
Sets the current row in the row buffer to a specific row number and reads it.


SqlGetRow% ( sqlconn%, row& )


Is a SQL Server connection. The value of sqlconn% is returned by SqlOpen%.
Is the number of the row to read. The first row returned is number 1.


One of four types of values depending on certain conditions:


SqlGetRow% works only if the SQLBUFFER option is set using SqlSetOpt%. When buffering is turned off, each row is processed by repeatedly calling SqlNextRow% until it returns NOMOREROWS. When buffering is turned on, you can use SqlGetRow% to jump to any row that has already been read and is still in the row buffer. After you call SqlGetRow% to read a row, you can call SqlNextRow% to return rows in order following the row read by SqlGetRow%.

See Also

SqlClrBuf, SqlNextRow%, SqlSetOpt%; DB-Library for Visual Basic Options