
Sets the DB-Library client behavior to version 4.2 or version 6.0 behavior in a login record.


SqlSetLVersion% ( loginrec%, version% )


A login record, which is passed as a parameter to SqlOpen%. The value of loginrec% is returned by SqlLogin%.
The DB-Library client behavior to use. Must be either SQLVER60% to set DB-Library 6.0 behavior or SQLVER42% to set DB-Library 4.2 behavior.


succeed (1) or fail (0).


If this function is not called, the default is DB-Library version 4.2 behavior.

Using the SQLVER60% value means that SQL Server will treat that connection as a DB-Library 6.0 client in every way. SQL Server will:

Using the SQLVER42% value (or not calling SqlSetLVersion% for the login record) means that SQL Server will treat that connection as a DB-Library 4.2x client. SQL Server will:

Note that using SQLVER60% is not required to use SQL Server 6.0 server cursors.

See Also

SqlLogin%, SqlOpen%, SqlSetLApp%, SqlSetLHost%, SqlSetLPwd%