Supplies a user function to handle DB-Library errors for a specific DBPROCESS connection.
DBERRHANDLE_PROC dbprocerrhandle (
PDBHANDLE pdbhandle,
DBERRHANDLE_PROC error_handler );
If pdbhandle is a DBPROCESS structure, a pointer to the previously installed connection error handler is returned. This can be NULL.
If pdbhandle is a LOGINREC structure, a pointer to the newly installed connection error handler is returned, or NULL if this function fails.
This function is very similar to the dberrhandle function. While dberrhandle installs an error handler global to the entire DB-Library application, dbprocerrhandle installs an error handler for a specific DBPROCESS connection. You define the connection error handler function in exactly the same way as the application error handler function.
When a DB-Library error occurs using a connection that has a connection error handler (installed using dbprocerrhandle), only the connection error handler is called. The application error handler is not called. Because a connection error handler is associated with a connection and is not global to the entire DB-Library application, the connection error handler code does not need to protect against reentrancy by DB-Library.
Note that this function is not supported for MS-DOS.