sp_datatype_info (version 6.5)

Returns information about the datatypes supported by the current environment.

For additional syntax information for sp_datatype_info, see the Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL Reference.

The following columns have been inserted after the MAXIMUM_SCALE column and before the USERTYPE column.

Column Datatype Description
SQL_DATA_TYPE smallint The value of the SQL datatype as it appears in the TYPE field of the descriptor. This column is the same as the DATA_TYPE column, except for the datetime and ANSI interval datatypes. NOT NULL.
SQL_DATETIME_SUB smallint The datetime or ANSI interval subcode if the value of SQL_DATA_TYPE is SQL_DATETIME or SQL_INTERVAL. For datatypes other than datetime and ANSI interval, this field is NULL.
NUM_PREC_RADIX int The number of bits or digits for calculating the maximum number that the column can hold. If the datatype is an approximate numeric type, then this column contains the value 2 to indicate that COLUMN_SIZE specifies a number of bits. For exact numeric types, this column contains the value 10 to indicate that the COLUMN_SIZE specifies a number of decimal digits. Otherwise, this column is NULL. By combining the precision with radix, the application can calculate the maximum number that the column can hold.
INTERVAL_PRECISION smallint The value of interval leading precision if interval datatype; otherwise NULL.

In addition, the return value for the PRECISION column is in base 10.