
Determines whether the current command can return rows.


RETCODE dbcmdrow ( PDBPROCESS dbproc );


Is the DBPROCESS structure that is the handle for a particular workstation/ SQL Server process. It contains all the information that DB-Library uses to manage communications and data between the workstation and SQL Server.


SUCCEED to indicate that the statement can return rows.

FAIL to indicate that the statement can't return rows.


dbcmdrow determines whether the current command is a Transact-SQL SELECT statement or an EXECUTE statement on a stored procedure containing a SELECT statement. Call dbcmdrow after dbresults returns SUCCEED.

Even if dbcmdrow returns SUCCEED, the statement will not return any rows if none have qualified. To determine whether any rows are actually being returned, use dbrows.

Even if dbcmdrow returns FAIL, you must still process the results by calling dbnextrow until it returns NO_MORE_ROWS.

See Also

dbnextrow, dbresults, dbrows, dbrowtype