Returns the data, converted to an array of bytes, in a column of a row in the current result set.
abytColumnData = QueryResults.GetColumnBinary (
[Row :=] lRow,
[Column :=] lColumn )
HRESULT pQueryResults->GetColumnBinary (
long lRow,
long lColumn,
LPVOID* ppvColumnData );
Element | Type | Description |
abytColumnData | Array of Bytes | Returned column data; this array will have ColumnMaxLength elements |
lRow | Long | Row number of the current results set |
lColumn | Long | Column number of the specified row |
Use the QueryResults.ColumnMaxLength property to determine the number of elements in the returned array. In Microsoft Visual Basic, the returned column data is a dynamic array of Byte variables and should be converted using the Array function before use. In C++, the returned column data is an array of void (byte) variables that are allocated with the COM function CoTaskMemAlloc. The C++ application must free this memory by using the COM function CoTaskMemFree.