The following changes should be made to the Microsoft SQL Server Administrator's Companion for Microsoft SQL Server 6.0.
Also, in books online, the introduction to Part 6, "Replication," should reference Chapter 13, "Replication Concepts," Chapter 14, "Setting Up Replication," and Chapter 15, "Advanced Replication."
net config server /hidden: yes
In the table in the Statement column, "REFERENCE" should be "REFERENCES" and the associated object in the Object column should be "Table, columns." "DUMP TABLE" should be added to the Statement column, along with its associated object "Table."
Also, SELECT permission does not include REFERENCES permission.
If the character sets in use are not the same type (for example, 850 and 437), replicating extended characters between ANSI and OEM character sets is not possible unless you are using scheduled table refresh. When replicating extended characters using same-type character sets, both scheduled table refresh and log-based replication will work correctly.
sp_addpublisher 'WOLFHOUND', 'dist' go
Each server that participates in event forwarding must have a non-null @@servername value. Without this value, the forwarding process may not work correctly under all situations and cyclical forwarding may go undetected. The @@servername value can be set by executing the command 'sp_addserver <servername>, local' and then restarting SQL Server. For more information about using sp_addserver, see the Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL Reference.
You can set up the SQL Server service (MSSQLServer) to run under a Windows NT user account. With appropriate permissions, SQL Server can run SQL Mail and access a NetWare Post Office.
However, the server's LocalSystem account has no user account information that can be used when accessing remote resources. If the SQL Server service (MSSQLServer) is configured to run under the server's LocalSystem account, it cannot directly access certain server software, including NovellŽ NetWareŽ.
When SQL Server is running under LocalSystem, it is possible to set up SQL Mail to work when the post office is on a Novell NetWare file server by going through the Gateway Services for NetWare, which is provided with Windows NT version 3.5 or later.
The following steps describe how to set up SQL Mail running under LocalSystem to work with a NetWare post office:
You can use certain basic troubleshooting techniques to diagnose and resolve most SQL Mail problems. Typically, errors in starting a mail session or in sending mail fall into two categories:
If you encounter SQL Mail problems, perform the following steps in the order they are presented:
Note If you are running the Windows NT Mail client application on the same machine as SQL Server, you must run the MSSQLServer service in the LocalSystem account.
Important A service that is running under the system account has no user account information associated with it. This will prevent certain network server software from allowing the Windows NT service to access resources. Microsoft LAN Manager user-level security servers and NovellŽ NetWareŽ servers will not allow a Windows NT service that is running under the system account to access their file shares.
In SQL Server 4.2x, the SQLServer service must be assigned the server's LocalSystem account. You can determine the assigned account by opening the Services application in Control Panel, selecting the SQLServer service, and choosing the Startup button.
This option creates the Registry key:
This Registry key is used by SQL Mail. If this Registry key is not set up properly, confirm that it is possible to start a mail session by using the account with which you are currently logged into Windows NT. If so, rerun SQL Server setup with the option Copy SQL Mail Configuration from Current User Account selected.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet \Services\LanmanServer\Parameters\NullSessionShares
For example, if the post office is running on a computer with the name "NTServer" and the post office directory is shared as "WGPO," the value "WGPO" must be added to the NullSessionShares value.
Because the NullSessionShares value is of the type REG_MULTI_SZ, each share name must be on a separate line from other share names.
For this Registry change to take effect, the post office computer must be re-booted.
Additionally, if the post office is located on an NTFS partition, Everyone must be granted the same rights as the share permissions on the post office directory, including all subdirectories and all existing files in the post office directory.
To test SQL Server access permissions on the post office share, execute the xp_cmdshell extended stored procedure, which runs with the same permissions as SQL Mail.
You can use the following commands to test read and write access to the server, assuming the post office is located on a computer named "NTServer" and the post office directory is shared as "WGPO":
xp_cmdshell 'dir \\NTServer\WGPO' xp_cmdshell 'echo 'hello' > \\NTServer\WGPO\test.txt'
If either of the above commands fails, step 5, 6, or 7 has not been completed correctly.
Note An access violation can result from an attempt to execute xp_sendmail when the post office and address book are on a file share that the MSSQLServer service cannot access.
sp_movedevice device_name,new_path
The stored procedure for moving a device should be replaced with the following:
/****************************************************************/ PRINT ' ' PRINT 'Creating Stored Procedure: dbo.sp_movedevice' PRINT 'Use this prior to moving the device or DB will be suspect' /***************************************************************/ go EXEC sp_configure 'allow updates', 1 RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE go IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'sp_movedevice' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE sp_movedevice go CREATE PROCEDURE sp_movedevice @devname varchar(30), @newpath varchar (127) AS BEGIN BEGIN TRAN UPDATE sysdevices set phyname = @newpath WHERE name = @devname IF @rowcount <> 1 BEGIN PRINT '**********************ERROR**********************' PRINT 'Moved failed - more or less than one row affected' PRINT '**********************ERROR**********************' ROLLBACK TRAN END ELSE BEGIN PRINT 'Device moved successfully' PRINT 'Change will take effect next time you start SQL Server' COMMIT TRAN END END go sp_configure 'allow updates',0 RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE go