does not exist or you do not have permission to access it.
14012 16 The @status value must be either 'active' or 'inactive'.
14013 16 This database is not enabled for publication.
14014 16 The synchronization method (@sync_method) must be either '[bcp] native' or '[bcp] character'.
14015 16 The replication frequency (@repl_freq) must be either 'continuous' or 'snapshot'.
14016 16 The publication '%s' already exists.
14017 16 Invalid @restricted value. Valid options are 'true' or 'false'.
14018 16 The publication could not be created.
14019 16 The @operation must be either 'add' or 'drop'.
14020 16 The column id for the specified column could not be obtained. The column was not correctly added to the article.
14021 16 The column was not correctly added to the article.
14022 16 The property must be 'name', 'description', 'sync_object', 'type', 'status', 'ins_cmd', 'del_cmd', 'upd_cmd', 'filter', 'dest_table', 'creation_script' or 'pre_creation_cmd'.
14023 16 The type must be 'logbased', 'logbased manualfilter', 'logbased manualview', 'logbased manualboth'.
14024 16 The status must be 'active' or 'inactive'.
14025 10 The article was successfully updated.
14026 16 The synchronization method must be '[bcp] native', '[bcp] character', or 'dump/load'.
14027 11 %s does not exist in the current database.
14028 11 User tables are the only objects that can be published.
14029 16 The vertical partition switch must be either 'true' or 'false'.
14030 16 The article '%s' already exists in publication '%s'.
14031 16 User tables and views are the only valid synchronization objects.
14032 16 The article name cannot be the keyword 'all'.
14034 16 The publication name @publication cannot be the keyword 'all'.
14035 10 Database '%s' is already enabled for publishing.
14036 16 Unable to enable database for publishing.
14037 16 Database '%s' is not enabled for publishing.
14038 16 Unable to disable database for publishing.
14039 16 Unable to construct column clause for article view. Reduce the number of columns or create the view manually.
14040 16 The server '%s' is already a subscriber.
14041 16 Unable to perform the command. The distribution server is not available.
14042 16 Unable to be create subscriber.
14043 16 %s cannot be NULL.
14044 16 Owner qualified %s names are not allowed.
14045 16 The task id must be unique. The specified @taskid has already been used.
14046 16 Unable to drop article. A subscription exists on it.
14047 16 Unable to drop %s.
14048 16 The server '%s' is not a subscriber.
14049 16 Stored procedures are the only objects that can be used as a filter.
14050 11 You do not have a subscription on this publication/article.
14051 16 The property must be 'sync_type' or 'dest_db'.
14052 16 The sync_type must be 'manual', 'automatic' or 'none'.
14053 16 The subscription could not be updated at this time.
14054 10 The subscription was successfully updated.
14055 10 There is no subscription on article %s in publication %s for subscriber %s.
14056 16 The subscription could not be dropped at this time.
14057 16 The subscription could not be created.
14058 16 The subscription already exists.
14059 16 Unable to obtain information from the distribution server.
14060 16 Unable to update distribution subscriber table. The subscriber could not be removed at this time.
14061 16 The pre_creation_cmd must be 'none', 'drop', 'delete', 'truncate'.
14062 10 The subscriber was dropped.
14063 11 The remote server does not exist or has not been designated as a valid subscriber.
14064 11 There are no subscribers registered.
14065 16 The status must be 'active', 'inactive', or 'subscribed'.
14066 16 The previous status must be 'active', 'inactive', or 'subscribed'.
14067 16 The status value is the same as the previous status value.
14068 16 Unable to update sysobjects. The subscription status could not be changed.
14069 16 Unable to update sysarticles. The subscription status could not be changed.
14070 16 Unable to update the distribution database subscription table. The subscription status could not be changed.
14071 16 This distributor information could not be obtained.
14072 16 The publication you have selected is restricted. Contact your system administrator or database owner to obtain permission to subscribe to this publication. The subscription was not created.
14073 16 This procedure must be executed from the subscriber.
14074 16 The server '%s' is already listed as a publisher.
14075 16 The publisher could not be created at this time.
14076 16 Unable to grant replication login privilege to '%s'.
14077 10 The publication was successfully updated.
14078 16 The property must be 'name', 'description', 'taskid', 'sync_method', 'status', 'repl_freq', or 'restricted'.
14079 16 Do not qualify the destination table name with a database. Use the 'dest_db' property of sp_changesubscription to specify a destination database.
14080 11 The remote server does not exist or has not been designated as a valid publisher.
14081 16 @replicated must be either 'true' or 'false'.
14082 10 The object was successfully marked as a replicated object.
14083 16 The object was not successfully (un)marked as a replicated object.
14085 16 The subscriber information could not be obtained from the distributor.
14086 16 '%s' is not a valid @subscriber_db.
14087 16 No completed transactions found.
14088 16 The table '%s' must have a primary key in order to be published.
14089 10 '%ld' completed transactions for subscriber '%s' were removed from the distribution database.
14090 16 A distribution server already exists.
14091 16 The @type parameter passed to sp_helpreplicationdb must be either 'pub' or 'sub'.
14092 16 Unable to change article. A subscription exists on it.
14093 16 You must be System Administrator (SA) or the Database Owner (dbo) or a Replication Subscriber (repl_subscriber) to execute this stored procedure.
14150 10 Replication-%s: Task '%s' succeeded. %s
14151 20 Replication-%s: Task '%s' failed. %s
14152 18 Replication-%s: Task '%s' scheduled for retry after %d attempt(s). '%s'
14153 10 Replication-%s: Task '%s' detected the potential for missing jobs on '%s'.
14200 16 Invalid frequency type.
14201 16 Invalid frequency subtype.
14202 16 Frequency interval invalid for this frequencytype; consult your documentation.
14203 16 Invalid frequency relative interval; consult your documentation.
14204 16 Active end date cannot be less than active start date.
14205 16 Active end time cannot be less than active start time.
14206 16 Next run date must be between active start date and active end date.
14207 16 Next run time must be between active start time and active end time.
14208 16 You must specify a task name.
14209 16 Server '%s' is not a registered remote server.
14210 16 Task '%s' already exists.
14211 16 Database '%s' not found.
14212 16 Operator '%s' not found.
14213 16 Run priority must one of: -15 (idle), -2 (lowest), -1(low), 0 (normal), 1 (high), 2 (highest), 15 (time critical).
14214 16 Invalid log history completion level.
14215 16 Invalid email completion level.
14216 16 Invalid task id.
14217 16 You must be the sa or logged in as the owner of this task to update it.
14218 16 Invalid task name.
14219 16 You must be the sa or the owner of this task to drop it.
14220 16 Login '%s' not found.
14221 16 Administrator '%s' not found.
14222 16 Task '%s' not found.
14223 16 Task id '%ld' not found.
14224 16 You must be the sa, or specify a task for which you are the owner, to purge task histories.
14225 16 You must specify an Administrator name.
14226 16 Administrator '%s' already exists.
14227 16 You must specify an email address and/or a pager number for an administrator.
14228 16 Invalid pager start time.
14229 16 Invalid pager end time.
14230 16 Pager end time must be later than pager end time.
14231 16 Pager days must be one or more of Sunday (day 1) thru Saturday (day 7).
14232 16 You must be the sa to add, drop, or update administrators.
14233 16 Invalid admin id.
14234 16 Administrator '%s' is the Email Admin for one or more Tasks. You must reassign those Tasks before dropping the Administrator.
14235 16 Administrator '%s' is the Email or Page Admin for one or more Alerts. You must reassign those Alerts before dropping the Administrator.
14236 16 Invalid active end date.
14237 16 Invalid active end time of day.
14238 16 Invalid active start date.
14239 16 Invalid active start time of day.
14240 16 Invalid next run date.
14241 16 Invalid next run time.
14244 16 You must be sa to reassign tasks.
14245 16 You must specify the task name or a login name to reassign or drop tasks.
14246 16 You must specify the name or id of the task to be updated.
14247 16 The username (%s) you have specified is not your username (%s) in the %s database. Only the SA or the DBO of %s may do this.
14500 16 You must supply either a zero (or NULL) for @message_id and a non-zero non-null value for @severity, or a zero (or NULL) for @severity and a non-zero non-null value for @message_id.
14501 16 The @task_name parameter you have supplied does not exist in systasks.
14502 16 The @severity parameter you have supplied is not valid.
14503 16 The @include_event_description_in parameter must be EMAIL, PAGER, BOTH or NONE.
14504 16 The @delay_between_responses parameter must be greater than or equal to 0.
14505 16 The @occurrence_count parameter must be greater than 0 or equal to 0.
14506 16 An Alert for this @message_id - or @severity - with the same @event_description_keyword and @database_name values already exists (id = %s).
14507 16 The @alert_name parameter you have supplied does not exist in sysalerts.
14508 16 The @operator_name parameter you have supplied does not exist in sysoperators.
14509 16 This Notification does not exist in sysnotifications.
14510 16 The @object_type parameter must be either ALERTS or OPERATORS.
14511 16 The @enum_type parameter must be either ALL, ACTUAL or TARGET.
14512 16 The @notification_method parameter must be either EMAIL, PAGER or BOTH.
14513 16 This Operator already exists.
14514 16 The @pager_days parameter you have supplied is invalid.
14515 16 This Notification already exists.
14516 16 The @enabled parameter must be either 0 or 1.
14517 16 The @notification_method parameter must be EMAIL, PAGER or BOTH.
14518 16 The @message_id parameter you have supplied is not valid.
14519 16 The @target_name parameter must be supplied when specifying an @enum_type of TARGET.
14520 16 The @target_name parameter should not be supplied when specifying an @enum_type of ALL or ACTUAL.
14521 16 The @target_name parameter does not exist in sys%s.
14522 16 The @weekday_pager_start_time parameter is invalid (must be in HHMMSS format).
14523 16 The @weekday_pager_end_time parameter is invalid (must be in HHMMSS format).
14524 16 The @saturday_pager_start_time parameter is invalid (must be in HHMMSS format).
14525 16 The @saturday_pager_end_time parameter is invalid (must be in HHMMSS format).
14526 16 The @sunday_pager_start_time parameter is invalid (must be in HHMMSS format).
14527 16 The @sunday_pager_end_time parameter is invalid (must be in HHMMSS format).
14528 16 The @name or @new_name parameter you have supplied is not unique.
14529 16 The @new_name parameter you have supplied is not unique.
14530 16 %s is the Fail-Safe Operator. You must make another operator the Fail-Safe operator before %s can be dropped.
14531 16 The @task_name parameter you have supplied is not an On-Demand task. Only On-Demand tasks may be fired in response to an Alert.
15000 16 You must be System Administrator (SA) or the Database Owner (dbo) to execute this stored procedure.
15001 16 %s does not exist.
15002 16 The procedure '%s' cannot be executed from within a transaction.
15003 16 You must be System Administrator (SA) to execute this stored procedure.
15004 16 Name cannot be NULL.
15005 16 '%s' is not a valid name since it begins with an invalid character.
15006 16 '%s' is not a valid name since it contains invalid characters.
15007 16 The login '%s' does not exist.
15008 16 User '%s' does not exist in the current database.
15009 16 The object '%s' does not exist in database '%s'.
15010 16 The database '%s' does not exist. Use sp_helpdb to show available databases.
15011 16 Database option '%s' does not exist.
15012 16 The device '%s' does not exist. Use sp_helpdevice to show available devices.
15013 16 The device option '%s' does not exist or is not a settable option.
15014 16 The group '%s' does not exist in the current database.
15015 16 The server '%s' does not exist. Use sp_helpserver to show available servers.
15016 16 The default '%s' does not exist.
15017 16 The rule '%s' does not exist.
15018 16 The segment '%s' does not exist.
15019 16 The extended stored procedure '%s' does not exist.
15020 16 The stored procedure '%s' does not exist in the current database.
15021 16 The report '%s' does not exist in the current database.
15022 16 The specified user name is already aliased.
15023 16 User '%s' already exists in the current database.
15024 16 The group '%s' already exists in the current database.
15025 16 The login '%s' already exists.
15026 16 Logical device '%s' already exists.
15027 16 The segment '%s' already exists.
15028 16 The server '%s' already exists.
15029 16 The type '%s' already exists in the current database.
15030 16 Physical device '%s' already exists.
15031 16 The object '%s' already exists in the current database.
15032 16 The database '%s' already exists.
15033 16 '%s' is not a valid official language name.
15034 16 The alias '%s' already exists in Syslanguages.
15035 16 '%s' is not a database device.
15036 16 The datatype '%s' does not exist.
15037 16 The physical datatype '%s' does not allow NULLs.
15038 16 User-defined datatypes based on the 'timestamp' datatype are not allowed.
15039 16 The language '%s' already exists in Syslanguages.
15040 16 User defined error messages must have a number > 50000.
15041 16 User defined error messages must have a severity between 1 and 25.
15042 16 Only the System Administrator (SA) may add messages with severity > 18 or which set the WITH_LOG option to 'true'.
15043 16 You must specify 'REPLACE' to overwrite an existing message.
15044 16 '%s' is an unknown device type. Use 'disk', 'tape', 'diskette' or 'pipe'.
15045 16 Logical name may not be NULL.
15046 16 Physical name may not be NULL.
15047 16 The only legal options for a tape device are 'skip' and 'noskip'.
15048 16 '%s' is not a valid database device type. Please enter either 'system' or 'data'.
15049 16 Database already exists, specify 'data' instead of 'system' as the database device type to install additional data devices for an existing database.
15050 16 No such database. You must first create the database by defining its system device.
15051 16 The database size must be at least 1 Meg per device.
15052 16 A new location for the system device must be provided when installing the system database device.
15053 16 Objects exist which are not owned by the dbo.
15054 16 No more available device numbers.
15055 16 File '%s' cannot be opened.
15056 16 Error inserting into table '%s'. Database fragment not installed.
15057 16 List of %s name contains spaces, which are not allowed.
15058 16 List of %s has too few names.
15059 16 List of %s has too many names.
15060 16 List of %s names contains name(s) which have '%s' non-alphabetic characters.
15061 16 WARNING: physical device name '%s' is not unique.
15062 16 The 'guest' user may not be mapped to a login name.
15063 16 Login already has an account under a different user name.
15064 16 Primary Key constraints do not have space allocated.
15065 16 All user ids have been assigned.
15066 16 There is already a default-name mapping of a remote login from remote server '%s'.
15067 16 '%s' isn't a local user -- remote login denied.
15068 16 There is already a remote user named '%s' for remote server '%s'.
15069 16 One or more users is using the database. Cannot complete requested operation.
15070 16 The 'repl_subscriber' user may only be mapped to the 'repl_subscriber' login.
15071 16 usage: sp_addmessage <msgnum>,<severity>,<msgtext> [,REPLACE]
15072 16 Usage: sp_addremotelogin remoteserver [, loginame [,remotename]]
15073 16 The device '%s' is not used by database '%s'.
15074 16 '%s' is reserved exclusively as a log device.
15075 16 The maximum number of segments for the current database are already defined.
15076 16 Default and table or user datatype must be in the 'current' database.
15077 16 Rule and table or usertype must be in the 'current' database.
15078 16 Table or view name must be in the 'current' database.
15079 10 Queries processed: %d.
15080 17 Failure using SQLMapi, check SQL Server error log.
15081 16 The dependent table or view does not exist in the current database.
15082 16 Name must be in the 'current' database.
15083 16 Report must be in the 'current' database.
15084 16 Column or user datatype must be in the 'current' database.
15085 16 Usage: sp_addtype name, 'datatype' [,null | nonull]
15086 16 Illegal precision specified -- must be between 1 and 38.
15087 16 Illegal scale specified -- must be less than precision and positive.
15088 16 Physical type is fixed length. You cannot specify the length.
15089 16 Usage: sp_addserver servername [, 'local']
15090 16 There is already a local server.
15091 16 You must specify a length with this physical type.
15092 16 Illegal length specified -- must be between 1 and 255.
15093 16 '%s' is not a valid date order.
15094 16 '%s' is not a valid first day.
15095 16 Insert into 'syslanguages' failed. Language not added.
15096 16 Only the System Administrator (SA) or '%s' can change '%s's default language.
15097 16 Can't drop '%s' because there are associated entries in master.dbo.sysmessages. Run sp_droplanguage with dropmessages flag.
15098 16 The only legal value for @dropmessages is 'dropmessages'.
15099 16 Update of 'syslanguages' failed. Language alias not changed.
15100 16 Usage: sp_bindefault defaultname, objectname [, 'futureonly']
15101 16 You cannot bind a default to a column of datatype 'timestamp'.
15102 16 You cannot bind a default to an identity column.
15103 16 You cannot bind a default to a column that was created with or altered to have a default value.
15104 16 You do not own a table named '%s' that has a column named '%s'.
15105 16 You do not own a datatype with that name.
15106 16 Usage: bindrule rulename, objectname [, 'futureonly']
15107 16 You cannot bind a rule to a column of datatype 'text', 'image', or 'timestamp'.
15108 16 Only the System Administrator (SA) can change the owner of a database.
15109 16 The owner of the 'master' database may not be changed.
15110 16 The proposed new db owner already is a user in the database.
15111 16 The proposed new db owner already is aliased in the database.
15112 16 First table in the common key does not exist.
15113 16 Second table in the common key does not exist.
15114 16 Only the table owner may define its common keys.
15115 16 The tables have no such first column or the columns are of different types.
15116 16 The tables have no such second column or the columns are of different types.
15117 16 The tables have no such third column or the columns are of different types.
15118 16 The tables have no such fourth column or the columns are of different types.
15119 16 The tables have no such fifth column or the columns are of different types.
15120 16 The tables have no such sixth column or the columns are of different types.
15121 16 The tables have no such seventh column or the columns are of different types.
15122 16 The tables have no such eighth column or the columns are of different types.
15123 16 The configuration option does not exist.
15124 16 The configuration option '%s' is not unique.
15125 16 Only the System Administrator (SA) may change configuration parameters.
15126 16 You cannot set the number of devices to be less than the number of devices already defined in sysdevices.
15127 16 You cannot set the default language to a language ID that is not defined in Syslanguages.
15128 16 You cannot set the kernel language to a language ID that is not defined in Syslanguages.
15129 16 '%d' is not a valid value for configuration option '%s'.
15130 16 usage: sp_dbinstall <dbname>,<logical devname>,<physical devname>,<size>,{'system' | 'data'},['new location']
15131 16 usage: sp_dbremove <dbname> [,dropdev]
15132 16 You cannot change someone else's default database.
15133 16 Cannot change settings for 'master' device.
15134 16 No alias for specified user exists.
15135 16 Device option '%s' is not unique.
15136 16 usage: sp_devoption [devname, optname, {true | false}]
15137 16 Only the System Administrator (SA) may set device options.
15138 16 Cannot set device to 'read only' because it is used by non 'read only' database(s). Use sp_dboption to set database options.
15139 16 The device is a RAM disk and cannot be used as a default device.
15140 16 Usage: sp_diskdefault logicalname {defaulton | defaultoff}.
15141 16 Cannot drop device since it is being used by one or more databases.
15142 16 Cannot drop the group 'public'.
15143 16 '%s' is not a valid option for @updateusage. Please enter either 'true' or 'false'.
15144 16 Group has members. It must be empty before it can be dropped.
15145 16 Usage: sp_dropkey {primary | foreign | common}, tabname [,deptabname]. Type must be 'primary', 'foreign', or 'common'.
15146 16 You must be the owner of the table or view to drop its key.
15147 16 No primary key for the table or view exists.
15148 16 You need to supply the dependent table or view as the third parameter.
15149 16 No foreign key for the table or view exists.
15150 16 No common keys exist between the two tables or views supplied.
15151 16 Foreign key table does not exist.
15152 16 Primary key table does not exist.
15153 16 Only the owner of the table may define a foreign key.
15154 16 The table has no such first column.
15155 16 The table has no such second column.
15156 16 The table has no such third column.
15157 16 The table has no such fourth column.
15158 16 The table has no such fifth column.
15159 16 The table has no such sixth column.
15160 16 The table has no such seventh column.
15161 16 The table has no such eighth column.
15162 16 Primary key does not exist with the same number of columns as the foreign key.
15163 16 Primary key does not exist.
15164 16 Datatypes of the first column in the keys are different.
15165 16 Datatypes of the second column in the keys are different.
15166 16 Datatypes of the third column in the keys are different.
15167 16 Datatypes of the fourth column in the keys are different.
15168 16 Datatypes of the fifth column in the keys are different.
15169 16 Datatypes of the sixth column in the keys are different.
15170 16 Datatypes of the seventh column in the keys are different.
15171 16 Datatypes of the eighth column in the keys are different.
15172 16 Only the owner of the table may define a primary key.
15173 16 Primary key already exists on table -- drop key first.
15174 16 Login '%s' owns one or more database(s). Change the owner of the following database(s) before dropping login:
15175 16 Login '%s' is mapped to user: '%s' in database '%s'. Drop user before dropping login.
15176 16 Login '%s' is aliased to user: '%s' in database '%s'. Drop alias before dropping login.
15177 16 usage: sp_dropmessage <msg number>.
15178 16 Cannot drop a message with a number < 50000.
15179 16 Message number %u does not exist.
15180 16 Type is being used. You cannot drop it.
15181 16 You cannot drop the 'database owner'.
15182 16 You cannot drop the 'guest' user from master or tempdb.
15183 16 The user owns objects in the database and cannot be dropped.
15184 16 The user owns datatypes in the database and cannot be dropped.
15185 16 There is no remote user '%s' mapped to local user '%s' from the remote server '%s'.
15186 16 Cannot drop segment '%s' completely.
15187 16 The segment '%s' is being used.
15188 16 Segment '%s' does not reference device '%s'.
15189 16 There is only one unique device mapping for the segment '%s' -- use sp_dropsegment with no device argument.
15190 16 There are still remote logins for the server '%s'.
15191 16 Usage: sp_dropserver server [, droplogins]
15192 16 Can't make the only segment on original device log-only.
15193 16 This procedure can be used on system tables only.
15194 16 Cannot re-create index on this table.
15195 16 The first table does not exist.
15196 16 The second table does not exist.
15197 16 There is no text for object '%s'
15198 16 The name supplied is not a user, group, or aliased.
15199 16 Only the System Administrator (SA) or the Database Owner (dbo) may move the syslogs table.
15200 16 There are no remote servers defined.
15201 16 There are no remote logins for the remote server '%s'.
15202 16 There are no remote logins defined.
15203 16 There are no remote logins for '%s'.
15204 16 There are no remote logins for '%s' on remote server '%s'.
15205 16 There are no servers defined.
15206 16 Invalid Remote Server Option: '%s'
15207 16 usage: sp_makestartup <procname>
15208 16 The specified procedure must be owned by the SA.
15209 16 Procedure expects parameters. Cannot be used as a startup stored procedure.
15210 16 Only System Administrator (SA) can use loginame option -- password not changed.
15211 16 Old (current) password incorrect for user -- password not changed.
15212 16 Use sp_logdevice to move syslogs table.
15213 16 You cannot move system tables.
15214 16 You do not own a table named '%s'.
15215 16 There is no index named '%s' for table '%s'.
15216 16 '%s' is not a valid option for @delfile.
15217 16 '%s' is a system table. sp_recompile cannot be used on system tables.
15218 16 Object '%s' is not a table.
15219 16 You do not own table '%s'. Only the System Administrator (SA) or the table's owner may perform this action.
15220 16 Usage: sp_remoteoption [remoteserver, loginame, remotename, optname, {true | false}]
15221 16 Remote login option does not exist or cannot be set by user. Run sp_remoteoption with no parameters to see options.
15222 16 Remote login option '%s' is not unique.
15223 16 A column named '%s' already exists in table '%s'.
15224 16 An index named '%s' already exists in table '%s'.
15225 16 Object name beginning with '#' is not allowed.
15226 16 Only the System Administrator (SA) can change the name of a database.
15227 16 The database '%s' cannot be renamed.
15228 16 The System Administrator (SA) must set database '%s' to single-user mode with sp_dboption before it can be renamed.
15229 16 usage: sp_serveroption [server, optname, {true | false}]
15230 16 Server option does not exist or cannot be set by user. Run sp_serveroption with no parameters to see options.
15231 16 Server option '%s' is not unique.
15232 16 Only the System Administrator (SA) may set server options.
15233 16 There is already a server network name '%s'.
15234 16 Object is stored in 'sysprocedures' and has no space allocated directly.
15235 16 Views do not have space allocated.
15236 16 Column '%s' has no default.
15237 16 User datatype '%s' has no default.
15238 16 Column '%s' has no rule.
15239 16 User datatype '%s' has no rule.
15240 16 usage: sp_unmakestartup <procname>
15241 16 usage: sp_dboption [dbname, optname, {true | false}]
15242 16 Database option '%s' is not unique.
15243 16 The option '%s' cannot be changed for the 'master' database.
15244 16 Only the System Administrator (SA) or the owner of the database may set db options.
15245 16 'DBCC DBCONTROL' error. Database not placed offline.
15246 16 Cannot bring database online due to problem opening device '%s'.
15247 16 The object name '%s' is ambiguous. Table '%s' has both a column and an index named '%s'. Please specify either 'COLUMN' or 'INDEX' after the new name.
15248 16 You cannot specify '%s' unless renaming a column or index.
15249 16 '%s' is an invalid option for object type. Please enter either 'COLUMN' or 'INDEX'.
15250 16 Database name component of object qualifier must be name of current database.
15251 16 Illegal '%s' specified -- must be %s.
15252 16 PK table name or FK table name must be given.
15253 16 '%s' is not a column in table '%s'.
15254 16 Non dbo/guest users exist in database. Please drop them before removing database.
15255 16 '%s' is not a valid value for @autofix. The only valid option is 'auto'.
15256 16 usage: sp_certify_removable <dbname> [,'auto']
15257 16 You cannot be USEing the database that you are attempting to certify.
15258 16 The database must be owned by the System Administrator before it can be removed.
15259 16 The database must occupy at least three database devices (one each for the 'system' and 'log' segments and one or more for the 'data' segment(s)) before it can be removed.
15260 16 The database has cannot be removed since it has noncontiguous fragments on one or more devices.
15261 16 usage: sp_create_removable <dbname>,<syslogical>,<sysphysical>,
<datasize1> [,<datalogical2>,<dataphysical2>,<datasize2>...
15262 16 Invalid device size entered. Database devices must be at least 1 Meg. in size.
15263 16 Could not create the '%s' device. See the errorlog for details.
15264 16 Could not create the '%s' portion of the database.
15265 16 Could not update sysusages.segmap.
15266 16 Cannot make '%s' database removable.
15267 16 You must supply a physical device for logical data device '%s'.
15268 16 You must supply a size for logical data device '%s'.
15269 16 Logical data device '%s' not created.
15270 16 You may not specify a length for user types based on the 'sysname' type.
15271 16 Invalid @with_log value. Valid options are 'true' or 'false'.
15272 16 Procedure '%s' is not a valid startup procedure since startup procedures must be in the 'master' database.
15273 16 Cannot make '%s' a startup procedure since startup procedures must be in the 'master' database and the current database is '%s'.
15274 16 Procedure '%s' is not a valid startup procedure since startup procedures must be in the 'master' database and the current database is '%s'.
15275 16 Foreign Key constraints do not have space allocated.
16901 10 %s:This feature has not been implemented yet.
16902 10 %s: The parameter %s is invalid.
16903 10 %s procedure called with incorrect number of parameters.
16904 10 The cursor handle is invalid.
16905 10 The cursor is already open.
16906 10 The cursor is not declared.
16907 10 %s is not allowed in cursor statements.
16909 10 %s: The cursor identifier value provided (%d) is not valid.
16910 10 %s: The fetch type %s can only be used with keyset driven cursors.
16911 10 %s: The fetch type %s cannot be used with forward only cursors.
16912 10 %s: This fetch type requires a rownumber.
16914 10 %s procedure called with too many parameters.
16915 10 A cursor with the name '%s' already exists.
16916 10 A cursor with the name '%s' does not exist.
16917 10 Cursor is not open.
16919 10 Cannot open cursor--referenced object (NAME NOT RECOVERABLE) dropped already.
16920 10 Stored procedure defining the cursor does not have a select statement.
16921 10 Cursorfetch: Must declare variable '%s'.
16922 10 Cursorfetch: Variable type of '%s' does not match that of selected column in the cursor.
16923 10 Cursorfetch: Maximum length of '%s' is incompatible with that of selected column in the cursor.
16924 10 Cursorfetch: Number of variables declared in the INTO list must match that of selected columns.
16925 10 The fetch type %s cannot be used with dynamic cursors.
16926 10 sp_cursoroption: The column id (%d) does not correspond to a TEXT or IMAGE column.
16927 10 sp_cursoroption: The cursor already has a name.
16928 10 The column name '%s' specified in the FOR UPDATE list is invalid or ambiguous.
16929 10 Cursor is read only.
16930 10 Requested row is not in the fetch buffer.
16931 10 There are no rows in the current fetch buffer.
16932 10 Cursor has a 'FOR UPDATE' list and the requested column to be updated is not in this list.
16933 10 The cursor does not include the table being modified.
16934 10 Optimistic concurrency check failed, the row was modified outside of this cursor.
16935 10 No values parameters were specified for the sp_cursor-%s command.
16936 10 Cannot open cursor-referenced object '%s' (ID %d) during %s.
16937 10 Cannot open a cursor on a stored procedure that has anything other than a single select statement in it.
16938 10 sp_cursoropen: The statement parameter can only be a single select or a single stored procedure.
16939 10 Process has isolation level set to 0 (uncommitted reads), which can only support READ ONLY cursors.
16940 10 Table optimizer hint '%s' is not allowed with READ ONLY cursors.
16941 10 Cursor updates are not allowed on tables opened with NOLOCK option.
16942 10 Asyncronous keyset generation failed, the cursor has been deallocated.
16943 10 Cursor open failed because the size of the keyset row exceeded maximum allowed row size.
16944 10 The unique index used for the table needs to have smaller number of keys or keys with smaller sizes.
16945 10 Cursor open failed because the size of the table row is too large for optimistic checking based on values.
16946 10 Try using locking, readonly or timestamp based optimistic checking for concurrency control on the table.

(1880 row(s) affected)