Column and Row Processing

Function Description
srv_describe Defines a row's column name, number, and its source and destination data. Use this function to define all columns in a row before sending the row to the client requesting the data.
srv_sendrow Transmits a row of data to the client connection. Use this function to send each row of data to the client.
srv_setcoldata Specifies the current address for a column's data. Use this function after srv_describe if the address of the column data changes before a complete results set has been sent to the client.
srv_setcollen Specifies the current length of a column's data. Use this function after srv_describe if the length of the column data changes before a complete results set has been sent to the client.
srv_setutype Sets the user-defined datatype for a column in a row. Use this function if a user-defined datatype is to be sent to the client along with the actual datatype, or for encoding additional column information for ODBC and DB-Library clients.