ANSI to OEM Replication

In SQL Server 6.5, replication between two SQL Servers with different code pages is supported. In version 6.0, replication can occur only between servers that have the same code page.

All data that is sent to ODBC subscribers from SQL Server will be in the ANSI code page (ISO 8859-1). An ODBC subscriber must translate the data to its native code page.

    To define a translation
  1. From Control Panel, choose the ODBC administration application.

    The System Data Sources dialog box appears.

  2. Select the data source.
  3. Choose Setup.

    The ODBC SQL Server Setup dialog box appears.

  4. Choose Options, and in the lower half of the dialog box that appears, choose Select.

    The Select Translator dialog box appears.

  5. Specify the translation and choose OK.