The driver takes advantage of the following new features in SQL Server:
The driver uses the SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL statement to
Expose the READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level
Enforce strict serializability
In earlier versions, the driver "manually" inserted a HOLDLOCK in the FROM clause of SELECT statements when the user had requested the serializable option.
The driver uses the SET FMTONLY statement to implement the SQLDescribeCol and SQLColAttributes APIs. Previously, these APIs were implemented by issuing a "dummy" query that did not return results.
The driver enforces the use of ANSI Quoted Identifiers and issues the SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON statement during the startup sequence.
The driver exposes SQL Server's IEF using the SQLPrimaryKeys and SQLForeignKeys APIs.
The driver uses the SET ANSI_NULL_DFLT_ON statement to enforce ANSI compliant default nullability for columns. In earlier versions, the driver "manually" inserted the NULL keyword after column specifications.
The driver allows text and image parameters in stored procedures. Invocation of these stored procedures is handled as an RPC request, as opposed to a language event as in previous versions.
The driver automatically uses the default packet size set at the server if one is not specified using the ODBC SQLSetConnectOption.