
Returns the value of the data in a specified row and column of the current fetch buffer for a client cursor, a transparent server cursor, or an explicit server cursor.


SqlCursorData$ ( cursorhandle%, rownum%, column% )


Is the cursor handle created by SqlCursorOpen%.
Is the number of the row in the current fetch buffer to retrieve data from. The first row is number 1.
Is the number of the column in the current fetch buffer to retrieve data from. The first column is number 1.


The value of the data in the specified row and column. When the column is NULL or the rownum% or column% is out of range, an empty string is returned.


To convert the data from a string to a different datatype, use SqlColInfo% to get the datatype of the data, and then use Visual Basic functions to convert to Visual Basic datatypes. Some helpful Visual Basic conversion functions are shown in the following table. For more information, see your documentation for Visual Basic.

Visual Basic

CDBL Converts a numeric expression to a double-precision value.
CLNG Converts a numeric expression to a long integer.
VAL Converts a string representation of a value to a numeric expression.

See Also

SqlColType%, SqlCursor%, SqlCursorClose, SqlCursorColInfo%, SqlCursorFetch%, SqlCursorInfo%, SqlCursorOpen%