Enrolls a primary server's database into the staging tables of a fallback server, which prepares the server for future fallback support activation.
sp_fallback_enroll_svr_db {PrimarySvrName, DBName}
This procedure should be run locally on the fallback server. The primary server must already be locally defined on the fallback server.
When a server enrolls its own active database and uses itself as the fallback server, the enrolled database is immediately recorded as being actively supported in the spt_fallback tables. In this case, the primary server acts as its own fallback support server. This enrollment strategy can be useful for activating or deactivating a database on the primary server.
For more information about fallback support, see Fallback Support in "What's New for Administrators," earlier in this document.
Only the system administrator can execute this procedure on the local primary server.
sp_addremotelogin | |
sp_addserver | |
sp_change_users_login | sp_helplogins |
sp_serveroption | |