Remote Server Registration Storage Configuration

SQL Enterprise Manager now stores the server registration information in the Windows NT Registry, providing more alternatives to the location and security for the information.

Server registration information can be accessed in several ways:

Accessing the server registration information stored on a remote central computer allows a group of individuals to access the same view of information from different client computers. This configuration makes client access to the central store read-only. Changes to the central store can only be made locally on the central computer running SQL Enterprise Manager configured to save registration information locally without the Store User Independent option enabled.

    To set up a central store for server registration information

When server registration information is stored locally on the client machine, there are times when you want to tailor the display of servers and groups on your machine and prevent others from having access to your configuration. Alternately, the information can be stored so that different users who log on to the workstation have the same registration information.

    To prevent others access to your SQL Enterprise Manager display of servers and groups
  1. In SQL Enterprise Manager, from the Tools menu choose Preferences/Configure.

    The Configure SQL Enterprise Manager dialog box appears.

  2. Choose the Application tab.
  3. Choose the Store Locally option and select the Store User Independent check box.
  4. Choose OK.
    To store server registration information so that multiple users on a workstation share the same information
  1. In SQL Enterprise Manager, from the Tools menu choose Preferences/Configure.

    The Configure SQL Enterprise Manager dialog box appears.

  2. Choose the Application tab.
  3. Choose the Store Locally option and clear the Store User

    Independent check box if selected.

  4. Choose OK.