Returns the length of the new value of a timestamp column after a browse-mode update.
SqlTsNewLen% ( sqlconn% )
The length, in bytes, of the updated row's new timestamp value. SqlTsNewLen% returns -1 if no timestamp is returned to the application because the update was unsuccessful or because the UPDATE statement did not contain a WHERE clause returned by SqlQual$.
SqlTsNewLen% is a DB-Library for Visual Basic browse-mode function. For a detailed discussion of browse mode, See DB-Library for Visual Basic Programming.
SqlTsNewLen% provides information about the timestamp column. The WHERE clause returned by SqlQual$ contains references to the row's unique index and timestamp column. When you use such a WHERE clause in an UPDATE statement, a new value is placed in the updated row's timestamp column and a new timestamp value is returned to the application (if the update is successful). With SqlTsNewLen%, the application saves the length of the new timestamp value, possibly for use with SqlTsPut%.
SqlColBrowse%, SqlColSource$, SqlQual$, SqlTabBrowse%, SqlTabCount%, SqlTabName$, SqlTabSource$, SqlTsNewVal$, SqlTsPut%