Property | Description |
Application Application Write: No |
The Application object. |
ColumnDelimiter String Write: Yes |
The character(s) that are used to separate columns in the data file. Set this property only if the DataFileType property has been set to SQLOLEDataFile_SpecialDelimtedChar. |
DataFilePath String Write: Yes |
The full path and filename of the data file. It is a destination file if it is passed to the Table.ExportData or View.ExportData method. It is a source file if it is passed to the Table.ImportData method. |
DataFileType SQLOLE_DATAFILE_TYPE Write: Yes |
The type of the data file. |
ErrorFilePath String Write: Yes |
The full path and filename of the error file. This file will contain any bulk copy errors that occur. |
FirstRow Long Write: Yes |
The first row to copy. It is the first row of the Table or View if it is passed to the Table.ExportData or View.ExportData method. It is the first row of the data file if it is passed to the Table.ImportData method. |
FormatFilePath String Write: Yes |
The full path and filename of the bulk copy format file, which is used to describe the format of the data file. Set this property only if the DataFileType property has been set to SQLOLEDataFile_UseFormatFile. |
ImportRowsPerBatch Long Write: Yes |
The number of rows copied during each committed batch. |
IncludeIdentityValues Boolean Write: Yes |
Determines if values can be inserted into the identity column of a Table. If True, the IDENTITY_INSERT option is turned on before a Table.ImportData bulk copy is started. If False, values cannot be inserted into the identity column of a Table. |
LastRow Long Write: Yes |
The last row of the Table or View to copy. It is the last row of the Table or View if it is passed to the Table.ExportData or View.ExportData method. It is the last row of the data file if it is passed to the Table.ImportData method. |
LogFilePath String Write: Yes |
The full path and filename of the log file. This file will contain bulk copy statistics and any non-bulk copy messages from SQL Server that are received. |
MaximumErrorsBeforeAbort Long Write: Yes |
The maximum number of bulk copy errors that can occur without stopping the bulk copy. If more errors occur, the bulk copy will be stopped. |
Parent Application Write: No |
The Application object. |
RowDelimiter String Write: Yes |
The character(s) that are used to separate rows in the data file. Set this property only if the DataFileType property has been set to SQLOLEDataFile_SpecialDelimtedChar. |
SuspendIndexing Boolean Write: Yes |
Determines if existing indexes (not including those that enforce primary key or unique constraints) are suspended during the Table.ImportData bulk copy. If True, these indexes are dropped before the bulk copy is started and recreated after the bulk copy is completed. If False, no changes are made to indexing. |
TruncateLog Boolean Write: Yes |
Determines if the transaction log is truncated. If True, the transaction log is truncated before a Table.ImportData bulk copy is started. If False, the transaction log is not truncated. |
The type of object. |
UseBulkCopyOption Boolean Write: Yes |
Determines if the SELECT INTO/BULKCOPY option is turned on. If True, and if the SELECT INTO/BULKCOPY option is turned off, the option is turned on before a Table.ImportData bulk copy is started, and it is turned off after the bulk copy is complete. If False, no adjustments to the SELECT INTO/BULKCOPY option are made. |
UserData Long Write: Yes |
Temporary storage space contained in this object for private use by the application. SQL-DMO does not use this property. |