Application Development

About the Example Programs

Application Development Using Transact-SQL

Application Development Using C or C++

Advanced MS DTC Programming Techniques in C and C++

Applications that update distributed data are vulnerable to a wide variety of failures, including failure of the client application, the database servers, or the network connections between the client application and the database servers. The application must be able to detect and recover from these failures. Including distributed transactions in your application makes recovery easy.

The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) is a robust, high performance, scalable, and easy-to-use distributed transaction manager for Microsoft Windows NT and Microsoft Windows 95 operating systems. Application programmers can use MS DTC to simplify the development of applications that:

Applications written in Visual Basic cannot initiate and control MS DTC transactions directly. Visual Basic applications can use MS DTC transactions by calling Transact-SQL stored procedures that initiate and control MS DTC transactions.

This chapter describes how to develop applications that use MS DTC transactions to change SQL data contained in two or more SQL Servers. It first introduces the example program that is used throughout the chapter. It next describes how to develop MS DTC applications in SQL Server's Transact-SQL programming language. Finally, it describes how to develop MS DTC applications in C or C++.