
Converts a string of date and time values into a format more usable to the user.


SqlDateCrack% ( sqlconn%, dateinfo, datetime$ )


Is a SQL Server connection. The value of sqlconn% is returned by SqlOpen%.
Identifies a structure containing the components of the datetime$ string. The dateinfo structure contains the following fields:
Field Description
year% A number of a year in the range 1753 through 9999.
quarter% A number of a quarter of a year in the range 1 though 4.
month% A number of a month in the range 1 through 12.
dayofyear% A number of a day of a year in the range 1 through 366. Leap years are counted.
day% A number of a day of a month in the range 1 through 31.
week% A number of a week of a year in the range 1 through 54. Leap years are counted.
weekday% A number of the day of a week in the range 1 through 7 (Monday though Sunday).
hour% A number of an hour in the range 0 through 23.
minute% A number of a minute in the range 0 through 59.
second% A number of a second in the range 0 through 59.
millisecond% A number of a millisecond in the range 0 through 999.

Is a string containing the date and time.


SUCCEED (1) or FAIL (0).


SqlDateCrack% converts a SQL Server DATETIME string into its integer components and puts them into a dateinfo structure.

Date and time values are maintained in an internal format that is not readily usable. For example, a time value is stored as the number of 300ths of a second since midnight, and a date value is stored as the number of days since January 1, 1900. The SqlDateCrack% function converts the internal value to something easily usable by an application.


'Put the statement into the command buffer.
Result% = SqlCmd%(Sqlconn%, "SELECT name, crdate FROM master..sysdatabases")

'Send the statement to SQL Server and start execution.
Result% = SqlExec%(Sqlconn%)

'Process the statement results.
Result% = SqlResults%(Sqlconn%)

'Retrieve and print the database name and its date info.
DO UNTIL SqlNextRow%(Sqlconn%) = NOMOREROWS
   PRINT "Database Name is "
   PRINT SqlData$(Sqlconn%, 1)
   PRINT "Creation date string info is "
   PRINT SqlData$(Sqlconn%, 2)

   'Break up the creation date into its constituent parts.

   Datetime$ = SqlData$(Sqlconn%, 2)

   SqlDateCrack(Sqlconn%, Dateinfo(), Datetime$)

   'Print the parts of the creation date.
   PRINT "Year = "; Dateinfo.year
   PRINT "Month = "; Dateinfo.month
   PRINT "Day of month = "; Dateinfo.day
   PRINT "Day of year = "; Dateinfo.dayofyear
   PRINT "Day of week = "; Dateinfo.weekday
   PRINT "Hour = "; Dateinfo.hour
   PRINT "Minute = "; Dateinfo.minute
   PRINT "Second = "; Dateinfo.second
   PRINT "Millisecond = "; Dateinfo.millisecond


See Also
