Returns the number of rows affected by the current statement.
SqlCount& ( sqlconn% )
The number of rows affected by the current statement. Call SqlIsCount% to determine if this count is correct.
After the results of a Transact-SQL statement are processed, use SqlCount& to find out how many rows have been affected by the statement. For example, if a SELECT statement is sent to SQL Server and you read all the rows by calling SqlNextRow% until it returns nomorerows, you can call SqlCount& to find out how many rows have been retrieved. If the current Transact-SQL statement does not return rows (the DELETE statement, for example), call SqlCount& after SqlResults%.
If the current statement executes a stored procedure, for example an EXEC or a call to a remote stored procedure, SqlCount& reports the number of rows returned by the last SELECT statement executed by the stored procedure. Note that a stored procedure without a SELECT statement can execute a SELECT anyway simply by calling another stored procedure with a SELECT.
SqlIsCount%, SqlNextRow%, SqlResults%