Provides ANSI-compliant syntax for column-level grants and the ability to confer grant permissions to others.
For additional syntax information for the GRANT statement, see the Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL Reference.
To grant permission to access database objects:
GRANT {ALL [PRIVILEGES][column_list] | permission_list [column_list]}
ON {table_name [(column_list)]
| view_name [(column_list)]
| stored_procedure_name}
TO {PUBLIC | name_list }
To grant permission to execute specific SQL statements in the current database:
GRANT {ALL | statement_list}
TO { PUBLIC | name_list}
When permissions are granted on a table or view, the permission list can include: SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, and/or UPDATE. Permissions on a table can also include REFERENCES. To grant REFERENCES permission, you must specify REFERENCES because it is not automatically included in the SELECT permission.
When permissions are granted on stored procedures, the permission list can include only EXECUTE.
Note Users can neither grant the WITH GRANT OPTION permission to a group nor use it with statement permissions.
You can confer, along with a permission, the ability to confer that permission to another user. For example, suppose the owner of an object grants Bob INSERT permission and trusts Bob to determine who else in his work group should get INSERT permission. By using WITH GRANT OPTION, the owner of the object gives Bob permission to grant INSERT permission to others.
Granting a permission to a user who has already received the WITH GRANT OPTION permission through a group or public grant will be recorded in the sysprotects table. If the permission is revoked for the group, the user will still retain the permission.
Important The WITH GRANT OPTION should be managed carefully. Security can be compromised when the option is used improperly.
Users may need SELECT permission in addition to UPDATE permission to update a column or view. SELECT permissions are required only when there are column names after SET or WHERE in the UPDATE statement.
For more information about the GRANT statement, see the Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL Reference.
For more information about the sysprotects table, see sysprotects System Table.
This example grants SELECT permissions on population_table and UPDATE permissions on the census_org column of the population_table to the admin_group.
Users in the admin_group can view the entire population_table and can change the values in the census_org column.
GRANT SELECT, UPDATE(census_org) ON population_table TO admin_group
In this example, the object owner grants UPDATE permission to user zachary on the city_statistics table.
User zachary then gives SELECT permission to user matthew. Note that because user matthew does not have the WITH GRANT OPTION, he cannot confer this permission to anyone else.
GRANT SELECT ON city_statistics TO zachary WITH GRANT OPTION GRANT ALL ON city_statistics TO matthew