Scheduling SQL Server Web Assistant Queries

You can use the SQL Server Web Assistant to execute queries on a one-time basis or as a regularly scheduled SQL Server task.

The Scheduling screen offers these options.

Scheduling option Description Arguments
Now An immediate, one-time execution None
Later A scheduled, one-time execution Date, time
When Data Changes An automatic, triggered execution, displays Alter Trigger dialog box Table(s), column(s) from expandable list
On Certain Days of the Week A scheduled execution Days, time
On a Regular Basis A scheduled execution Every n hours, days, or weeks

    To use the SQL Server Web Assistant scheduling option
  1. From the Scheduling screen, select a scheduling option. Depending on your selection, you might be asked for more information, as shown in the previous table. Define arguments as necessary to complete your scheduling selection.
  2. To continue, choose the Next button. To exit, choose the Cancel button.