
Allocate and initialize a SQL Server connection.


SqlOpen% ( loginrec%, server$ )


Is a login record. The value of loginrec% is returned by SqlLogin%.
Is the name of the SQL Server you want to connect to.


The identifier of a SQL Server connection. SqlOpen% returns 0 if a SQL Server connection cannot be created or initialized, or if your login to SQL Server fails. When 0 is returned, the DB-Library error handler is called to indicate the error.

Important Do not modify the identifier returned by SqlOpen% in any way. Modifying the SqlOpen% identifier can cause unpredictable results.


To communicate with SQL Server, DB-Library for Visual Basic requires a SQL Server connection. SqlOpen% allocates the data structure associated with the connection, sets up communication with the network, logs in to SQL Server, and initializes any default options. SqlOpen% returns an identifier that is subsequently used by almost every DB-Library for Visual Basic procedure. A program can open multiple connections with SQL Server. The same login record can be used for multiple calls to SqlOpen%.

SqlOpen% returns 0 when it encounters any of the errors in the following table:

Error Description
SQLECONN Server is unavailable or does not exist.
SQLEPWD Login is incorrect.
SQLESQLPS Maximum number of SQL Server connections already allocated.


'Get a login record and set login attributes.
Login% = SqlLogin%()
Result% = SqlSetLUser%(Login%, "loginid")
Result% = SqlSetLPwd%(Login%, "passwd")
Result% = SqlSetLApp%(Login%, "myapp")

'Get a connection for communicating with SQL Server.

Sqlconn% = SqlOpen%(Login%, "server")

See Also

SqlClose, SqlExit, SqlLogin%, SqlSetLoginTime%; Messages