MS DTC Programmer's Reference
This chapter describes the OLE Transaction interfaces for developing MS DTC applications with C or C++.
This chapter first describes the DtcGetTransactionManager function. It then describes the following interfaces:
Applications that are written in C and C++ will also make use of functions and interfaces not described here. For information about other functions and interfaces, see the following sources:
Applications that use ODBC must use the SQL_COPT_SS_ENLIST_IN_DTC driver-specific connection option of the SQLSetConnectionOption statement. This connection option is described in Programming ODBC for Microsoft SQL Server.
Applications that use DB-Library must use the dbenlisttrans or dbenlistxatrans function. These functions are described in Part 7, "What's New for DB-Library for C," in What's New in SQL Server 6.5.
Applications that use ITransactionOutcomeEvents must use the connection point mechanism. For information about connection points, see the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Development Library.
Applications can call stored procedures that are written in Transact-SQL and that use MS DTC transactions. For information about the Transact-SQL BEGIN DISTRIBUTED TRANSACTION statement, see Part 4, "What's New for Transact-SQL," in What's New in SQL Server 6.5.