Puts the new value of the timestamp column into a specified table's current row in the row buffer.
SqlTsPut% ( sqlconn%, newts$, newtslen%, tabnum%, tabname$ )
SUCCEED (1) or FAIL (0). The following conditions cause SqlTsPut% to return FAIL:
SqlTsPut% is a DB-Library for Visual Basic browse-mode function. For a detailed discussion of browse mode, see DB-Library for Visual Basic Programming.
SqlTsPut% manipulates the timestamp column. When used in an UPDATE statement, the WHERE clause returned by SqlQual$ places a new value in the updated row's timestamp column and returns the new timestamp value to the application (if the update is successful). If the same row is updated a second time, the UPDATE statement's WHERE clause must use the latest timestamp value. SqlTsPut% updates the timestamp in the row currently being browsed. Then, if the application has to update the row a second time, it calls SqlQual$ to formulate a new WHERE clause that uses the new timestamp. With SqlTsNewVal$, the application saves a new timestamp value, possibly for use with SqlTsPut%. Call SqlTsPut% only after SqlNextRow% or SqlGetRow% has returned regrow.
SqlColBrowse%, SqlColSource$, SqlQual$, SqlTabBrowse%, SqlTabCount%, SqlTabName$, SqlTabSource$, SqlTsNewLen%, SqlTsNewVal$