
Closes the client cursor, transparent server cursor, or explicit server cursor, and releases the memory associated with a cursor handle or connection.


RETCODE dbcursorclose ( PDBHANDLE handle );


Is a DBPROCESS connection or DBCURSOR cursor handle. Cast handle to a PDBHANDLE value (for example, (PDBHANDLE)mydbproc or (PDBHANDLE)mycursor) to avoid compiler warnings. The following table shows the dbcursorclose operation for each type of handle:
handle Operation
PDBCURSOR Closes the specified cursor.
PDBPROCESS Closes all open cursors using the specified connection.


SUCCEED or FAIL. If handle is a DBPROCESS connection, and this function returns FAIL, call dbcursorclose again to continue closing all open cursors for the specified connection.


After issuing dbcursorclose, the cursor handle should not used.

See Also

dbcursor, dbcursorbind, dbcursorcolinfo, dbcursorfetch, dbcursorinfo, dbcursoropen; Bulk-Copy Functions