Returns the number of columns and the number of rows in the keyset for a client cursor, a transparent server cursor, or an explicit server cursor. The dbcursorinfoex function returns more detailed information.
RETCODE dbcursorinfo (
PDBCURSOR hcursor,
LPINT ncols,
LPDBINT nrows );
Client cursor:
For a keyset cursor, this number is always valid. For a dynamic cursor, this number is valid only if the current fetch buffer contains the last row in the cursor results set; otherwise, - 1 is returned.
Transparent server cursor, explicit server cursor:
For a dynamic cursor, - 1 is returned.
For a keyset cursor, this value can be the number of rows populated if asynchronous population of the cursor results set is incomplete, or the total number of rows in the cursor results set. You can call dbcursorinfoex to determine this.
Call dbcursorinfoex for more complete information about transparent server cursors and explicit server cursors.
dbcursor, dbcursorbind, dbcursorclose, dbcursorcolinfo, dbcursorfetch, dbcursorinfoex, dbcursoropen; Bulk-Copy Functions