
Initializes a stored procedure or a remote stored procedure.


SqlRpcInit% ( sqlconn%, rpcname$, options% )


Is a SQL Server connection. The value of sqlconn% is returned by SqlOpen%.
Is the name of the stored procedure to be invoked.
Is a 2-byte bitmask of options for stored procedures. Specify 0 to indicate no options. The following options are available:
option Description
SQLRPCRECOMPILE Recompiles a stored procedure before it is executed.
SQLRPCRESET Cancels a single stored procedure or a batch of stored procedures. If rpcname$ is specified, that new stored procedure is initialized after the cancel is complete.




An application can execute a single stored procedure, or it can execute a batch containing multiple stored procedures. To execute a single stored procedure, you can use DB-Library functions (such as SqlRpcInit%) or the Transact-SQL EXECUTE statement. To retrieve the status number and parameter values returned by each stored procedure in a batch, you must use DB-Library functions.

    To execute a single stored procedure or a batch of stored procedures using DB-Library functions:
  1. Call SqlRpcInit% once to initialize a new stored procedure.
  2. Call SqlRpcParam% for each parameter of the stored procedure that does not have a default value.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each stored procedure in the batch.
  4. Call SqlRpcSend% or SqlRpcExec% to send the entire stored procedure batch to SQL Server.
  5. Call SqlOk% to wait for SQL Server to start returning results.
  6. Call SqlResults% to process the results from each stored procedure.

    If SqlResults% returns SUCCEED, call SqlNextRow% until it returns NOMOREROWS to process the normal results from the stored procedure.

    If SqlResults% returns NOMORERPCRESULTS, and you want to retrieve status number and return parameter information returned by the stored procedure, follow the steps given below.

  7. Repeat step 6 until SqlResults% returns NOMORERESULTS.
  8. If you want to retrieve status number and return parameter information returned by the last stored procedure in the batch, follow the steps given below.

After SqlResults% returns NOMORERPCRESULTS (for all stored procedures in a batch except the last one) or NOMORERESULTS (for a single stored procedure, or for the last stored procedure in a batch), you can retrieve status number and return parameter information for a stored procedure.

    To retrieve status number and return parameter information returned by a stored procedure using DB-Library functions:

Executing stored procedures with DB-Library functions has some advantages over using an EXECUTE statement:

Stored procedures executed on the local SQL Server (using the sqlconn% connection) participate in transactions normally and can be rolled back. Remote stored procedures executed on a remote SQL Server cannot be rolled back.

See Also

SqlNextRow%, SqlResults%, SqlRetData$, SqlRetStatus&, SqlRpcParam%, SqlRpcSend%, SqlOk%