
Returns the value of the text timestamp for a column in the current row.


LPCDBBINARY dbtxtimestamp (
column );


Is the DBPROCESS structure that is the handle for a particular workstation/ SQL Server process. It contains all the information that DB-Library uses to manage communications and data between the workstation and SQL Server.
Is the number of the column. The first column in a table is number 1. For further information, see "dbadata."


A DBBINARY pointer to the text timestamp for the column. This pointer can be NULL when the text or image value is null, or when there is no current row.

Important Do not modify this identifier in any way. Modifying the identifier can cause unpredictable results.


Every database column of type SQLTEXT or SQLIMAGE has an associated text timestamp, which marks the time of the column's last modification. Use the text timestamp with dbwritetext to ensure that one user doesn't inadvertently overwrite another's modifications to the same value in the database. The text timestamp is returned to the DBPROCESS when a Transact-SQL SELECT statement is performed on a SQLTEXT or SQLIMAGE column.

The length of a non-NULL text timestamp is always DBTXTSLEN (currently defined as eight bytes). Call dbtxtimestamp only after dbnextrow or dbgetrow has returned reg_row.

See Also

dbreadtext, dbtxptr, dbwritetext