
Indicates whether a specified table can be updated with the DB-Library for Visual Basic browse-mode procedures.


SqlTabBrowse% ( sqlconn%, tabnum% )


sqlconn% ( )
Is a SQL Server connection. The value of sqlconn% is returned by SqlOpen%.
Is the number of the table as specified in the SELECT statement's FROM clause. Table numbers start at 1.


SUCCEED (1) or FAIL (0). If you drop a table's unique index while browsing, SqlTabBrowse% continues to return SUCCEED.


SqlTabBrowse% is a DB-Library for Visual Basic browse-mode function. For a detailed discussion of browse mode, see DB-Library for Visual Basic Programming.

SqlTabBrowse% provides a way to identify browsable tables. A browsable table has a unique index and a timestamp column. SqlColBrowse% is useful when examining ad hoc queries prior to performing browse-mode updates based on them. When a query is hard-coded into the application, SqlTabBrowse% is unnecessary.

You can call SqlTabBrowse% any time after you call SqlResults%.

See Also

SqlColBrowse%, SqlColSource$, SqlQual$, SqlTabCount%, SqlTabName$, SqlTabSource$, SqlTsNewLen%, SqlTsNewVal$, SqlTsPut%