sp_runwebtask (version 6.5)

Executes a previously defined web task and generates the HTML document. The task to run is identified by the output filename, by the procedure name, or by both parameters.


sp_runwebtask {@procname = procname | @outputfile = outputfile |
@procname = procname, @outputfile = outputfile}


Specifies the name of the web task to run. The outputfile variable is of varchar datatype and has a maximum of 255 characters.
Specifies the name of the web task procedure to run. The named procedure defines the query for the web task. The procname variable is of varchar datatype and has a maximum of 28 characters.


This stored procedure must be executed in the same database specified in the @dbname parameter of sp_makewebtask.

Output produced by sp_runwebtask is the actual HTML source. You can view the source document with most word processing software.

Important The sp_dropwebtask, sp_makewebtask, and sp_runwebtask stored procedures can be run only on Microsoft SQL Server version 6.5 databases. Running these procedures on a database of an earlier version will return errors.


This example runs a web task by using the @outputfile of C:\WEB\MYFILE.HTML and an @procname of MYHTML.

sp_runwebtask @procname = MYHTML, @outputfile = 'C:\WEB\MYFILE.HTML' 


The user must have SELECT permissions to run the specified query.